The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The New Statesman Archives
The New Statesman •ï¿½16 Years, 636 Issues, 10,982 Articles, 25,128pp
Black people and politics
The New Statesman, July 25, 1980, p. 13
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1970s = 4 Years, 205 Issues, 6,094 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1976 = 52 Issues, 1,551 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1977 = 51 Issues, 1,545 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1978 = 51 Issues, 1,462 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1979 = 51 Issues, 1,536 Articles
          2. [+]
            Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 390 Issues, 4,869 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1980 = 50 Issues, 1,490 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of Jan.-Mar. 1980 = 13 Issues, 387 Articles
                1. [+]
                  January 4, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. The factions in Afghanistan by Fred Halliday, p. 4
                  2. Indian elections by Christopher Hitchens, p. 4
                  3. The end of Oilgate? by Martin Bailey, p. 5
                  4. Parliament's amateurism by Bruce George and Karl Pieragostini, pp. 6-9
                  5. Public cost of private schools by Rick Rogers, pp. 10-11
                  6. Southampton's demolition by Mick Hamer, pp. 12-13
                  7. Presidential corruption by Claudia Wright, pp. 14-15
                  8. B.L.'s Combine Committee by John Salmon, p. 16
                  9. London Diary by Penelope Mortimer, p. 17
                  10. Letters, pp. 18-19
                  11. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 20
                  12. Nasty Turn by Roger Woddis, p. 20
                  13. [+]
                    Fighting Jews by Christopher Hitchens, p. 21 - 5 Reviews
                    1. The Revolt by Menachem Begin
                    2. The Rabin Memoirs by Yitzhak Rabin
                    3. From These Men by Shimon Peres
                    4. The Israeli Mind by John Laffin
                    5. The Elusive Peace by William R. Polk
                  14. [+]
                    Yous & Is & Doths & Thees by Blake Morrison, p. 22 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Houseboat Days by John Ashbery
                    2. Moortown by Ted Hughes
                    3. Growing Up by Michael Horovitz
                  15. [+]
                    The Sin in Syncopation by Charles Fox, p. 23 - 1 Review
                    1. Jazz Away from Home by Chris Goddard
                  16. [+]
                    Climate of Terror by Nigel Bracher, p. 24 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Press in Argentina, 1973-1978 by Andrew Graham-Yooll
                    2. Cultural Policy in Argentina by Edwin R. Harvey
                  17. [+]
                    Bottom of the Night by Peter Levi, p. 25 - 1 Review
                    1. Faithful Ruslan by Georgi Vladimov
                  18. Ceremony on the Border by Tom Paulin, p. 26
                  19. Rustic Song by Blake Morrison, p. 26
                  20. [+]
                    Easy Breather by Ronald Hayman, p. 26 - 2 Reviews
                    1. An Actor and His Time by John Gielgud
                    2. The Actor's Ways and Means by Michael Redgrave
                  21. Theatre of the Decade by Benedict Nightingale, p. 27
                  22. Arts Worldwide by Nigel Lewis, p. 28
                  23. Television of the Year by Julian Barnes, p. 29
                  24. Music from Czechoslovakia by Mark Todd, p. 30
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Masked Balls by John Coleman, p. 31 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Luna (1979 Film) by Bernardo Bertolucci
                    2. Monsieur Rene Magritte (1978 Film) by Adrian Maben
                    3. L'Age d'Or (1930 Film) by Luis Bunuel
                    4. Caravans (1978 Film) by James Fargo
                  26. Rock Music by Mark Kidel, p. 31
                  27. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 32
                  28. Crossword, pp. 33-36
                2. [+]
                  January 11, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 39-40
                  2. The Labour Party by Ian Gordon and Paul Whiteley, p. 41
                  3. The minorities who make up the Russian army by Reuben Ainsztein, pp. 42-43
                  4. Delhi notebook by Christopher Hitchens, p. 44
                  5. Britain's air defences by Duncan Campbell, p. 45
                  6. Discrimination against gays at Leeds University by Francis Wheen, p. 45
                  7. Are school meals nutritious? by Hannah Wright, pp. 46-47
                  8. Economic Monitor by David Blackaby, p. 48
                  9. Why girls don't like maths by Anna Coote, p. 49
                  10. The Tories' ugly new Housing Bill by Andrew Arden, p. 50
                  11. Housing in Scotland by Rob Edwards, p. 51
                  12. American Diary by Claudia Wright, p. 52
                  13. Letters, p. 53
                  14. Arthur Marshall;Roger Woddis, p. 54
                  15. [+]
                    Socialism of the Will by Adrian Lyttelton, p. 55 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Letters from Prison by Antonio Gramsci
                    2. Antonio Gramsci by Harold Entwistle
                    3. Antonio Gramsci and the Party by Paolo Spriano
                    4. On Gramsci and Other Writings by Palmiro Togliatti and Donald Sassoon
                    5. Gramsci and Marxist Theory by Chantal Mouffe
                  16. [+]
                    As Free as the Police by Duncan Campbell, pp. 56-57 - 6 Reviews
                    1. The Queen's Peace by David Ascoli
                    2. After the Riots by Norman Fowler
                    3. Policing the Inner City by Maurice Punch
                    4. Policing Freedom by John Alderson
                    5. Crime and Police in England, 1700-1900 by J.J. Tobias
                    6. Review of Security and the State 1979
                  17. [+]
                    Gouty Masterpiece by Rosemary Ashton, p. 58 - 1 Review
                    1. Wilhelm Meister's Years of Apprenticeship by H.M. Waidson and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
                  18. Away from home by Vicki Feaver, p. 58
                  19. [+]
                    A Violent-Coloured Ray by Hermione Lee, p. 59 - 1 Review
                    1. Pilgrimage, Vol. I by Dorothy M. Richardson
                  20. [+]
                    Flesh as Grass by Penelope Mortimer, p. 60 - 1 Review
                    1. The View in Winter by Ronald Blythe
                  21. [+]
                    Burning Snow by Andrew Motion, p. 61 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Echo Gate by Michael Longley
                    2. Collected Poems, 1942-1977 by W.S. Graham
                  22. [+]
                    Haunted Figures by Richard Cork, p. 61 - 1 Review
                    1. Symbolism by Robert Goldwater
                  23. December Books, p. 62
                  24. Obituary of Raymond Mortimer, p. 63
                  25. The German Film Industry by Thomas Elsaesser, pp. 63-64
                  26. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 65
                  27. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 65
                  28. Classical Records by Andrew Clements, p. 66
                  29. [+]
                    Films: Flotsam and Jetsam by John Coleman, p. 67 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Hot Stuff (1979 Film) by Dom DeLuise
                    2. Steel (1979 Film) by Steve Carver
                    3. Time After Time (1979 Film) by Nicholas Meyer
                    4. The Amityville Horror (1979 Film) by Stuart Rosenberg
                    5. Night Games (1966 Film) by Mai Zetterling
                  30. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 68
                  31. Crossword, pp. 69-72
                  32. Cover by Peter Brooks
                3. [+]
                  January 18, 1980 Issue = 25 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 74-76
                  2. The puritanical bores of Militant Tendency by Patrick Wintour, pp. 77-79
                  3. The horror of homelessness by Bob Dumbleton, pp. 80-81
                  4. The story of Operation Countryman by Peter Chippindale, pp. 82-84
                  5. More police, more crime? by Roy Carr-Hill and Nicholas Stern, p. 85
                  6. Zimbabwe: whose side are we on? by Christopher Hitchens, p. 86
                  7. Unite or destroy the earth by Rudolf Bahro, pp. 87-88
                  8. Letters, pp. 89-90
                  9. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 91
                  10. Arthur Marshall;Roger Woddis, p. 92
                  11. [+]
                    Tourism among the Dogs by Edward W. Said, p. 93 - 1 Review
                    1. Orwell: The Transformation by Peter Stansky and William Abrahams
                  12. [+]
                    Dissecting a Sparrow by Jonathan Mirsky, pp. 94-95 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Mass Movement in a Chinese Village by Isabel Crook and David Crook
                    2. Inside Peking: A Personal Record by Beverley Hooper
                    3. For Mao by Philip Corrigan, Harvie Ramsay, and Derek Sayer
                    4. Broken Images by Simon Leys
                    5. The China Difference by Ross Terrill
                  13. The Ruined Prince by Norman H.C. Smith, p. 96
                  14. [+]
                    The Price of Knowledge by A.S. Byatt, p. 96 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Decadence: The Strange Life of an Epithet by Richard Gilman
                    2. The Veil and the Mask by J.G. Merquior
                    3. Legend, Myth, and Magic in the Image of the Artist by Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz
                    4. Words and Things by Ernest Gellner
                  15. [+]
                    Lifted Blinds by J.L. Gili, p. 97 - 1 Review
                    1. The Assassination of Federico Garcia Lorca by Ian Gibson
                  16. Arts & Entertainment by Andrew Clements, p. 98
                  17. The War with Them by Helen McNeil, p. 99
                  18. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 100
                  19. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 100
                  20. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 100
                  21. Art by John Spurling, p. 101
                  22. [+]
                    Films: Loners and Sin by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, p. 102 - 1 Review
                    1. Wise Blood (1979 Film) by John Huston
                  23. Weekend Competition, p. 102
                  24. Chess and Crossword, pp. 103-108
                  25. Cover by Michael Bennett
                4. [+]
                  January 25, 1980 Issue = 31 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 110-112
                  2. The real problems of British Steel by Christopher Hird and Patrick Wintour, p. 113
                  3. Ireland strikes against PAYE by Stewart Dalby, pp. 114-115
                  4. Inmos moves south by Stephen Marks, p. 116
                  5. Education, Tanzania by Rick Rogers, p. 117
                  6. The people of the Soviet empire by John Besemeres, pp. 118-119
                  7. Legitimation for Chilean terror by David Stephen, pp. 120-121
                  8. After Tito by Branka Magas, p. 122
                  9. Entering America by Claudia Wright, pp. 123-124
                  10. Mackerel pinching by Judith Cook, p. 125
                  11. London Diary by Bruce Page, p. 126
                  12. Letters, p. 127
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 128
                  14. Nerves, 1980 by Roger Woddis, p. 128
                  15. [+]
                    Reconciliation with Reality by Terry Eagleton, p. 129 - 3 Reviews
                    1. George Lukacs: From Romanticism to Bolshevism by Michael Lowy
                    2. The Young Lukacs and the Origins of Western Marxism by Andrew Arato and Paul Breines
                    3. A Dance in the Sun by Dan Jacobson
                  16. [+]
                    A Luta Continua by Roger Riddell, pp. 130-131 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Aid In Africa by Guy Arnold
                    2. The Politics of Africa by Timothy M. Shaw and Kenneth A. Heard
                    3. Peasants and Proletarians by Robin Cohen, Peter C.W. Gutkind, and Phyllis Brazier, ...
                    4. The State and Revolution in Eastern Africa by John S. Saul
                    5. Cities of Peasants by Bryan Roberts
                    6. Slums of Hope by Peter Lloyd
                  17. [+]
                    Knight's Background by Ronald Truman, p. 132 - 1 Review
                    1. Cervantes: A Biography by William Byron
                  18. [+]
                    Island of King Utopus by David McLellan, p. 133 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Utopian Thought in the Western World by Frank Edward Manuel and Fritzie P. Manuel
                    2. Thomas More and His Utopia by Karl Kautsky
                  19. [+]
                    People as Animals by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 134 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Hackenfeller's Ape, Flesh by Brigid Brophy
                    2. The Snow Ball by Brigid Brophy
                  20. [+]
                    Education & the Work Ethic by Ken Richardson, p. 135 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Condition of English Schooling by Henry Pluckrose and Peter Wilby
                    2. Education: A Way Ahead by Mary Warnock
                    3. Education of the Future by Stephen Castles and Wiebke Wustenberg
                    4. Philosophers as Educational Reformers by Peter Gordon and John White
                  21. Appointments by John Mole, p. 136
                  22. [+]
                    Long Hegira by Adrianne Blue, p. 137 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Ano No by Agustin Gomez-Arcos
                    2. Voices of Children by Edward Candy
                    3. Head in the Clouds by Henri Troyat
                    4. The Rape of Tamar by Dan Jacobson
                    5. The Trap by Dan Jacobson
                    6. A Dance in the Sun by Dan Jacobson
                  23. Arts & Entertainment by Kevin Brownlow, p. 138
                  24. Opera by Peter Conrad, p. 139
                  25. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 139
                  26. Equity by Ronald Hayman, p. 140
                  27. [+]
                    Films: Dancing in the Rain by David Wilson, p. 140 - 4 Reviews
                    1. My Brilliant Career (1979 Film) by Gillian Armstrong
                    2. Escape From Alcatraz (1979 Film) by Don Siegel
                    3. The Big Fix (1978 Film) by Jeremy Paul Kagan
                    4. The Swissmakers (1978 Film) by Rolf Lyssy
                  28. Theatre 1 by Benedict Nightingale, p. 141
                  29. Theatre 2 by Paul Allen, p. 142
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 142
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 143-148
                5. [+]
                  February 1, 1980 Issue = 35 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 150-152
                  2. Civil war at the NF by Philip Cohen and Dot Lewis, p. 153
                  3. The Incredible memory of Goronwy Rees by Richard Winkler, p. 154
                  4. What went wrong with Meccano by Christopher Hird, p. 155
                  5. Yesterday's men by Francis Wheen, p. 155
                  6. Squash not creche by Rick Rogers, p. 156
                  7. No DPP prosecutors over Jimmy Kelly's death by Rob Rohrer, p. 156
                  8. The US grain embargo backfires by Claudia Wright, p. 157
                  9. Big Buzby is listening to you by Duncan Campbell, pp. 158-160
                  10. In defence of patriarchy by Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor, p. 161
                  11. Reforming the state audit system by John Garrett, p. 162
                  12. Farming by Barry Wilson, p. 163
                  13. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 164
                  14. Letters, pp. 165-166
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 167
                  16. The Sakharov Connection by Roger Woddis, p. 167
                  17. National Parks by Chris Smith, p. 168
                  18. Cycling in the USA by Alan Evans, pp. 169-170
                  19. [+]
                    'Great Hatred, Little Room' by Margaretta D'Arcy, p. 171 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Culture and Anarchy in Ireland, 1890-1939 by Francis S. Lyons
                    2. Land and the National Question in Ireland, 1858-82 by Paul Bew
                    3. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the Fall of Parnell, 1888-1891 by Emmet J. Larkin
                    4. Ireland: 1945-1970 by J.J. Lee
                    5. An Illustrated History of the Irish People by Kenneth Neill
                  20. [+]
                    A Sense of Separation by Mark Elvin, p. 172 - 1 Review
                    1. An Unfinished History of the World by Hugh Thomas
                  21. Words I; Words II by John Berger, p. 173
                  22. [+]
                    Inspired Melancholy by Peter Burke, p. 174 - 1 Review
                    1. The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age by Frances Yates
                  23. [+]
                    Seizing By The Neck by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 174 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Early in the Summer of 1970 by Abraham B. Yehoshua
                    2. Uncle by Julia Markus
                    3. Wrinkles by Charles Simmons
                    4. Monkey Grip by Helen Garner
                  24. [+]
                    Red Decade? by Anthony Arblaster, p. 175 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Culture and Crisis in Britain in the Thirties by Jon Clark, Margot Heinemann, and David Margolies, ...
