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Ivan P. Pavlov Archives
Ivan P. Pavlov •ï¿½4 Books
Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes (1928)
Twenty-Five Years of Objective Study of the Higher Nervous Activity
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Conditioned Reflexes (Review)
    Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes, by Ivan P. Pavlov
    1. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan P. Pavlov
    The New Republic, March 20, 1929, p. 145
  2. [+]
    Notes on New Books (2 Reviews)
    Science, Psychology and Medicine
    1. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan P. Pavlov
    2. Consecratio Medici, and Other Papers by Harvey Cushing
    The Bookman, January 1929
  3. [+]
    Check List of New Books (3 Reviews)
    The Sciences
    1. The Inferiority Feeling by William S. Walsh
    2. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan P. Pavlov
    3. Leibniz by Herbert Wildon Carr
    The American Mercury, March 1929
  4. [+]
    Brief Review (3 Reviews)
    Salka Valka, by Halldor Laxness
    1. Salka Valka by Halldor Laxness
    2. Coolie by Madelon H. Lulofs
    3. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan P. Pavlov
    The New Masses, June 30, 1936, p. 28
  5. [+]
    Books in Brief (6 Reviews)
    Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes, by Ivan P. Pavlov
    1. Lectures on Conditioned Reflexes by Ivan P. Pavlov
    2. The Social Sciences and Their Interrelations by William Fielding Ogburn and Alexander Goldenweiser, ...
    3. Dreams by Percy G. Stiles
    4. The Problem of Lay-Analyses by Sigmund Freud
    5. The Best Plays of 1926-1927 by Burns Mantle
    6. Sir Charles Sedley, 1639-1701 by Vivian de Sola Pinto
    The Nation, February 29, 1928, p. 246