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William Packer Archives
William Packer •ï¿½2 Books
Henry Moore (1985)
An Ilustrated Biography
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Published Reviews
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    Books Encountered (16 Reviews)
    Crowns in Conflict, by Theo Aronson
    1. Crowns in Conflict by Theo Aronson
    2. The End of Art Theory by Victor Burgin
    3. The Letters of John Calmann 1951-1980 by John Calmann
    4. On the Record by Duncan Campbell and Steve Connor
    5. Helen Waddell: A Biography by Felicitas Corrigan
    6. The Existential and Its Exits by L.A.C. Dobrez
    7. The State of America by Trevor Fishlock
    8. In the Vatican by Peter Hebblethwaite
    9. Choosing Elites by Robert Klitgaard
    10. Liberty Style by Mervyn Levy
    11. Hannah Arendt by Derwent May
    12. Henry Moore by William Packer
    13. Pleasures of the Belle Epoque by Charles Rearick
    14. How the West Grew Rich by Nathan Rosenberg and L.E. Birdzell, Jr.
    15. Private Opinions, Public Polls by Leslie Watkins and Robert M. Worcester
    16. A Stillness Heard Round the World by Stanley Weintraub
    Encounter, July/August 1986, p. 55