                    2. Extreme Situations by David Craig and Michael Egan
                  25. [+]
                    Beyond the Vicious Circle by Stuart Holland, p. 176 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Farewell to Revolution by S.F. Kissin
                    2. Capitalism and Catastrophe by Stephen Rousseas
                    3. Karl Kautsky and the Socialist Revolution, 1880-1938 by Massimo Salvadori
                    4. Karl Marx by T.B. Bottomore, Maximilien Rubel, and Karl Marx
                  26. The Moisture-Number by Peter Redgrove, p. 177
                  27. Arts & Entertainment by Nigel Lewis, p. 178
                  28. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 179
                  29. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 180
                  30. Art by John Spurling, p. 181
                  31. Music Hall by Charles Fox, p. 182
                  32. [+]
                    Films: Leaky by John Coleman, p. 183 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Human Factor (1980 Film) by Otto Preminger
                    2. A Different Story (1978 Film) by Paul Aaron
                    3. Sunburn (1979 Film) by Richard C. Sarafian
                    4. From the Cloud to the Resistance (1979 Film) by Daniele Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub
                  33. Weekend Competition, p. 184
                  34. Chess and Crossword, pp. 185-188
                  35. Main cover photo by Chris Davies
                6. [+]
                  February 8, 1980 Issue = 31 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 190-191
                  2. The widening attack on women's rights by Anna Coote, p. 192
                  3. Post Office & productivity by Patrick Wintour, p. 193
                  4. Big Brother's many mansions by Duncan Campbell, pp. 194-197
                  5. The attack on local government by Christopher Hird and Francis Wheen, pp. 198-199
                  6. Inner city decay by Jeremy Bugler, pp. 200-201
                  7. Iran's year-old revolution by Dilip Hiro, p. 202
                  8. Hanoi Notebook by Anthony Barnett, pp. 203-204
                  9. London Diary by Bruce Page, p. 205
                  10. Letters, pp. 206-207
                  11. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 208
                  12. Blind Ali by Roger Woddis, p. 208
                  13. [+]
                    It Was a Man by David Caute, p. 209 - 1 Review
                    1. Smiley's People by John le Carre
                  14. [+]
                    Death Warrant by Tariq Ali, p. 210 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Bhutto: Trial and Execution by Victoria Schofield
                    2. Bhutto: A Political Biography by Salmaan Taseer
                    3. Pakistan Under Bhutto, 1971-1977 by Shahid Javed Burki
                  15. [+]
                    Homo Homini Lupus by Roy Porter, p. 211 - 1 Review
                    1. Faith, Reason, and the Plague in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany by Carlo M. Cipolla
                  16. Under Judgment by Blake Morrison, p. 212
                  17. Christmas 1979 by John Mole, p. 212
                  18. Manichean Geography by Tom Paulin, p. 213
                  19. Barley by Blake Morrison, p. 213
                  20. [+]
                    A Dishonoured Myth by Andrew Motion, p. 214 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Bells in Winter by Czeslaw Milosz
                    2. The Island Normal by Brian Jones
                    3. Metrical Observations by David Wright
                    4. Evidences by W.G. Shepherd#2
                    5. Dragons by Gavin Bantock
                  21. Wooding by Andrew Motion, p. 214
                  22. Latter-Day Troupers by Alan Brownjohn, p. 215
                  23. That Old Levantine Bordello by David Sweetman, pp. 216-217
                  24. Australian Culture by John Willett, p. 218
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Thou Art Sick by John Coleman, p. 219 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Rose (1979 Film) by Mark Rydell
                    2. "10" (1979 Film) by Blake Edwards
                    3. The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979 Film) by Jerry Schatzberg
                  26. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, pp. 220-221
                  27. Music by Andrew Clements, p. 222
                  28. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 223
                  29. Weekend Competition, p. 223
                  30. Chess and Crossword, pp. 224-228
                  31. Front cover by Michael Bennett
                7. [+]
                  February 15, 1980 Issue = 26 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 230-231
                  2. Should British Leyland merge? by Patrick Wintour, pp. 232-233
                  3. MI5 and security by Duncan Campbell, Bruce Page, and Nick Anning, pp. 234-236
                  4. An army plot to oust Suarez by Julie Flint, p. 237
                  5. Wealth preserved and passed on by Colin Harbury and David Hitchens, pp. 238-239
                  6. Willy Brandt's report on the Third World by Geoff Lamb, p. 240
                  7. Oslo notebook by Fred Halliday, p. 241
                  8. Repression in Latin America by Paul Pickering, p. 242
                  9. Softening up the legal system by John McVicar, p. 243
                  10. Westminister Diary by Christopher Price, p. 244
                  11. Letters, p. 245
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 246
                  13. Our man in Chile by Roger Woddis, p. 246
                  14. Truth is Partisan by Raphael Samuel, pp. 247-249
                  15. [+]
                    Too Late by Jonathan Steffen, p. 250 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Thin Ice by Norman Levine
                    2. The Long-Haired Boy by Christopher Matthew
                    3. The Good Morrow by Dawn Lowe-Watson
                    4. Alexandra by Valerie Martin
                  16. [+]
                    Post-War by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 251 - 5 Reviews
                    1. And We Were Young by Elliott Baker
                    2. The Followed Man by Thomas Williams
                    3. Puffball by Fay Weldon
                    4. The Silent Areas by Elaine Feinstein
                    5. In Evil Hour by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
                  17. [+]
                    Progress of Decadence by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, p. 252 - 1 Review
                    1. A Screen of Time by Monica Stirling
                  18. [+]
                    Broken Heart by Helen McNeil, pp. 253-254 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Smile Please by Jean Rhys
                    2. Jean Rhys: A Critical Study by Thomas F. Staley
                  19. Rock Records by Mark Kidel, p. 255
                  20. Art by John Spurling, p. 256
                  21. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 256
                  22. Theatre 1 by Benedict Nightingale, p. 257
                  23. Theatre 2 by Paul Allen, p. 258
                  24. [+]
                    Films: Da Capo by John Coleman, p. 258 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Orchestra Rehearsal (1979 Film) by Federico Fellini
                    2. Rising Damp (1980 Film) by Joseph McGrath
                  25. Weekend Competition Chess and Crossword, pp. 259-264
                  26. Front cover by Peter Brooks
                8. [+]
                  February 22, 1980 Issue = 31 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 266-268
                  2. De-nationalised espionage by Duncan Campbell, pp. 269-271
                  3. Prior's plans for secondary picketing by Anthony Blair, p. 272
                  4. ACAS wins by Jennie Horne, p. 272
                  5. Supervising the CIA by Godfrey Hodgson, p. 273
                  6. Splitting the PO pension fund by Christopher Hird, pp. 274-275
                  7. Parliament can liberate local radio by Jonathan Coe, p. 276
                  8. Capital taxes should remain by Chris Pond, p. 277
                  9. Mr Haughey's harder line by Mary Holland, p. 278
                  10. The Campaign for Press Freedom by Anna Coote, p. 278
                  11. Stipendiary magistatrates and black youth by George Cunningham, p. 279
                  12. Legalise it by Mike Miller and Richard Weeks, p. 280
                  13. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 281
                  14. Letters, p. 282
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 283
                  16. Its loveliness increases by Roger Woddis, p. 283
                  17. [+]
                    Empress of Emergency by Christopher Hitchens, p. 284 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Indira Gandhi in the Crucible of Leadership by Mary C. Carras
                    2. Reason Wounded by Primila Lewis
                    3. The Scope of Happiness by Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
                    4. Indira Gandhi and Her Power Game by Janardan Thakur
                  18. [+]
                    Peacock & Monkey by William Walsh, p. 285 - 1 Review
                    1. Mr. Sampath--The Printer of Malgudi, the Financial Expert, Waiting for the Mahatma by R.K. Narayan
                  19. Suicide; Migrant Words; Address Unknown by John Berger, p. 286
                  20. After the Golden Age by Michael Schmidt, p. 286
                  21. A Ghostly Pavement by Ken Worpole, pp. 287-288
                  22. [+]
                    On a 'Guilt-go-Round' by Blake Morrison, p. 289 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Wild Oats by Jacob Epstein
                    2. The Leaves on Grey by Desmond Hogan
                    3. In the Secret State by Robert McCrum
                    4. No, Not I by Dee Phillips
                  23. Arts & Entertainment by Andrew Saint, p. 290
                  24. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 291
                  25. Art by John Spurling, p. 292
                  26. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 293
                  27. [+]
                    Films: Random Harvest by John Coleman, p. 294 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Messidor (1980 Film) by Alain Tanner
                    2. The Custard Boys (1979 Film) by Colin Finbow
                    3. Female Trouble (1974 Film) by John Waters
                  28. Opera by Peter Conrad, p. 294
                  29. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 295
                  30. Crossword, pp. 296-300
                  31. Front cover by John Minnion
                9. [+]
                  February 29, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 301-303
                  2. Report from Rhodesia by David Caute, pp. 304-305
                  3. Why the miners voted 'No' by Jim Caldwell, pp. 306-307
                  4. Two spy scandals traumitise the Japanese by Donald Kirk, p. 308
                  5. Plans for a three-tier French Health Service by Jane Jessel, pp. 308-309
                  6. The British Press by Christopher Hird and Bruce Page, pp. 310-313
                  7. Messing around with drug statistics by David Clark, p. 314
                  8. Carter fears iran's hostages by Fred Halliday, p. 314
                  9. The lessons of Grunwick by Amrit Wilson, p. 315
                  10. Thatcher aids the IRA by Ed Maloney, p. 316
                  11. The Common Market slaughters its fatted calf by Barry Wilson, p. 317
                  12. Scotland's repressive Criminal Justice Bill by Richard Kinsey and Derek Sayer, p. 318
                  13. Jerusalem Diary by Ian Black, p. 319
                  14. Letters, p. 320
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 321
                  16. Velvet glove by Roger Woddis, p. 321
                  17. [+]
                    Images and Conspiracies by David Pryce-Jones, pp. 322-323 - 8 Reviews
                    1. The Question of Palestine by Edward W. Said
                    2. Zionism, Imperialism and Racism by A.W. Kayyali
                    3. The Palestinians in Israel by Elia Zureik
                    4. The Sociology of the Palestinians by Khalil Nakhleh and Elia Zureik
                    5. The Palestinian Covenant and Its Meaning by Yehoshafat Harkabi
                    6. When Enemies Dare to Talk by Simha Flapan
                    7. Zionism: False Messiah by Nathan Weinstock
                    8. These Are My Brothers by Felicia Langer
                  18. [+]
                    Flight from Death by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 324 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Old Soldiers by Paul Bailey
                    2. Solo Faces by James Salter
                    3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
                    4. Devotion by Botho Strauss
                  19. Beyond Autobiography by Jerry White, pp. 325-326
                  20. [+]
                    Nuclear Football by Denys Blakeway, p. 327 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Nuclear Question by Michael Mandelbaum
                    2. Nuclear Nightmares by Nigel Calder
                    3. Beneath the City Streets by Peter Laurie
                  21. [+]
                    QED by Jonathan Hodgkin, p. 328 - 1 Review
                    1. Disturbing the Universe by Freeman Dyson
                  22. Radio 1 by Anne Karpf, p. 329
                  23. Radio 2 by Charles Lewsen, p. 330
                  24. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 331
                  25. The Irish Writer's Inheritance by Neil Jordan, p. 332
                  26. Ballet by Bryan Robertson, p. 333
                  27. [+]
                    Films: Trial & Error by John Coleman, p. 333 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Onion Field (1979 Film) by Harold Becker
                    2. Black Jack (1979 Film) by Ken Loach
