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William F. Ogburn Archives
William F. Ogburn •ï¿½40 Items / 11 Articles, 14 Books, 13 Reviews
American Society in Wartime (1943)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    United States History: General (Review)
    American Society in Wartime, by William Fielding Ogburn
    1. American Society in Wartime by William Fielding Ogburn
    The American Historical Review, April 1944, p. 543
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (23 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. The American: The Making of a New Man by James Truslow Adams
    2. Representative American Speeches: 1942-1943 by A. Craig Baird
    3. The American Senate and World Peace by Kenneth W. Colegrove
    4. The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program by James Constantine Pearson
    5. Organization of American Relief in Europe, 1918-1919 by Suda Lorena Bane and Ralph Haswell Lutz
    6. American Political Parties by Wilfred E. Binkley
    7. Radio Networks and the Federal Government by Thomas Porter Robinson
    8. Lend-Lease: Weapon for Victory by Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.
    9. Building for Peace at Home and Abroad by Maxwell S. Stewart
    10. American Expression on the War and the Peace by Annie Laurie Mohair and Doris Benardete
    11. What You Should Know About Army Ground Forces by Joseph I. Greene
    12. The Army and the Law by Garrard Glenn and A. Arthur Schiller
    13. The FBI in Peace and War by Frederick L. Collins
    14. The Spy in America by George S. Bryan
    15. What America Means to Me by Pearl S. Buck
    16. Now Is the Moment by Harold Ordway Rugg
    17. American Society in Wartime by William Fielding Ogburn
    18. Education in Wartime and After
    19. Where's the Money Coming From? by Stuart Chase
    20. Total War by Burnham P. Beckwith
    21. Brown Americans by Edwin R. Embree
    22. Race and Rumors of Race by Howard W. Odum
    23. Alaska Diary, 1926-1931 by Ales Hrdlicka
    Foreign Affairs, April 1944, pp. 494-495