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Robert Payne Archives
Robert Payne •ï¿½138 Items / 54 Books, 4 Articles, 80 Reviews
The Marshall Story (1951)
A Biography of General George C. Marshall
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Quiet General (Review)
    The Marshall Story, by Robert Payne
    1. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    Commonweal, February 8, 1952, pp. 450-451
  2. [+]
    Soldier or Statesman (Review)
    The Marshall Story, by Robert Payne
    1. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    The New Republic, May 5, 1952, p. 22
  3. [+]
    Portrait of a Modest General (Review)
    The Marshall Story, by Robert Payne
    1. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    The Saturday Review, March 8, 1952, p. 19
  4. [+]
    Books in Brief (3 Reviews)
    The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation, by Raymond B. Fosdick
    1. The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation by Raymond B. Fosdick
    2. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    3. The Great Rascal by Jay Monaghan
    The Nation, February 2, 1952, p. 114
  5. Views & Reviews
    Generals in Politics (5 Reviews)
    A Soldier's Story, by Omar N. Bradley
    1. A Soldier's Story by Omar N. Bradley
    2. Eisenhower: The Man and the Symbol by John Gunther
    3. Douglas MacArthur by Clark Lee and Richard Henschel
    4. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    5. Melville Goodwin, USA by John P. Marquand
    The Reporter, April 1, 1952, pp. 33-35
  6. [+]
    Briefly Noted (6 Reviews)
    1. Hitler's Strategy by F.H. Hinsley
    2. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    3. A Voyage to Windward by J.C. Furnas
    4. The Best of Defoe's "Review" by William L. Payne and Daniel Defoe
    5. The Peron Era by Robert J. Alexander
    6. Fifty Years of Popular Mechanics, 1902-1952 by Edward L. Throm
    The New Yorker, January 19, 1952, pp. 77-79
  7. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (30 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. The Future of American Politics by Samuel Lubell
    2. The Foreign Policy of the United States by Felix Morley
    3. Master Plan U.S.A. by John Fischer
    4. Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy: 1951-1952
    5. Mr. President by William Hillman
    6. The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, 1920-1933 by Herbert Hoover
    7. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg by Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr. and Joe Alex Morris, ...
    8. Charles Evans Hughes by Merlo J. Pusey
    9. The Marshall Story by Robert Payne
    10. America's Retreat from Victory by Joseph R. McCarthy
    11. The MacArthur I Know by George C. Kenney
    12. What Eisenhower Thinks by Allan Taylor and Dwight D. Eisenhower
    13. The Fear of Freedom by Francis Biddle
    14. Civil Liberties Under Attack by Clair Wilcox
    15. American Democracy and Military Power by Louis Smith
    16. The Court and the Constitution by Owen J. Roberts
    17. The Lobbyists by Karl Schriftgiesser
    18. America and the Mind of Europe by Raymond Aron
    19. The Struggle for Survival by Eliot Janeway
    20. Manpower Resources and Utilization by Abram J. Jaffe and Charles David Stewart
    21. Survey of United States International Finance 1950 by Gardner Patterson and Jack N. Behrman
    22. American Imperialism by Victor Perlo
    23. Catholicism and American Freedom by James M. O'Neill
    24. This American People by Gerald W. Johnson
    25. Public and Republic by Alfred de Grazia
    26. Twentieth-Century Populism by Theodore Saloutos and John D. Hicks
    27. The Ellen Knauff Story by Ellen R. Knauff
    28. I Led Three Lives by Herbert A. Philbrick
    29. Out of Bondage by Elizabeth Bentley
    30. Documents on American Foreign Relations by Raymond Dennett and Robert K. Turner
    Foreign Affairs, July 1952, pp. 673-675