                    3. The Song of the Shirt (1979 Film) by Sue Clayton and Jonathan Cutling
                  28. Weekend Competition, p. 334
                  29. Chess and Crossword, pp. 335-340
                  30. Cover by Michael Bennett
                10. [+]
                  March 7, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 342-343
                  2. Kelly judge blows police cover by Rob Rohrer, p. 344
                  3. La Roche by Anna Coote, p. 345
                  4. Mugabe's triumph in Zimbabwe by David Caute, pp. 346-347
                  5. The links between organised crime and counter-spy by Martin Tomkinson, pp. 348-349
                  6. Inside the Czech security state by Julius Tomin, pp. 350-353
                  7. Manoeuvering around the Labour Party inquiry by Patrick Wintour, p. 354
                  8. Britain's new provincial press by Christopher Hird, p. 355
                  9. Spain's Fascists by Julie Flint, p. 356
                  10. London Diary by Francis Wheen, p. 357
                  11. Letters, p. 358
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 359
                  13. Lullaby by Roger Woddis, p. 359
                  14. [+]
                    Among the Policies of Summer by Tom Paulin, p. 360 - 1 Review
                    1. W. H. Auden: The Life of a Poet by Charles Osborne
                  15. Lords of Creation by Barbara Taylor, p. 361
                  16. [+]
                    Drought & Rain by S. Nyamfukudza, p. 362 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Two Thousand Seasons by Ayi Kwei Armah
                    2. The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
                    3. Novels of Ayi Kwei Armah by Robert Fraser
                  17. [+]
                    Non-Alignment by Quintin Hoare, p. 363 - 1 Review
                    1. Tito's Yugoslavia by Duncan Wilson
                  18. [+]
                    Beyond the End of Night by Alistair Davies, pp. 364-365 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Fables of Aggression by Fredric Jameson
                    2. Louis-Ferdinand Celine by Merlin Thomas
                  19. [+]
                    Having a Heart by Desmond Hogan, p. 366 - 5 Reviews
                    1. On Edge of the Cliff by V.S. Pritchett
                    2. The Tree House Confessions by James McConkey
                    3. Sol by Mario Satz
                    4. Jack Be Nimble by Nigel Williams
                    5. The Lizard's Tail by Marc Brandel
                  20. Amputation of Limbs by Maurice Lindsay, p. 367
                  21. Television by Eric Paice, p. 368
                  22. Opera by Peter Conrad, p. 368
                  23. Theatre 1 by Benedict Nightingale, p. 369
                  24. Theatre 2 by A.S. Byatt, p. 370
                  25. Music by Andrew Clements, p. 371
                  26. Weekend Competition, p. 371
                  27. Chess and Crossword, pp. 372-376
                  28. Cover by Ivan Hartel
                11. [+]
                  March 14, 1980 Issue = 27 Articles
                  1. Forecasts of doom by Christopher Hird and Patrick Wintour, pp. 381-383
                  2. Countryman in trouble with the DPP by Peter Chippindale, p. 384
                  3. Ireland steps back from the nuclear brink by Brian Trench, p. 385
                  4. If there's no proof against you, you must be guilty by Francis Wheen, p. 386
                  5. Constitutional problems ahead for Portugal by Andrew Jaspan, p. 387
                  6. Report from Cambodia by Anthony Barnett, pp. 388-390
                  7. A philosphical weekend in Prague by William Newton-Smith, p. 391
                  8. Merseyside Diary by Rob Rohrer, p. 392
                  9. Letters, p. 393
                  10. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 394
                  11. Mine's a laager by Roger Woddis, p. 394
                  12. [+]
                    Capturing Hopeless Dichotomies by Ronald Aronson, p. 395 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Sartre's Marxism by Mark Poster
                    2. Sartre: The Arguments of the Philosophers by Peter Caws
                    3. The Work of Sartre, Vol. I by Istvan Meszaros
                  13. A Cherub That Sees Them by John Arden, p. 396
                  14. [+]
                    Despondency & Sadness by Blake Morrison, p. 397 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Souvenirs by Roy Fuller
                    2. The Reign of Sparrows by Roy Fuller
                  15. A View from the Stalls by Gavin Kitching, p. 398
                  16. [+]
                    Keepers by A.S. Byatt, p. 399 - 1 Review
                    1. Ideals and Idols by E.H. Gombrich
                  17. [+]
                    Quest for Style by Jules Lubbock, p. 400 - 1 Review
                    1. The Aesthetics of Architecture by Roger Scruton
                  18. [+]
                    Free Will and Molecular Man by Steven Rose, p. 401 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Piaget by Margaret A. Boden
                    2. Ivan Pavlov by Jeffrey Alan Gray
                    3. Intelligence: An Introduction by David W. Pyle
                    4. The Mental as Physical by Edgar Wilson
                  19. The Long Days by David Sweetman, p. 401
                  20. [+]
                    Heroic Integrity by Alan Hollinghurst, pp. 402-403 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Sergeant Getulio by Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro
                    2. Life in the West by Brian W. Aldiss
                    3. The Little Disturbances of Man by Grace Paley
                    4. Narrow Rooms by James Purdy
                  21. Hungarian Poets by Peter Sherwood, p. 404
                  22. Theatre 1 by Benedict Nightingale, p. 405
                  23. Theatre 2 by Paul Allen, p. 405
                  24. Art by John Spurling, p. 406
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Law and Disorder by John Coleman, p. 407 - 5 Reviews
                    1. ...And Justice For All (1979 Film) by Norman Jewison
                    2. The Electric Horseman (1979 Film) by Sydney Pollack
                    3. The Runner Stumbles (1979 Film) by Stanley Kramer
                    4. Richard Pryor - Live in Concert (1979 Film) by Jeff Margolis
                    5. Drama of the Rich (1974 Film) by Mauro Bolognini
                  26. Weekend Competition, p. 407
                  27. Chess and Crossword, pp. 408-412
                12. [+]
                  March 21, 1980 Issue = 33 Articles
                  1. Notes, p. 415
                  2. The TUC backs positive action for women by Anna Coote, p. 416
                  3. Are the Guildford pub-bombers innocent? by Gavin Esler, p. 417
                  4. Economic Monitor by David Blackaby, p. 418
                  5. The rise of the computerised independent police force by Duncan Campbell, pp. 419-421
                  6. The battle for the mythical middle by Claudia Wright, p. 422
                  7. Restructuring capitalism by Christopher Hird, p. 423
                  8. Trial by professional adjudication by Peter Chippindale, p. 424
                  9. Zimbabwe: aftermath of the elections by David Caute, p. 425
                  10. Company cars---the L2,000 million perk by David Hamer, p. 426
                  11. Exclusive interview with Le Duc Tho by Anthony Barnett, pp. 427-428
                  12. Oxford and Julius Tomin's Patocka University by Christopher Hitchens, p. 429
                  13. Letters, p. 430
                  14. London Diary by Francis Wheen, pp. 431-432
                  15. [+]
                    On the Terrace of Life by John Willett, p. 433 - 1 Review
                    1. The Generation of 1914 by Robert Wohl
                  16. Worms of the Earth by Dave Douglass, pp. 434-436
                  17. [+]
                    Born-Again Conformist by Christopher Hitchens, p. 437 - 1 Review
                    1. Breaking Ranks by Norman Podhoretz
                  18. 'A black sun streams its fresh medicinal' by Jon Silkin, p. 438
                  19. [+]
                    The Russian Sound by John Bayley, pp. 438-439 - 1 Review
                    1. The Life of Aleksandr Blok, Vol. II by Avril Pyman
                  20. [+]
                    Not Saying Everything by Paul Binding, p. 440 - 1 Review
                    1. C. Day-Lewis: An English Literary Life by Sean Day-Lewis
                  21. Mon Bon by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 441
                  22. [+]
                    Old Game, New Guise by Helen McNeil, p. 442 - 1 Review
                    1. The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch
                  23. Hay by Charles Tomlinson, p. 442
                  24. From the Imperial by Andrew Motion, p. 443
                  25. [+]
                    Warring Fictions by Sean Wyse Jackson, pp. 444-446 - 5 Reviews
                    1. A Gentle Occupation by Dirk Bogarde
                    2. The Missing Years by Walter Laqueur
                    3. The Loser by Peter Ustinov
                    4. The Frontiers of the Sea by Peter Ustinov
                    5. Birthstone by D.M. Thomas
                  26. Teaching Theatre in New York by Michael Kustow, p. 447
                  27. Theatre 1 by Benedict Nightingale, p. 448
                  28. Theatre 2 by Paul Allen, p. 448
                  29. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 449
                  30. Art by John Spurling, p. 450
                  31. Weekend Competition, p. 451
                  32. Chess and Crossword, pp. 452-456
                  33. Cover by Michael Bennett
                13. [+]
                  March 28, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 458
                  2. Notes, pp. 458-460
                  3. The Labour Party's financial headaches by Patrick Wintour, p. 461
                  4. Radioactive gas in Cornish mines by Judith Cook, p. 461
                  5. The thoughts of Strauss by Reuben Ainsztein and Francis Wheen, p. 462
                  6. Czech philosopheres in a police state by Christopher Hitchens, p. 463
                  7. The fraudulent arguments of the nuclear lobby by Duncan Campbell, pp. 464-469
                  8. Cambodia picks up the pieces by Anthony Barnett, pp. 470-471
                  9. Ibrahim Ali's nine-year battle with immigration authories by Amrit Wilson, p. 472
                  10. El Salvador after Romero by Roger Plant, p. 473
                  11. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 474
                  12. Letters, p. 475
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 476
                  14. Talking Tough by Roger Woddis, p. 476
                  15. [+]
                    Multiple Greeds by Michael Mewshaw, p. 477 - 1 Review
                    1. Doctor Fischer of Geneva, or the Bomb Party by Graham Greene
                  16. [+]
                    Ideology & Praxis by Istvan Meszaros, p. 478 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Philosophical Disputes in the Social Sciences by Stuart C. Brown
                    2. Praxis and Method by Richard Kilminster
                    3. The Concept of Ideology by Jorge A. Larrain
                  17. [+]
                    Counter-Culture by Brian Harrison, p. 479 - 1 Review
                    1. Association Football and English Society, 1863-1915 by Tony Mason
                  18. [+]
                    Court & Country by Henry Roseveare, p. 480 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The City and the Court, 1603-1643 by Robert Ashton
                    2. King Charles II by Antonia Fraser
                    3. The Image of the King by Richard Lawrence Ollard
                    4. Arts and Society in England Under William and Mary by Mary Ede
                  19. [+]
                    Impressing the Crew by John Arden, pp. 481-482 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Official Discourse by Frank Burton and Pat Carlen
                    2. Literary Language from Chaucer to Johnson by A.J. Gilbert
                    3. Beyond the Letter by Israel Scheffler
                    4. Current Literary Terms by Arthur Finley Scott
                  20. [+]
                    Bourgeois v Bohemian by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 483 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Schultz by J.P. Donleavy
                    2. Metroland by Julian Barnes
                    3. The Night of the Funny Hats by Elspeth Davie
                    4. Snob's Island by Henrik Tikkanen
                  21. The Gate; The Daylight Owl by Charles Tomlinson, p. 483
                  22. Radio by Charles Lewsen, p. 484
                  23. Theathre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 485
                  24. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 486
                  25. Music by Andrew Clements, p. 486
                  26. [+]
                    Films: Hanky-Panky by John Coleman, p. 487 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1978 Film) by Bertrand Blier
                    2. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976 Film) by John Cassavetes
                    3. Silver Dream Racer (1980 Film) by David Wickes
                    4. When Time Ran Out (1980 Film) by James Goldstone
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 487
                  28. Chess, p. 488
                  29. Crossword, pp. 489-492
                  30. Cover by Peter Till
              2. [+]
                Issues of Apr.-Jun. 1980 = 12 Issues, 377 Articles
                1. [+]
                  April 4, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 494-495
                  2. American Jews abandon Carter by Claudia Wright, p. 496
                  3. The crisis at British Rail by Mick Hamer and Patrick Wintour, pp. 497-498
                  4. The Kelly inquest: a field-day for lawyers by Rob Rohrer, p. 499
                  5. Life under the Tories by Michael Meacher, pp. 499-501
