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Harry St. J.B. Philby Archives
Harry St. J.B. Philby •ï¿½14 Items / 10 Books, 4 Articles
Arabia of the Wahhabis (1929)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (6 Reviews)
    The Near East
    1. Across the World of Islam by Samuel M. Zwemer
    2. Westward to Mecca by Ikbal Ali Shah
    3. The Constitutional Law of 'iraq by C.A. Hooper
    4. The Mandate for Palestine by J. Stoyanovsky
    5. Arabia of the Wahhabis by Harry St. J.B. Philby
    6. The Transit of Egypt by Percival G. Elgood
    Foreign Affairs, April 1929, p. 511