                  6. Signs of life in the D-Notice quango by Duncan Campbell, pp. 502-503
                  7. Germ warfare in Afghanistan by Gwynne Roberts, pp. 504-505
                  8. The end of a Post Office cartel by Andrew Lycett, pp. 506-507
                  9. Australia's aborigines fight for survival by H.O. Nazareth, pp. 508-510
                  10. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 511
                  11. Letters, p. 512
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 513
                  13. Spirit of the Law by Roger Woddis, p. 513
                  14. [+]
                    Hag-ography by Helen McNeil, p. 514 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Gyn/Ecology by Mary Daly
                    2. The MsTaken Body by Jeannette Kupfermann
                    3. The Reproduction of Mothering by Nancy Chodorow
                  15. [+]
                    Brain Waves by Peter Wilsher, p. 515 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Broca's Brain by Carl Sagan
                    2. The Natural History of the Mind by Gordon Rattray Taylor
                    3. The Brain Book by Peter Russell
                    4. The Divine Banquet of the Brain by MacDonald Critchley
                    5. Mind and Nature by Gregory Bateson
                  16. Life after Death by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 516
                  17. [+]
                    On the Frontier by Andrew Motion, p. 517 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Strange Museum by Tom Paulin
                    2. Survivors by William Peskett
                  18. Paperbacks, p. 518
                  19. [+]
                    The Hidden God by David Caute, p. 519 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Jesus by Humphrey Carpenter
                    2. Aquinas by Anthony John Patrick Kenny
                    3. Dante by George Holmes
                    4. Pascal by A.J. Krailsheimer
                    5. Hume by A.J. Ayer
                    6. Marx by Peter Singer
                  20. 2,000,001 by David Attwooll, p. 520
                  21. [+]
                    Magic by John Alwyne, p. 521 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
                    2. The Manticore by Robertson Davies
                    3. World of Wonders by Robertson Davies
                  22. [+]
                    Mid-Atlantic by Peter Conrad, p. 522 - 1 Review
                    1. The State of the Language by Leonard Michaels and Christopher Ricks
                  23. [+]
                    Alive and Fishing by Brian Martin, p. 523 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Kingdom Come by Melvyn Bragg
                    2. The Echo Chamber by Gabriel Josipovici
                    3. The Blue Guitar by Nicholas P. Hasluck
                  24. Recent Classical Records by Andrew Clements, p. 524
                  25. Art by John Spurling, p. 525
                  26. Theatre by Benedict Nightingale, p. 526
                  27. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 526
                  28. Ballet by Bryan Robertson, p. 527
                  29. [+]
                    Films: With Ghostly Aid by John Coleman, p. 528 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Tom Horn (1980 Film) by William Wiard
                    2. Les Enfants du Paradis (1945 Film) by Marcel Carne
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 528
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 529-532
                  32. Front cover by Michael Bennett
                2. [+]
                  April 11, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 534-535
                  2. Welsh civil liberties by Jim Caldwell, p. 536
                  3. Phone tapping: facts behind the official line by Duncan Campbell, p. 537
                  4. Howe to face the music by Jeremy Bray, pp. 538-539
                  5. The brutality of the UDR by Mary Holland, pp. 540-541
                  6. Dioxin contaminates an English village by Judith Cook, p. 542
                  7. The decline of General Zia by Tariq Ali, p. 543
                  8. The disintegration of US democracy by Godfrey Hodgson, pp. 544-545
                  9. The rehabiliation of Liu Shaoqi by Jonathan Mirsky, pp. 546-547
                  10. Sweden bans smacking and spanking by Rick Rogers, p. 548
                  11. Cyprus Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 549
                  12. Letters, p. 550
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 551
                  14. Vandals by Roger Woddis, p. 551
                  15. [+]
                    The Beating Down of the Wise by Des Hogan, p. 552 - 1 Review
                    1. The Non-Stop Connolly Show by Margaretta D'Arcy and John Arden
                  16. [+]
                    Love and Revolution by Branka Magas, p. 553 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Comrade and Lover by Elzbieta Ettinger and Rosa Luxemburg
                    2. Alexandra Kollontai: A Biography by Cathy Porter
                    3. Sylvia Pankhurst: Artist and Crusader by Richard Pankhurst
                    4. An Unhusbanded Life by Andro Linklater
                  17. [+]
                    Glass Bulbs by Michael Kustow, p. 554 - 1 Review
                    1. Performance Art by Jeff Nuttall
                  18. Party by Blake Morrison, p. 555
                  19. [+]
                    Tey Love Tee Not by John Arden, p. 555 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Threshold of a Nation by Philip Edwards
                    2. Women and Fiction by Patricia Stubbs
                    3. The Genius of Shaw by Michael Holroyd
                  20. [+]
                    Realism and Constraint by David Winter, p. 556 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Popular and Polite Art in the Age of Hogarth and Fielding by Ronald Paulson
                    2. The Dark Side of the Landscape by John Barrell
                  21. [+]
                    Flowers! by Rosemary Ashton, p. 557 - 1 Review
                    1. Heinrich Heine: A Modern Biography by Jeffrey L. Sammons
                  22. 'Buch der Lieder' by Heinrich Heine, p. 557
                  23. [+]
                    Pleasing Mamma by Judy Cooke, p. 557 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Mary Olivier: A Life by May Sinclair
                    2. Life and Death of Harriett Frean by May Sinclair
                  24. [+]
                    Quick Eye by Simon Blow, pp. 558-559 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Sidmouth Letters by Jane Gardam
                    2. Tsotsi by Athol Fugard
                    3. The Apathetic Bookie Joint by Daniel Fuchs
                    4. Endless Love by Scott Spencer
                  25. The Problems of Writing for Television by Philip Schlesinger, p. 560
                  26. South Bank Show on Britten by Julian Barnes, p. 561
                  27. Shakespeare and Jarry by Benedict Nightingale, p. 561
                  28. Victoria Wood by Paul Allen, p. 562
                  29. Manon at the Met by Peter Conrad, p. 563
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 563
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 564-568
                  32. Front cover by Chris Davies
                3. [+]
                  April 18, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 570-571
                  2. Who will get APEX? by Tim Gopsill, p. 572
                  3. The police and Jimmy Kelly by Rob Rohrer, p. 573
                  4. Balliol College vs the police state by Anthony Kenny, pp. 574-575
                  5. Cambridge doom-machine by Paul Ormerod, p. 576
                  6. Taiwan's show trial by Donald Kirk, p. 576
                  7. Why an economic blockade of Iran won't work by Dilip Hiro, p. 577
                  8. How the British record industry lost its voice by Bob Woffinden, pp. 578-579
                  9. A Czech rock fan's persecution by Ivan Hartel, p. 580
                  10. More bad news by Greg Philo, James Duffy, and Jenny Buchanan, p. 581
                  11. End of a presidential dynasty in Liberia by Richard Carver, p. 582
                  12. More claims for nuclear accidents by Elaine Davenport, p. 583
                  13. Inside the spike by Francis Wheen, pp. 584-585
                  14. Autonomy for Gaza by Ian Black, p. 586
                  15. London Diary by David Caute, p. 587
                  16. Letters, p. 588
                  17. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 589
                  18. Exercise by Roger Woddis, p. 589
                  19. [+]
                    Down with Donald Duck by Morris Fraser, pp. 590-591 - 6 Reviews
                    1. The Prism of Sex by Julia A. Sherman and Evelyn T. Beck
                    2. The Lesbian Community by Deborah Goleman Wolf
                    3. The Double Standard by Margrit Eichler
                    4. Racism and Sexism in Children's Books by Judith Stinton
                    5. White Hero, Black Beast by Paul Hoch
                    6. Of Men and Manhood by Leonard Kriegel
                  20. [+]
                    Active & Passive by Elsa Ferri, p. 592 - 1 Review
                    1. Right from the Start by Selma Greenberg
                  21. [+]
                    Children of the Lion by David Sweetman, pp. 592-593 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Stubborn Hope by Dennis Brutus
                    2. Africa My Beginning by Ingoapele Madingoane
                    3. Emperor Shaka the Great by Mazisi Kunene
                    4. The Blues Is You in Me by Sipho Sepamla
                    5. The Soweto I Love by Sipho Sepamla
                  22. [+]
                    Georgian Consortium by Andrew Saint, p. 594 - 1 Review
                    1. Wyatts by John Martin Robinson
                  23. 'A tram runs, and the soft flesh spills itself' by Jon Silkin, p. 594
                  24. [+]
                    L1,800 by June by Hermione Lee, p. 595 - 1 Review
                    1. The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. Three: 1925-1930 by Anne Olivier Bell and Virginia Woolf
                  25. Murder on the Way by Stuart Hood, p. 596
                  26. The Arts Worldwide on Czechoslovakia by Nigel Lewis, p. 597
                  27. TV chess and Simon Gray by Julian Barnes, p. 598
                  28. New productions of Chekhov and Shakespeare by Benedict Nightingale, p. 599
                  29. [+]
                    Films: Times Have Changed by John Coleman, p. 599 - 5 Reviews
                    1. The Mirror (1975 Film) by Andrei Tarkovsky
                    2. Bad Timing/A Sensual Obsession (1980 Film) by Nicolas Roeg
                    3. Starting Over (1979 Film) by Alan J. Pakula
                    4. Rocky II (1979 Film) by Sylvester Stallone
                    5. Boardwalk (1979 Film) by Stephen Verona
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 600
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 601-604
                  32. Front cover by Jon Blackmore
                4. [+]
                  April 25, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 606-607
                  2. The AUEW as employer by Patrick Wintour, p. 608
                  3. Iranian crisis in The United States by Claudia Wright, p. 609
                  4. Moscow bankers support Chile by Don Thomson, pp. 610-611
                  5. Zimbabwe celebrates its anniversary by Judith Todd, pp. 612-613
                  6. Unhorsing some Treasury civil servants by Francis Wheen, pp. 614-616
                  7. Banda's repressive role in Malawi by David Ward, p. 617
                  8. Soviet anti-semitism worsens by Reuben Ainsztein, pp. 618-619
                  9. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 620
                  10. Letters, p. 621
                  11. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 622
                  12. Phobia by Roger Woddis, p. 622
                  13. [+]
                    American Samizdat by Charles Glass, p. 623 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. I by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
                    2. The Political Economy of Human Rights, Vol. II by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman
                  14. [+]
                    Decaphiliacs by Nicolas Walter, p. 624 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Seventies by Norman Shrapnel
                    2. The Seventies by Christopher Booker
                    3. The Eighties and Look Back by Tony Hendra, Christopher Cerf, and Peter Elbling, ...
                  15. [+]
                    Myth of Equal Opportunity by John Westergaard, pp. 625-626 - 1 Review
                    1. Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Japan by John H. Goldthorpe
                  16. The Open Text by Christopher Prendergast, p. 627
                  17. The People Who Do Not Love Me by Laurence Lerner, p. 628
                  18. [+]
                    Desperate Situations by Paul Binding, p. 629 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A German Love Story by Rolf Hochhuth
                    2. The Left-Handed Woman by Peter Handke
                  19. [+]
                    Elapsing Lives by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 630 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Beggar Maid by Alice Munro
                    2. The Sweet-Shop Owner by Graham Swift
                    3. The House of the Prophet by Louis Auchincloss
                    4. The Last Peacock by Allan Massie
                  20. The Cry of the Crane by Simon North, pp. 631-639
                  21. Sunlight & Soap by John Spurling, p. 640
                  22. Lost Horizon by Alan Plater, p. 641
                  23. Wrangles as Dowries by Benedict Nightingale, p. 642
                  24. New play in Manchester by Paul Allen, p. 642
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Mixed Doubles by John Coleman, p. 643 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Last Married Couple in America (1980 Film) by Gilbert Cates
                    2. Sweet William (1980 Film) by Claude Whatham
                    3. Grey Gardens (1975 Film) by Albert Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer, and David Maysles, ...
                    4. 1941~~Nineteen Forty-One (1979 Film) by Steven Spielberg
                  26. Whicker and Eurosongs by Julian Barnes, p. 644
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 644
                  28. Chess and crossword, pp. 645-648
                5. [+]
                  May 2, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 651-652
                  2. Jimmy Kelly: the unpublished evidence by Rob Rohrer, p. 653
                  3. Report from Tehran by Christopher Bourne, pp. 654-655
                  4. Iranian fallout in Washington by William Shawcross, pp. 656-657
                  5. End America's one-way alliance by Godfrey Hodgson, p. 658
                  6. Further extension of immigration law by Amrit Wilson, p. 659
                  7. Whitelaw's half-truths: drugs and phone-tapping by David Clark, p. 660
                  8. Gay rights test case goes to appeal by Bob Woffinden, p. 660
                  9. Birmingham makes war on scoungers by Judith Cook, p. 661
                  10. Breaking up our social security system by Sue Ward and Fran Bennett, p. 662
                  11. Slim hopes for legalising Irish divorce by Mary Holland, p. 663
                  12. London Diary by Francis Wheen, p. 664
                  13. Letters, p. 665
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 666
                  15. After Tabas by Roger Woddis, p. 666
                  16. An appreciation of Sartre by David Caute, pp. 667-668
                  17. Kampuchea: a special report by Anthony Barnett, Ben Kiernan, and Chanthou Boua, pp. 669-676
                  18. [+]
                    I Know What I Want by Hermione Lee, p. 677 - 1 Review
                    1. The Letters of Henry James, Vol. II: 1875-1883 by Leon Edel and Henry James
                  19. [+]
                    What Would Tolstoi Say? by Helen McNeil, p. 678 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Groves of Academe by Mary McCarthy
                    2. On the Contrary by Mary McCarthy
                  20. [+]
                    Viva Market! by Kerry Schott, p. 679 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Free to Choose by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman
                    2. A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics by Alfred S. Eichner
                    3. Annals of an Abiding Liberal by John Kenneth Galbraith
                  21. Traveller by Kevin Porter, p. 680
                  22. [+]
                    Playing by Dorothy Wedge, p. 681 - 1 Review
                    1. Toys and Playthings in Development and Remediation by John Newson and Elizabeth Newson
                  23. [+]
                    Factory Lads by Jane Steedman, p. 681 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Year of the Child by Bel Mooney
                    2. Child Workers Today by James Challis and David Elliman
                  24. [+]
                    Tribal Views by Jim Crace, p. 682 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Death of Jim Loney by James Welch
                    2. Suttree by Cormac McCarthy
                    3. Another Beginning by Sian James
                  25. Recent jazz records by Charles Fox, p. 683
                  26. Music since 1945 by Andrew Clements, p. 684
                  27. New plays by David Storey and Julian Mitchell by Benedict Nightingale, p. 684
                  28. [+]
                    Films: Rough Magic by John Coleman, p. 685 - 5 Reviews
                    1. The Tempest (1979 Film) by Derek Jarman
                    2. Knife in the Head (1978 Film) by Reinhard Hauff
                    3. The Jerk (1979 Film) by Carl Reiner
                    4. 1941~~Nineteen Forty-One (1979 Film) by Steven Spielberg
                    5. Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack (1978 Film) by Vince Edwards and Christian I. Nyby II
                  29. Cleaver and Bukovsky by Julian Barnes, p. 686
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 686
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 687-692
                  32. Front cover photo by Anthony Barnett
                6. [+]
                  May 9, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 694-695
                  2. Scottish civil liberties slip away by Norman Buchan, p. 696
                  3. Battling for the right to learn by Rick Rogers, p. 697
                  4. Privilege and pomposity in Ceylon by Francis Wheen, p. 698
                  5. TUC's foreign activities by Patrick Wintour, pp. 698-699
                  6. How industrialists and Whitehall mandarins tried to 'bounce' the government by Christopher Hird, pp. 700-701
                  7. Vera's tale---a matter of life and death and bureaucracy by Judith Cook, pp. 702-704
                  8. Israel's deadly exports by Tim Coone, p. 705
                  9. The Americanisation of Egypt by Desmond Stewart, p. 706
                  10. Economics, p. 707
                  11. The view from Baghdad by Claudia Wright, p. 708
                  12. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 709
                  13. Letters to the editor, p. 710
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 711
                  15. Contrariwise by Roger Woddis, p. 711
                  16. [+]
                    Dripping Water and the Rock by Jonathan Mirsky, p. 712 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Cold Nights by P.A. Chin
                    2. Fortress Besieged by Ch'ien Chung-Shu
                    3. Literature of the People's Republic of China by Kai-Yu Hsu
                  17. [+]
                    Busy Men by Anthony Arblaster, p. 713 - 1 Review
                    1. Life Chances by Ralf Dahrendorf
                  18. [+]
                    Silhouettes by Mark Todd, p. 714 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Boy Who Followed Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
                    2. Innocent Blood by P.D. James
                    3. The Sending by Geoffrey Household
                    4. Castang's City by Nicolas Freeling
                  19. [+]
                    Green Island by Judy Cooke, p. 715 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Colonist by Michael Schmidt
                    2. Summer People by Janice Elliott
                    3. Life Before Man by Margaret Atwood
                    4. A Brother's Tale by Stan Barstow
                  20. Sartre 2: What is Literature? by David Caute, p. 716
                  21. [+]
                    Veils and Veins by Andrew Motion, p. 717 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Summer Palaces by Peter Scupham
                    2. The Venetian Vespers by Anthony Hecht
                    3. Sibyls and Others by Ruth Fainlight
                  22. Songs a Thracian Taught Me by Anne Beresford, p. 718
                  23. Visiting Hour by Richard Murphy, p. 719
                  24. [+]
                    Gentleman's Reflections by Simon Blow, pp. 719-720 - 1 Review
                    1. Faces in My Time by Anthony Powell
                  25. [+]
                    Films: A Slice of Cake by John Coleman, p. 721 - 2 Reviews
                    1. American Gigolo (1980 Film) by Paul Schrader
                    2. Hussy (1980 Film) by Matthew Chapman
                  26. Bread and roses from the TUC by Philip Schlesinger, p. 722
                  27. Broodthaers and Michael Leonard by John Spurling, p. 722
                  28. Pinter's 'Hothouse' by Benedict Nightingale, p. 723
                  29. Whicker, Nixon and Hayley Mills by Julian Barnes, p. 724
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 724
                  31. Chess and crossword, pp. 725-728
                  32. Cover by Peter Bonnici
                7. [+]
                  May 16, 1980 Issue = 29 Articles
                  1. Leader; notes, pp. 730-731
                  2. Latest stage of Scottish Criminal Justice Bill by Norman Buchan, p. 732
                  3. Sweden's General Strike ends by Francis Castles, p. 733
                  4. Towards a new constitutional settlement for the trade unions by Tony Benn, pp. 734-735
                  5. The Labour Party's women become restless by Eveline Hunter, p. 736
                  6. How common is the closed shop? by Helen Jackson, p. 736
                  7. Quebec goes to the polls by Charlotte Gray, p. 737
                  8. The secret world of the spies who spend what they like by Duncan Campbell, pp. 738-739
                  9. A former spy tells his tale, pp. 740-744
                  10. Why I am going on hunger strike by Julius Tomin, p. 745
                  11. Courtroom Diary by Geoffrey Robertson, p. 746
                  12. Letters to the editor, p. 747
                  13. [+]
                    One Metre, 66 Centimetres by C.S.L. Davies, p. 748 - 1 Review
                    1. The Institutions of France Under the Absolute Monarchy, 1598-1789 by Roland E. Mousnier
                  14. [+]
                    Conjugal Rites by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 749 - 1 Review
                    1. How Far Can You Go? by David Lodge
                  15. The Freudians Slip by Pierre Joris, p. 750
                  16. [+]
                    Bending the Bars by Hermione Lee, p. 751 - 1 Review
                    1. A Soldier's Embrace by Nadine Gordimer
                  17. Sartre 3: Force of Circumstances by David Caute, p. 752
                  18. [+]
                    The Cooked and the Raw by James Campbell, p. 753 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Out of the Way by Colin MacInnes
                    2. City of Spades by Colin MacInnes
                    3. Absolute Beginners by Colin MacInnes
                    4. Mr Love and Justice by Colin MacInnes
                  19. Hesiod Meets Hawk: 1980 by Simon North, p. 754
                  20. [+]
                    The Wretched of the Earth by Stanley Trapido, p. 754 - 1 Review
                    1. The Rise and Fall of the South African Peasantry by Colin Bundy
                  21. Bethan and Bethany; Piano Concerto in E Flat Major by Fleur Adcock, p. 755
                  22. The Arts Worldwide by Nigel Lewis, p. 756
                  23. [+]
                    Films: Punk Junk by John Coleman, p. 757 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle (1979 Film) by Julien Temple
                    2. Saturn 3 (1980 Film) by Stanley Donen
                  24. Opera by Peter Conrad, p. 757
                  25. Pier and ocean by John Spurling, p. 758
                  26. Plays at the Bush and the Young Vic by Benedict Nightingale, p. 759
                  27. Anthony Quinn by Julian Barnes, p. 759
                  28. Weekend Competition, p. 760
                  29. Chess and Crossword, pp. 761-764
                8. [+]
                  May 30, 1980 Issue = 33 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 798-799
                  2. Scottish Criminal Justice Bill by Norman Buchan, p. 800
                  3. Haughey with Thatcher by Mary Holland, p. 801
                  4. Julius Tomin by Kathy Wilkes, pp. 802-803
                  5. Scottish Records Office by George Rosie, pp. 804-805
                  6. The Left in doubt by Patrick Wintour, pp. 806-807
                  7. The Siege of Miami by Claudia Wright, pp. 808-809
                  8. Zion Coptic Church by Tim Malyon, pp. 810-811
                  9. Press distribution by Liz Cooper, Dave Berry, and Charles Landry, p. 812
                  10. Junius the Rain King by Special Correspondent, p. 812
                  11. George Wilkinson by Terry Munyard, p. 813
                  12. Economic Monitor, p. 813
                  13. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 814
                  14. Letters, p. 815
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 816
                  16. Dust by Roger Woddis, p. 816
                  17. [+]
                    Short Back & Sides by Michael Schmidt, p. 817 - 1 Review
                    1. The Oxford Book of Contemporary Verse, 1945-1980 by D.J. Enright
                  18. [+]
                    Theory & Experience (1) by Stuart Hall, p. 818 - 1 Review
                    1. The Poverty of Theory, and Other Essays by E.P. Thompson
                  19. Before Birds Sing by John Berger, p. 819
                  20. [+]
                    Sheep-and-Goat Exercises by Rick Rogers, p. 819 - 1 Review
                    1. Outcomes of Education by Tyrrell Burgess and Elizabeth Adams
                  21. [+]
                    Promises, Promises by Johne Coleman, p. 820 - 1 Review
                    1. Cinema: A Critical Dictionary by Richard Roud
                  22. Love by John Mole, p. 821
                  23. [+]
                    Front Lawn by James Campbell, p. 821 - 1 Review
                    1. Problems, and Other Stories by John Updike
                  24. [+]
                    Power without Glory by Francis Wheen, p. 822 - 1 Review
                    1. The Prerogative of the Harlot by Hugh Cudlipp
                  25. Ways around Holes by Kevin Porter, p. 822
                  26. Time & the Showman by John Spurling, p. 823
                  27. Knee to the Groin by Sean Hignett, p. 824
                  28. 'The Maid's Tragedy' by Benedict Nightingale, p. 825
                  29. The Mitfords by Julian Barnes, p. 826
                  30. Kaufman's 'Wanderers' by John Coleman, p. 827
                  31. Weekend Competition, p. 828
                  32. Chess and Crossword, pp. 829-832
                  33. Front Cover by Michael Bennett
                9. [+]
                  June 6, 1980 Issue = 39 Articles
                  1. Notes, p. 835
                  2. Scottish Criminal Justice Bill by Norman Buchan, p. 836
                  3. Post Office union to lose 40,000 members by Patrick Wintour, p. 837
                  4. Blair Peach: The verdict on the inquest by Phil Cohen, pp. 838-839
                  5. South Africa: a new phase of opposition by Howard Barrell, pp. 840-841
                  6. Walker won't ban 245-T by Judith Cook, pp. 842-843
                  7. Pop profit in the IBA by Jonathan Coe and Peter Edmonds, pp. 844-845
                  8. British companies in South Africa by Denys Blakeway and Patrick Wintour, p. 846
                  9. Oilgate by Martin Bailey, p. 846
                  10. Union-busting returns to America by Denis MacShane, p. 847
                  11. Israel after Weizman by Ian Black, p. 848
                  12. Neo-Nazi martyr by Christopher Hitchens, p. 848
                  13. Northern Diary by Rob Rohrer, p. 849
                  14. Letters, p. 850
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 851
                  16. Bloody nurses by Roger Woddis, p. 851
                  17. [+]
                    Crossing the Barrier by Edward W. Said, pp. 852-853 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Marxism and the Muslim World by Maxime Rodinson
                    2. What Is Islam? by Montgomery Watt II
                    3. Europe and the Middle East by Albert Hourani
                  18. [+]
                    Impresario of the Waves by Peter Levi, p. 854 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Trying to Explain by Donald Davie
                    2. Ezra Pound and the "Pisan Cantos" by Anthony Woodward
                    3. William Carlos Williams by Charles Doyle
                    4. Theodore Roethke: An American Romantic by Jay Parini
                  19. [+]
                    Cocktail Drugs by Simon Blow, pp. 854-855 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Healing Art by A.N. Wilson
                    2. Master and Son by Roger Mitton
                    3. No Country for Young Men by Julia O'Faolain
                    4. Leaves of the Banyan Tree by Albert Wendt
                  20. [+]
                    O Young Men by Julian Mitchell, pp. 856-857 - 1 Review
                    1. Friends Apart by Philip Toynbee
                  21. [+]
                    She Must Help Herself by Paul Foot, p. 858 - 1 Review
                    1. Olive Schreiner: A Biology by Ruth First and Ann Scott
                  22. [+]
                    Eliminating Mistakes by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 859 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Proof-Reader by Alexis Parnis
                    2. Black Rain by Masuji Ibuse
                    3. Myself as Witness by James Goldman
                  23. [+]
                    The Real Shadow Cabinet by Stuart Holland, pp. 860-861 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Civil Servants by Peter Kellner and Lord Crowther-Hunt
                    2. The Secret Constitution by Brian Sedgmore
                  24. Queen of the Humanities by Tony Eagleton, p. 862
                  25. Go Away, Ariel by Norman MacCaig, p. 862
                  26. [+]
                    Annexing the Planets by A.S. Byatt, p. 863 - 1 Review
                    1. Dreams of Adventure, Deeds of Empire by Martin B. Green
                  27. [+]
                    Not the News by Nigel Cross, p. 864 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Geopolitics of Information by Anthony Smith
                    2. More Bad News by Glasgow University Media Group
                  28. A Day at the Inquest by Ken Worpole, p. 865
                  29. [+]
                    The New Anthropos by Paul Binding, p. 866 - 1 Review
                    1. Imagining America by Peter Conrad
                  30. Cargo by Jamie McKendrick, p. 866
                  31. Instant Rock Revivals by Mark Kidel, p. 867
                  32. Film Porn: Hard & Soft by Stuart Hood, p. 868
                  33. Stockhausen by Andrew Clements, p. 869
                  34. Maugham, Playwright by Julian Barnes, p. 869
                  35. Shaw, Saunders and Pownall by Benedict Nightingale, p. 870
                  36. [+]
                    Films: Child Psychology by John Coleman, p. 871 - 5 Reviews
                    1. To Forget Venice (1980 Film) by Franco Brusati
                    2. A Slave of Love (1978 Film) by Nikita Mikhalkov
                    3. Long Shot (1978 Film) by Maurice Hatton
                    4. La Commare Secca (1962 Film) by Bernardo Bertolucci
                    5. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 Film) by Lewis Milestone
                  37. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 872
                  38. Crossword, pp. 873-876
                  39. Front cover photo by John F. Hughes
                10. [+]
                  June 13, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 878-879
                  2. Scottish Criminal Justice Bill by Norman Buchan, p. 880
                  3. The quarrels in The Labour Party by Bruce Page, pp. 881-883
                  4. The deepening crisis in Iran, pp. 884-885
                  5. The Olympics and dissidents by Bohdan P. Nahaylo, pp. 886-887
                  6. Canada's unilateral disarmament by Christopher Hitchens, p. 888
                  7. West Indians and Tories by Mike Phillips, pp. 888-889
                  8. Jury rigging formalised by Anthony Blair and Phil Jeffries, p. 890
                  9. Nott's Strategy Collapses by Martin Bailey, p. 891
                  10. South African Coal Imports by Don Thomson, p. 891
                  11. A Survey of Publisher's contracts by David Caute, pp. 892-898
                  12. Moving gypsies on by Judith Cook, p. 899
                  13. Dublin Diary by Mary Holland, p. 900
                  14. Letters, p. 901
                  15. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 902
                  16. Safe as houses by Roger Woddis, p. 902
                  17. [+]
                    The Night before Mardi Gras by Peter Burke, p. 903 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Territory of the Historian by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
                    2. Montaillou by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
                    3. Carnival: A People's Uprising at Romans, 1579-1580 by Emmanuel le Roy Ladurie
                  18. [+]
                    Fled Music by Brian Martin, p. 904 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Vision Quest by Terry Davis
                    2. Lamb by Bernard MacLaverty
                    3. Ambrose's Vision by Giles Gordon
                    4. Store Up the Anger by Wessel Ebersohn
                  19. [+]
                    Trick or Treat by John Mole, p. 905 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Hello, Darkness by L.E. Sissman and Peter Davison
                    2. History of Him by Geoffrey Grigson
                    3. Man I Killed by Laurence Lerner
                    4. The Lament of the Border Guard by Patrick Creagh
                    5. Lies and Dreams by Cliff Ashby
                  20. [+]
                    Theory & Experience (2) by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 906-907 - 1 Review
                    1. Arguments within English Marxism by Perry Anderson
                  21. [+]
                    Boys Will be Boys by David Benedictus, p. 908 - 2 Reviews
                    1. From Middle England by Philip Oakes
                    2. Unreliable Memoirs by Clive James
                  22. Master of a few Acres by John Spurling, p. 909
                  23. The new Ayckbourn by Benedict Nightingale, p. 910
                  24. Mozart at Glyndebourne, Verdi at Covent Garden by Peter Conrad, p. 910
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Crash Course by John Coleman, p. 911 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Angi Vera (1979 Film) by Pal Gabor
                    2. Skip Tracer (1977 Film) by Zale Dalen
                    3. Long Weekend (1979 Film) by Colin Eggleston
                    4. Hurricane (1979 Film) by Jan Troell
                  26. Theatre Royal/Royal Court satire by Judith Cook, p. 912
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 912
                  28. Chess and Crossword, pp. 913-916
                11. [+]
                  June 20, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 918
                  2. Notes, p. 919
                  3. Freedom and the Scottish Daily Express by Norman Buchan, p. 920
                  4. The Pentagon's secret deal with Turkey by Claudia Wright, p. 921
                  5. Will Japan deliver a sympathy vote? by Donald Kirk, pp. 922-923
                  6. Schools on the Breadline by Rick Rogers, pp. 924-925
                  7. Tories and the silicon chip by Christopher Hird and Patrick Wintour, pp. 926-927
                  8. Anti-semitism in British universities by Christopher Hitchens, p. 928
                  9. Ben Bella's fifteen year wait by Stuart Holland, p. 929
                  10. London Diary by Anna Coote, p. 930
                  11. Letters to the editor, p. 931
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 932
                  13. Cause for Alarm by Roger Woddis, p. 932
                  14. [+]
                    Chippendale & U-Boats by Dan Cruikshank, p. 933 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Art in the Third Reich by Berthold Hinz
                    2. The Architecture of Humanism by Geoffrey Scott
                    3. The Rise of Architectural History by David Watkin
                    4. The State of British Architecture by Sutherland Lyall
                  15. [+]
                    Waiting for Real Water by John Bayley, p. 934 - 1 Review
                    1. Nostalgia for the Present by Andrei Voznesensky, Vera Dunham, and Max Hayward, ...
                  16. [+]
                    Migraines by Jim Crace, p. 935 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Family Matters by Elizabeth Berridge
                    2. The Education of Don Juan by Robin Hardy
                    3. Post Office by Charles Bukowski
                    4. The Anchor Tree by Emyr Humphreys
                    5. Tribal Chieftains by Barrie Hughes
                    6. The Rat Report by Constantine Fitzgibbon
                  17. [+]
                    Seaside Judge by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 936 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Last Resort---For These Times by Julian Rathbone
                    2. The Girl Green as Eldelflower by Randolph Stow
                  18. [+]
                    On the Brink by Ken Coates, p. 937 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Dangers of Nuclear War by Franklyn Griffiths and John C. Polanyi
                    2. Democratic Socialism and the Cost of Defense by Mary Kaldor, Dan Smith, and Steve Vines
                    3. Defence of the Realm in the 1980's by Dan Smith
                  19. [+]
                    Conspiring with the Enemy by Adrianne Blue, p. 938 - 1 Review
                    1. The Bleeding Heart by Marilyn French
                  20. [+]
                    Into the Oven by Judy Cooke, p. 939 - 1 Review
                    1. Kindergarten by Peter Rushforth
                  21. Federal Republic: an Advertisement by Michael Hofmann, p. 939
                  22. Jim Jones dramatised on radio by Charles Lewsen, p. 940
                  23. Preview of a Vaclav Havel performance by Katy Hounsell-Robert, p. 941
                  24. The musicians and the BBC by Philip Schlesinger, p. 941
                  25. British sportsmen lose again by Julian Barnes, p. 942
                  26. Malcolm Williamson by Benedict Nightingale, p. 942
                  27. [+]
                    Films: Eva's Secret by John Coleman, p. 943 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Courage Fuyons (1979 Film) by Yves Robert
                    2. Christopher Strong (1933 Film) by Dorothy Arzner
                    3. A Touch of Zen (1969 Film) by King Hu
                  28. Weekend Competition, p. 944
                  29. Chess and Crossword, pp. 945-948
                  30. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                12. [+]
                  June 27, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 950
                  2. Notes, p. 951
                  3. Scottish Criminal Justice by Norman Buchan, p. 952
                  4. South African workers revolt by Howard Barrell, p. 953
                  5. Why gays distrust the police by Brian Deer, p. 954
                  6. Bani-Sadr's dilemma by Frank Harrow, p. 955
                  7. Police in the Community by Mike Phillips, p. 956
                  8. E.P. Thomson's dialogue with Roy Medvedev, pp. 956-957
                  9. The realities of civil defence by Christopher Hitchens, p. 958
                  10. America's nuclear strike plans by Duncan Campbell, pp. 959-960
                  11. The common sense of monetarism by Andrew Glyn and John Harrison, pp. 961-962
                  12. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 963
                  13. Letters to the Editor, p. 964
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 965
                  15. Persons represented by Roger Woddis, p. 965
                  16. [+]
                    A Man Between Covers by John Willett, pp. 966-967 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Man Who Was B. Traven by Will Wyatt
                    2. The Treasures of B. Traven by B. Traven
                    3. Government by B. Traven
                    4. The White Rose by B. Traven
                  17. [+]
                    Like the Ark by Peter Conrad, p. 968 - 1 Review
                    1. The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H. by George Steiner
                  18. Before Leaving by Ron Butlin, p. 968
                  19. [+]
                    Theory & Experience (3) by Alex Callinicos, pp. 969-970 - 1 Review
                    1. Arguments within English Marxism by Perry Anderson
                  20. [+]
                    That Swine Lillywhite by John Arden, p. 971 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Fairies in Legend and the Arts by Alison Packer, Stella Beddge, and Lianne Jarrett, ...
                    2. Introducing David Jones by John Matthias and David Michael Jones
                    3. Dai Greatcoat by David Jones
                  21. SAS, SIS, SOS by Martin Walker, p. 972
                  22. Winter Day by Susannah Fried, p. 973
                  23. Private Eyes by Mark Todd, pp. 974-975
                  24. Couplings by Andrew Clements, p. 976
                  25. Television by Julian Barnes, p. 977
                  26. [+]
                    Films: Imaginary Leaps by John Coleman, pp. 977-978 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Nijinsky (1980 Film) by Herbert Ross
                    2. The Wobblies (1979 Film) by Stewart Bird and Deborah Shaffer
                    3. Dawn of the Dead (1978 Film) by George A. Romero
                    4. Guyana: Crime of the Century (1979 Film) by Rene Cardona Jr.
                    5. The Day Time Ended (1980 Film) by John 'Bud' Cardos
                  27. Dickens dramatised by Benedict Nightingale, p. 979
                  28. Theatre in Berlin by Ronald Hayman, p. 979
                  29. Weekend Competition, p. 980
                  30. Chess and Crossword, pp. 981-984
              3. [+]
                Issues of Jul.-Sep. 1980 = 13 Issues, 359 Articles
                1. [+]
                  July 4, 1980 Issue = 26 Articles
                  1. Leader; Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Scottish Criminal Justice by Norman Buchan, p. 4
                  3. Should the West bankroll Turkish torture? by Tessa Brown, pp. 5-7
                  4. How Britain turned to Tito in World War II by Basil Davidson, pp. 8-11
                  5. The quick, lonely death of 'Cartoon' Campbell by Nigel Lewis, p. 12
                  6. BBC and the intelligence services by Duncan Campbell and Clive Thomas, p. 13
                  7. Tomin prepares to leave Czechoslovakia, p. 14
                  8. London Diary by Christopher Hird, p. 15
                  9. Letters to the editor, pp. 16-17
                  10. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 18
                  11. Hand me a hairshirt by Roger Woddis, p. 18
                  12. [+]
                    More Bones by Martin Amis, p. 19 - 1 Review
                    1. The Return of Eva Peron by V.S. Naipaul
                  13. [+]
                    Gagged by Charles Glass, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. Decent Interval by Frank Snepp
                  14. [+]
                    Rights by Patricia Hewitt, p. 21 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Bill of Rights? by Michael Zander
                    2. The Human Rights Handbook by Marguerite Garling
                  15. The Dyer's Hand by Michael Kustow, p. 22
                  16. A Metaphysical Outrage by Christopher Reid, p. 22
                  17. [+]
                    Carver's Table by John Lucas, p. 23 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Other People's Worlds by William Trevor
                    2. The Boarding-House by William Trevor
                  18. [+]
                    Running on the Spot by Andrew Motion, p. 24 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Death Valley, and Other Poems in America by Alan Ross
                    2. Selected Poems by Patricia Beer
                    3. Over the Wall by Andrew Waterman
                    4. Seeing the World by Dick Davis
                  19. Nappies are Out by Julian Barnes, p. 25
                  20. Designs on Votes by Adrian Forty, p. 26
                  21. Matisse or Paolini by John Spurling, p. 26
                  22. A Short Sharp Shock by Benedict Nightingale, p. 27
                  23. [+]
                    Films: Horse-Sense by John Coleman, p. 28 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Black Stallion (1979 Film) by Carroll Ballard
                    2. The Sea Wolves (1980 Film) by Andrew V. McLaglen
                    3. Little Darlings (1980 Film) by Ronald F. Maxwell
                    4. Lifespan (1975 Film) by Alexander Whitelaw
                  24. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  25. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  26. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                2. [+]
                  July 11, 1980 Issue = 34 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 34-35
                  2. The BBC roots for the Thai royals by Chris Mullin, p. 36
                  3. Daily Mail in fake story cover-up by Andrew Jennings, p. 36
                  4. Peter Emery's diving school by John Drury, p. 37
                  5. Immigration and the British police-state by Amrit Wilson, pp. 38-39
                  6. A new programme for Greece by John Torode, pp. 40-41
                  7. Free Enterprise Zones---a 'Hong Kong solution'? by James Anderson, p. 42
                  8. Filipinos get notice to quit the UK by Anna Coote, p. 43
                  9. Kelly family refused legal aid by Rob Rohrer, p. 44
                  10. Will new safety regulations bypass Porton Down? by Duncan Campbell, p. 44
                  11. Yemelyanov falls from Soviet favour by Reuben Ainsztein, p. 45
                  12. The trials of Miss Snobby Snout by Rob Edwards, p. 46
                  13. Will the Superpowers kill the krill? by Mick Hamer, p. 47
                  14. Grimsby Diary by Austin Mitchell, p. 48
                  15. Letters, p. 49
                  16. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 50
                  17. Sermon in Brazil by Roger Woddis, p. 50
                  18. [+]
                    Power Point by Robert Wistrich, p. 51 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Jewish Emergence from Powerlessness by Yehuda Bauer
                    2. Prophets in Babylon by Marion Woolfson
                  19. [+]
                    A Fighter by Mervyn Jones, p. 52 - 1 Review
                    1. Writing by Candlelight by E.P. Thompson
                  20. Risking All by James Campbell, p. 52
                  21. Journey by Vicki Feaver, p. 53
                  22. [+]
                    Every Sort of Hog by Hermione Lee, p. 54 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Life of Katherine Mansfield by Antony Alpers
                    2. Gurdjieff and Mansfield by James Moore
                  23. [+]
                    Endlessly by John Lucas, p. 55 - 1 Review
                    1. The Middle Ground by Margaret Drabble
                  24. [+]
                    Zimbabwean Prospects by Terence Ranger, p. 56 - 2 Reviews
                    1. From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe by W.H. Morris-Jones
                    2. A Short Thousand Years by Paul L. Moorcraft
                  25. Sweeney Todd by Benedict Nightingale, p. 57
                  26. More Wimbledon by Julian Barnes, p. 57
                  27. Nigel Osborne by Andrew Clements, p. 58
                  28. The making of Afro-American music by Charles Fox, p. 59
                  29. Films: The Pathetic Fallacy by Stuart Hood, p. 60
                  30. Farce in Manchester by Paul Allen, p. 60
                  31. Truffaut and Fugard by John Coleman, p. 61
                  32. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 62
                  33. Crossword, pp. 63-68
                  34. Cover photo by Linda Westmore
                3. [+]
                  July 18, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Labour Party Enquiry by Patrick Wintour, p. 4
                  3. The Rooker affair by Patrick Wintour, p. 5
                  4. Thatcher and the ILEA by Rick Rogers, pp. 6-7
                  5. Local Government finance by Francis Wheen, p. 8
                  6. Golding's constituency by Patrick Wintour, pp. 8-9
                  7. The biggest phone tap in the world by Duncan Campbell and Linda Melvern, pp. 10-14
                  8. The proper defence of Britain by William Rodgers, p. 15
                  9. Germany and the American alliance by Claudia Wright, p. 16
                  10. London Diary by Anna Coote, p. 17
                  11. Boom-tsie! by Michael Kustow, p. 18
                  12. Letters to the editor, p. 18
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 19
                  14. Ode to joy by Roger Woddis, p. 19
                  15. [+]
                    Thick End of the Wedge by Geoffrey Hosking, pp. 20-21 - 1 Review
                    1. The Oak and the Calf by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
                  16. Circus by Simon North, p. 22
                  17. [+]
                    On All Fours by Judy Cooke, p. 22 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Company by Samuel Beckett
                    2. Kolyma Tales by Varlam Shalamov
                    3. Scars and Other Ceremonies by Christopher Leach
                    4. Staking Claims by Page Edwards
                    5. Six Curtains for Stroganov by Caryl Brahms
                  18. Theory & Experience (4) by Robin Blackburn, p. 23
                  19. [+]
                    Uses of Desire by Helen McNeil, pp. 24-25 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Adultery in the Novel by Tony Tanner
                    2. Love and Marriage by Laurence Lerner
                  20. [+]
                    Pratt & Van by David Lodge, p. 26 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Setting the World on Fire by Angus Wilson
                    2. Angus Wilson: Mimic and Moralist by Peter Faulkner
                  21. Bracknell and Capital jazz festivals by Charles Fox, p. 27
                  22. Fugard's new play by Benedict Nightingale, p. 28
                  23. Erte at Glyndebourne by Peter Conrad, p. 29
                  24. South African Panorama by Julian Barnes, p. 30
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Anserine by John Coleman, p. 30 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Maitresse (1973 Film) by Barbet Schroeder
                    2. The Secret Policeman's Other Ball (1980 Film) by Roger Graef and Julien Temple
                    3. The Last Flight of Noah's Ark (1980 Film) by Charles Jarrott
                  26. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 31
                  27. Crossword, pp. 32-36
                  28. Cover photo by Chris Schwarz
                4. [+]
                  July 25, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 1-3
                  2. America's eavesdropping on Britain by Duncan Campbell, p. 4
                  3. London Transport's real needs by Mick Hamer, p. 5
                  4. Writers to on strike by Francis Wheen, p. 5
                  5. Tories threaten British Gas by Christopher Hird, p. 6
                  6. Unanswered questions about Cartoon Campbell by Jennifer Monahan, pp. 6-7
                  7. A history of the Angolan revolution by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 8-9
                  8. Frank Chapple and democracy by Patrick Wintour, pp. 10-12
                  9. Black people and politics by Mike Phillips, p. 13
                  10. Recessional by Roger Woddis, p. 14
                  11. The proper defence of Britain by Robin Cook, p. 15
                  12. Northern Diary by Rob Rohrer, p. 16
                  13. Letters to the editor, p. 17
                  14. [+]
                    Hard Lines by Nigel Cross, p. 18 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Days of Wrath by Robert Katz
                    2. Fortune's Hostages by Caroline Moorehead
                    3. Political Crime in Europe by Barton L. Ingraham
                    4. The State in Western Europe by Richard Scase
                  15. [+]
                    Man's World by Anna Coote, p. 19 - 1 Review
                    1. Women Workers and the Trade Union Movement by Sarah Boston
                  16. [+]
                    White Knight by John Spurling, p. 20 - 2 Reviews
                    1. English Post-Impressionism by Simon Watney
                    2. Roger Fry: Art and Life by Frances Spalding
                  17. [+]
                    Bedroomised by Andrew Motion, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. Collected Ewart, 1933-80 by Gavin Ewart
                  18. [+]
                    Ten Year Plans by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 21 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The City Builder by George Konrad
                    2. Runaway Horse by Martin Walser
                    3. Abracadabra by Wolf Mankowitz
                    4. One Hot Summer in Kyoto by John Haylock
                  19. [+]
                    Falling Foul by Olga Semenova, pp. 22-23 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR
                    2. Soviet Psychoprisons by Harvey Fireside
                    3. Punitive Medicine by Alexander Podrabinek
                    4. Institute of Fools by Viktor Nekipelov, Marco Carynnyk, and Marta Horban, ...
                    5. History's Carnival by Leonid Plyushch
                  20. The Williams Committee on censorship by David Benedictus, p. 24
                  21. Recent rock records by Mark Kidel, p. 25
                  22. [+]
                    Street Walker by Andrew Clements, p. 25 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Gustav Mahler: The Early Years by Donald Mitchell
                    2. Recollections of Gustav Mahler by Natalie Bauer-Lechner
                    3. Gustav Mahler: An Introduction to His Music by Deryck Cooke
                    4. Mahler's Sixth Symphony----A Study by Norman Del Mar
                  23. [+]
                    Films: Square Times by John Coleman, p. 26 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Fame (1980 Film) by Alan Parker
                    2. Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980 Film) by James Ivory
                    3. Bronco Billy (1980 Film) by Clint Eastwood
                  24. Televised Olympics by Julian Barnes, p. 27
                  25. British art at the Hayward Gallery by John Spurling, p. 27
                  26. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 28
                  27. Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  28. Cover illustration by John Minnion
                5. [+]
                  August 1, 1980 Issue = 24 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 2-4
                  2. Sex, race and ritual at Gray's Inn by Anna Coote, p. 5
                  3. Why Billy Carter casts a deadly shadow by Claudia Wright, pp. 6-7
                  4. The fight goes on for the New Hebrides by Peter Tatchell, pp. 8-9
                  5. Cambodia: America's second war in Indochina by John Pilger, pp. 10-15
                  6. London Diary by Francis Wheen, p. 16
                  7. Letters, p. 17
                  8. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 18
                  9. To a winner by Roger Woddis, p. 18
                  10. Grub Street Revisited by Michael Sissons, p. 19
                  11. [+]
                    Fair Deal? by Tim Jeal, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. Publishing Agreements by Charles Clark
                  12. [+]
                    Beautiful Mission by Nigel Cross, p. 21 - 1 Review
                    1. The Author and His Publisher by Siegfried Unseld
                  13. Olivia Manning by Paul Binding, p. 22
                  14. Separation by Simon North, p. 22
                  15. [+]
                    Legitimate Target by John Arden, p. 23 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Sheridan Le Fanu and Victorian Ireland by W.J. McCormack
                    2. The Anglo-Irish Novel by John Cronin
                  16. Rain by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 23
                  17. Oh, Coe, No! by David Caute, p. 24
                  18. Light Against Dark by Stuart Hood, p. 25
                  19. The Elephant Man by Christopher Edwards, p. 25
                  20. Experimental theatre in New York by Gerald Rabkin, p. 26
                  21. [+]
                    Films: Guy and Doll by John Coleman, p. 27 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Little Miss Marker (1980 Film) by Walter Bernstein
                    2. Can't Stop the Music (1980 Film) by Nancy Walker
                    3. Salvatore Giuliano (1961 Film) by Francesco Rosi
                  22. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  23. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  24. Cover photo by Eric Piper
                6. [+]
                  August 8, 1980 Issue = 27 Articles
                  1. Letter & Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. An open letter to Sir Henry Fisher by Christopher Price, p. 4
                  3. The truth behind the collapsing children by Judith Cook, p. 5
                  4. Will TUC organise the unemployed? by Patrick Wintour, p. 6
                  5. Land hunger in Zimbabwe by David Ward, p. 7
                  6. Monetarism under the microscope by Jeremy Bray, p. 8
                  7. Bumper year for bankruptcies by Meghnad Desai, p. 9
                  8. Eating British industry for breakfast by Christopher Hird, pp. 10-11
                  9. Afghanistan's sweet-toothed invaders by Anthony Hyman, p. 12
                  10. Soviet attitudes to Islam by Bohdan P. Nahaylo, p. 13
                  11. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 14
                  12. Letters, p. 15
                  13. The minister by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  14. [+]
                    The Tactics of Amnesia by Paul Preston, p. 16 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Spanish Revolution by Burnett Bolloten
                    2. Communism in Spain in the Franco Era by Jorge Semprun
                  15. [+]
                    Market Values by Gillian Wilce, p. 17 - 1 Review
                    1. Thy Neighbor's Wife by Gay Talese
                  16. [+]
                    A Community? by Kerry Schott, p. 18 - 1 Review
                    1. The Uncommon Market by Stuart Holland
                  17. On the Edge by William Jay Smith, p. 18
                  18. [+]
                    Red Experts & Expert Reds by Fred Steward, p. 19 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Science and Industrialization in the USSR by Robert A. Lewis
                    2. Technology and Society Under Lenin and Stalin by Kendall E. Bailes
                    3. The Technical Intelligentsia and the Soviet State by Nicholas Lampert
                  19. [+]
                    Who is Sarah? by Simon Blow, p. 20 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Maybe: A Story by Lillian Hellman
                    2. Homelands by John Wiles
                    3. The Sorry Papers by Don Bailey
                    4. Silk and Steel by Stephen Alter
                  20. [+]
                    Sleuthing by Francis Wheen, p. 20 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Talent to Deceive by Robert Barnard
                    2. Dorothy L. Sayers: Nine Literary Studies by Trevor H. Hall
                  21. A Fellow-traveller by Ron Butlin, p. 21
                  22. A Sailor's Life by Anne Karpf, p. 21
                  23. War Stories by Robert Hewison, p. 22
                  24. The Suicide by Christopher Edwards, p. 23
                  25. [+]
                    Films: Take Off by John Coleman, p. 24 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Airplane! (1980 Film) by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker
                    2. The Valiant Ones (1975 Film) by King Hu
                    3. Rebecca (1940 Film) by Alfred Hitchcock
                  26. Weekend Competition, p. 24
                  27. Chess and Crossword, pp. 25-28
                7. [+]
                  August 15, 1980 Issue = 27 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Tories miss D Notice evidence by Duncan Campbell and Christopher Hird, p. 4
                  3. US Democratic convention by Claudia Wright, p. 5
                  4. Meetings with Edgar Tekere by David Ward, p. 5
                  5. Defending the motor car by Mick Hamer and Patrick Wintour, pp. 6-7
                  6. BOSS in Britain by Martin Bailey, pp. 8-9
                  7. Adest & the new picketing code by Patrick Wintour, p. 10
                  8. Evidence suppressed on West Bank bombing by Tim Coone, p. 10
                  9. Israelis gag Palestinian organisation by Ian Black, p. 10
                  10. Development & women in India by Anna Coote, p. 11
                  11. In defence of Nato by Field Marshal Lord Carver, p. 12
                  12. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 13
                  13. Letters, p. 14
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  15. Polonaise by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  16. [+]
                    Madam on the Moon? by J.P. Stern, p. 16 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Nervous Splendor by Frederic Morton
                    2. Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske
                  17. [+]
                    Bucolic Bones by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 17 - 4 Reviews
                    1. A Few Green Leaves by Barbara Pym
                    2. F for Ferg by Ian Cochrane
                    3. Collin by Stefan Heym
                    4. Pas de Deux by Olivier Beer
                  18. [+]
                    Myth of the Fifth Column by David Pryce-Jones, p. 18 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Collar the Lot! by Peter Gillman and Leni Gillman
                    2. A Bespattered Page? by Ronald Stent
                    3. Prisoners of England by Miriam Kochan
                  19. [+]
                    A Foreign Code by Julian Barnes, pp. 19-20 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Somerset Maugham: A Biography by Ted Morgan
                    2. The Scandal of Syrie Maugham by Gerald McKnight
                  20. Crop Rotation by Andrew Clements, p. 21
                  21. Whip in Hand by Christopher Edwards, p. 22
                  22. Prostitutes, singers and football on TV by Julian Barnes, p. 22
                  23. David Mercer remembered by Don Taylor, p. 23
                  24. [+]
                    Films: Small Mercies by David Wilson, p. 24 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Consequence (1977 Film) by Wolfgang Petersen
                    2. Caddyshack (1980 Film) by Harold Ramis
                  25. Weekend Competition, p. 24
                  26. Chess and crossword, pp. 25-28
                  27. Cover photograph by Michael Bennett
                8. [+]
                  August 22, 1980 Issue = 29 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Dismantling National Insurance by Ruth Lister, p. 4
                  3. Report from Poland by A special correspondent, p. 5
                  4. The TUC and Poland by Patrick Wintour, p. 6
                  5. Korea's show trial by Donald Kirk, p. 6
                  6. Anwar Ditta's battle against the Home Office by David Holmes#2, p. 7
                  7. Ulster by Mary Holland, p. 7
                  8. Chemical warfare in Vietnam by Mike Goldwater and Anthony Barnett, pp. 8-9
                  9. Cruise: the missile that doesn't work by Andrew Cockburn, pp. 10-11
                  10. Inside South Africa's Department of Foreign Affairs by Martin Bailey, p. 12
                  11. London Diary by Anna Coote, p. 13
                  12. Letters, p. 14
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  14. The only language by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  15. [+]
                    Muzzling Wild Beasts by James Campbell, p. 16 - 4 Reviews
                    1. RLS: A Life Study by Jenni Calder
                    2. The Laird of Abbotsford by A.N. Wilson
                    3. Conrad in the Nineteenth Century by Ian Watt
                    4. The Private Diaries of Sir Henry Rider Haggard by D.S. Higgins and H. Rider Haggard
                  16. [+]
                    Good for Nothing? by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 17 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Exactions by C.H. Sisson
                    2. Selected Poems by Donald Justice
                    3. Poems of Love and Death by George MacBeth
                    4. New and Collected Poems, 1950-1980 by Vernon Scannell
                  17. [+]
                    Ancestors by Charles Fox, p. 18 - 1 Review
                    1. Inherit the Earth by Maureen Duffy
                  18. [+]
                    No Longer Small by Martin Bailey, p. 19 - 1 Review
                    1. Third-Class Ticket by Heather Wood
                  19. [+]
                    Church Militant by Terence Ranger, p. 19 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Catholic Church and Zimbabwe, 1879-1979 by Anthony J. Dachs
                    2. Catholic Church and the Struggle for Zimbabwe by Ian Linden
                  20. Kissing and Telling by Paul Muldoon, p. 20
                  21. [+]
                    Tense Questions by Brian Martin, p. 20 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Sir Henry and Sons: A Memoir by Thomas Hinde
                    2. Mr. Nicholas by Thomas Hinde
                    3. Daymare by Thomas Hinde
                    4. A Forgotten Season by Kathleen Conlon
                    5. The Killing of Nelson John by Clyde Hosein
                    6. Forfeits by Anne Dearan
                  22. Problems & Prospects by Stuart Hood, p. 21
                  23. Keeping fit and well with TV by Julian Barnes, p. 21
                  24. Galileo and Othello on state by Christopher Edwards, p. 22
                  25. Brian Eno and his synthesiser by Mark Kidel, p. 23
                  26. [+]
                    Films: Soft Punk by David Wilson, p. 24 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Breaking Glass (1980 Film) by Brian Gibson
                    2. All That Jazz (1979 Film) by Bob Fosse
                    3. The Wishing Tree (1976 Film) by Tengiz Abuladze
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 24
                  28. Chess and Crossword, pp. 25-28
                  29. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                9. [+]
                  August 29, 1980 Issue = 26 Articles
                  1. Letter & Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Press freedom and the right of reply by Anna Coote, p. 4
                  3. Do women always consent to being sterilised? by Martin Bailey and Jon Danzig, p. 5
                  4. Jerusalem's divisive 'unity' by David Mandel, p. 6
                  5. Destruction of Britain's industrial heartland by Patrick Wintour, pp. 7-8
                  6. Historical truth and the BBC by Gitta Sereny, p. 9
                  7. Beyond the fragments by Sheila Rowbotham, pp. 10-11
                  8. The hidden dangers of Jim Prior's Codes of Practice by Anthony Blair, p. 12
                  9. London Diary by Christopher Hird, p. 13
                  10. Letters to the editor, p. 14
                  11. First Peterson by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  12. Clarity by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  13. [+]
                    Climbing Frames by Rick Rogers, pp. 16-17 - 7 Reviews
                    1. Who Cares? by Penelope Leach
                    2. Nurseries Now by Martin Hughes, Berry Maynall, Peter Moss, and Jane Perry, ...
                    3. Childminder by Brian Jackson and Sonia Jackson
                    4. Under Five in Britain by Jerome S. Bruner
                    5. Childwatching at Playgroup and Nursery School by Kathy Sylva, Carolyn Roy, and Marjorie Painter
                    6. Children and Minders by Bridget Bryant, Miriam Harris, and Dee Newton
                    7. Children and Day Nurseries by Caroline Garland and Stephanie White
                  14. [+]
                    Ugly Health by James Campbell, p. 18 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Secret Rendezvous by Kobo Abe
                    2. Nearing's Grace by Scott Sommer
                    3. Seahorse by Graham Petrie
                    4. Flowers of the Forest by Joseph Hone
                  15. A Writer by John Berger, p. 18
                  16. [+]
                    Elizabethan Images by John Arden, p. 19 - 1 Review
                    1. Shakespeare: The Globe and the World by S. Schoenbaum
                  17. [+]
                    Say 'Bayethe' For Us by Katharine Robertson, p. 19 - 1 Review
                    1. Call Me Not a Man, and Other Stories by Mtutuzeli Matshoba
                  18. [+]
                    Masks by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. My Guru and His Disciple by Christopher Isherwood
                  19. [+]
                    Well-Meaning by Peter Dews, p. 21 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Material Word by David Silverman and Brian Torode
                    2. Reference Truth and Reality by Mark Platts
                  20. Mother and Son by Duncan Forbes, p. 21
                  21. Drama at the Edinburgh Festival by Benedict Nightingale, p. 22
                  22. Yap on TV and TV on Yap by Julian Barnes, p. 22
                  23. The way the BBC covered the Day of Action by Antony Easthope, p. 23
                  24. [+]
                    Films: In For Life by David Wilson, p. 24 - 2 Reviews
                    1. McVicar (1980 Film) by Tom Clegg
                    2. The Fiendish Plot of Dr. fu Manchu (1980 Film) by Piers Haggard
                  25. Weekend Competition, p. 24
                  26. Chess and Crossword, pp. 25-28
                10. [+]
                  September 5, 1980 Issue = 27 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, pp. 3-4
                  3. British Rail's financial crisis by Mick Hamer, p. 5
                  4. Documents from Poland by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 6-7
                  5. TUC report by Anna Coote, p. 8
                  6. The vanishing Commonwealth trade unionists by Don Thomson, p. 9
                  7. Reagan and the lunatic Right by Godfrey Hodgson, pp. 10-11
                  8. A year of Now! by Francis Wheen, p. 12
                  9. Tories and the disabled by Hannah Wright, pp. 13-14
                  10. London Diary by Peter Kellner, p. 15
                  11. Letters, p. 16
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 17
                  13. The Sundiposh by Roger Woddis, p. 17
                  14. [+]
                    All the Conspirators by David Pryce-Jones, pp. 18-19 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Fellow Travellers of the Right by Richard Griffiths
                    2. British Fascism by Kenneth Lunn and Richard C. Thurlow
                  15. [+]
                    Spain Bleeds, England Gambles by Michael Schmidt, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil War Verse by Valentine Cunningham
                  16. [+]
                    A.S. Byatt by A.S. Byatt, p. 21 - 1 Review
                    1. Nuns and Soldiers by Iris Murdoch
                  17. [+]
                    Silences by Ben Okri, p. 22 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Ancient Monuments by Stig Claesson
                    2. Out of Season by Ian J. Burton
                    3. Clear Light of Day by Anita Desai
                    4. Limbo Girl by June Burnett
                  18. The Black Theatre of Prague by Jamie McKendrick, p. 23
                  19. The Perils of Self-Censorship by Mary Holland, p. 23
                  20. Drama at the Edinburgh Festival by Benedict Nightingale, p. 24
                  21. The Edinburgh Radio Festival by Anne Karpf, p. 25
                  22. The Edinburgh Film Festival by Sean Hignett, p. 26
                  23. [+]
                    Films: School's Out by John Coleman, p. 27 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Week's Vacation (1980 Film) by Bertrand Tavernier
                    2. Chapter Two (1979 Film) by Robert Moore
                  24. The grilling of Keeler by Julian Barnes, p. 28
                  25. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  26. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  27. Front cover by Ralph Steadman
                11. [+]
                  September 12, 1980 Issue = 25 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, pp. 3-4
                  3. The Stealth Bomber by Andrew Cockburn, p. 5
                  4. China tries to make up its mind about Mao by Ross Terrill, pp. 6-7
                  5. Health & politics: how the working classes suffer by Anna Coote, pp. 8-9
                  6. Suppressed police evidence about the Yorkshire Ripper by Rob Rohrer, pp. 10-13
                  7. Julius Tomin and Zdena Tominova come to England by Christopher Hitchens, p. 14
                  8. Agonising decision by Roger Woddis, p. 14
                  9. Sexual fantasies in modern America by Claudia Wright, p. 15
                  10. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 16
                  11. Letters to the editor, p. 17
                  12. [+]
                    Lovers & Geniuses by John Willett, p. 18 - 1 Review
                    1. Isadora and Esenin by Gordon McVay
                  13. [+]
                    New Worlds by Helen McNeil, p. 19 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Diana of the Crossways by George Meredith
                    2. The Odd Women by George Gissing
                    3. An Unsocial Socialist by G. Bernard Shaw
                    4. Ann Veronica by H.G. Wells
                  14. [+]
                    Art & Craft by Gillian Wilce, p. 20 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Shooting Party by Isabel Colegate
                    2. Unholy Loves by Joyce Carol Oates
                    3. Second Sight by Sally Emerson
                    4. Missing Person by Patrick Modiano
                  15. [+]
                    The Faultlines of Race by Shula Marks, pp. 21-22 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Ernest Oppenheimer: A Study in Power by Edward G. Jessup
                    2. Capital, State and White Labour in South Africa, 1900-60 by Robert H. Davies
                    3. Ethnic Power Mobilized by Heribert Adam and Hermann Giliomee
                    4. The Liberal Dilemma in South Africa by Pierre L. van den Berghe
                    5. Transkei's Half Loaf by Newell M. Stultz
                  16. [+]
                    Of Machines and Men by Hilary Wainwright, p. 23 - 1 Review
                    1. Architect or Bee? by Mike Cooley
                  17. [+]
                    Films: My Sainted Aunt! by John Coleman, p. 24 - 7 Reviews
                    1. Mon Oncle d'Amerique (1980 Film) by Alain Resnais
                    2. Cruising (1980 Film) by William Friedkin
                    3. Brubaker (1980 Film) by Bob Rafelson and Stuart Rosenberg
                    4. Urban Cowboy (1980 Film) by James Bridges
                    5. Heart Beat (1980 Film) by John Byrum
                    6. Rough Cut (1980 Film) by Don Siegel and Robert Ellis Miller
                    7. Harlequin (1980 Film) by Simon Wincer
                  18. The rights of translators of plays by Christopher Edwards, p. 25
                  19. Andrea Newman, Noel Coward and the American Presidency by Julian Barnes, p. 25
                  20. Tynan and O'Toole by Benedict Nightingale, p. 26
                  21. The Hayward Gallery's exhibition by John Spurling, p. 27
                  22. The Wiz in Sheffield and Janos Nyiri in Leicester by Paul Allen, p. 27
                  23. Tippett's new concerto by Andrew Clements, p. 28
                  24. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  25. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                12. [+]
                  September 19, 1980 Issue = 28 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, p. 3
                  3. NUJ and press freedom by Anna Coote, p. 4
                  4. Controversial American tampon arrives in Britain by Elaine Davenport, p. 5
                  5. Bunkering down for nuclear war by Duncan Campbell, pp. 6-7
                  6. The political economy of sugar by Hannah Wright, pp. 8-10
                  7. The myth of Turkey's 'neutral' army by Christopher Hitchens, p. 11
                  8. Winson Green prison governor speaks out by Judith Cook, p. 12
                  9. A new threat to the freedom to demonstrate by Paul Gordon, p. 13
                  10. London Diary by Bruce Page, p. 14
                  11. Letters, p. 15
                  12. I've got a little list by Arthur Marshall, p. 16
                  13. The day of the bee by Roger Woddis, p. 16
                  14. [+]
                    A Thousand Gaping Wounds by Jonathan Mirsky, p. 17 - 5 Reviews
                    1. China and the Three Worlds by King C. Chen
                    2. Shaping of Chinese Foreign Policy by Greg O'Leary
                    3. China's Role in World Affairs by Michael B. Yahuda
                    4. China and the West by Jerome Ch'en
                    5. China, the United Nations, and World Order by Samuel S. Kim
                  15. War Blinded by Douglas Dunn, p. 18
                  16. [+]
                    Psi-Fi by Nicolas Walter, pp. 19-20 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Science and the Supernatural by John Taylor
                    2. Death and the Magician by Raymund Fitzsimons
                    3. ESP and Parapsychology by C.E.M. Hansel
                    4. The Psychology of the Psychic by David F. Marks and Richard Kammann
                    5. The Strange Case of Edmund Gurney by Trevor H. Hall
                    6. The Strange Story of Ada Goodrich Freer by Trevor Henry Hall
                  17. [+]
                    Molly's Piano by Terry Eagleton, p. 21 - 2 Reviews
                    1. James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word by Colin MacCabe
                    2. Ulysses by Hugh Kenner
                  18. Heart Failure by Geoffrey Grigson, p. 21
                  19. [+]
                    Science, Socialism & Utopia by Gary Werskey, p. 22 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Sage: A Life of J.D. Bernal by Maurice Goldsmith
                    2. H. G. Wells: Discoverer of the Future by R.D. Haynes
                  20. [+]
                    Roast Cat by Judy Cooke, p. 23 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Man in the Holocene by Max Frisch
                    2. Imago Bird by Nicholas Mosley
                    3. Rounds by Frederick Busch
                    4. Winterreise by Gerhard Roth
                    5. The Crow Eaters by Bapsi Sidhwa
                  21. New television series by Julian Barnes, p. 24
                  22. Films: Fair Play by Nigel Lewis, p. 25
                  23. [+]
                    Films: Love and Ruins by John Coleman, p. 26 - 4 Reviews
                    1. The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979 Film) by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
                    2. The Third Generation (1979 Film) by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
                    3. Simon (1980 Film) by Marshall Brickman
                    4. Chuquiago (1976 Film) by Antonio Eguino
                  24. Timon by Benedict Nightingale, p. 27
                  25. The Beggar's Opera by Christopher Edwards, p. 28
                  26. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  27. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  28. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                13. [+]
                  September 26, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Notes, pp. 2-3
                  2. Square Leg in disarray by Duncan Campbell and Rob Edwards, p. 4
                  3. Pole-Carew on union bashing by Patrick Wintour, p. 5
                  4. Iran's reluctant border war with Iraq by Fred Halliday, pp. 6-7
                  5. The Castle Diaries and Left morality by Bruce Page, p. 8
                  6. Peter Kellner on polls and Monty Python, p. 9
                  7. The IBA consultative fraud by Jonathan Coe, pp. 10-11
                  8. Inducing alarmism by Mary Kaldor, pp. 12-13
                  9. London Diary by Anna Coote, p. 14
                  10. Letters to the editor, p. 15
                  11. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 16
                  12. Do not drop by Roger Woddis, p. 16
                  13. [+]
                    Vile Bodies by Rayner Heppenstall, p. 17 - 1 Review
                    1. The Letters of Evelyn Waugh by Mark Amory and Evelyn Waugh
                  14. [+]
                    Hate & Horror by Margaretta D'Arcy, pp. 18-19 - 1 Review
                    1. On the Blanket by Tim Pat Coogan
                  15. [+]
                    Last Word by Helen McNeil, p. 20 - 1 Review
                    1. The Sum of Things by Olivia Manning
                  16. [+]
                    Some New Strain by Andrew Motion, pp. 21-22 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Why Brownlee Left by Paul Muldoon
                    2. The Morning of the Poem by James Schuyler
                    3. The Changing Problem by Ian McMillan
                    4. Constantly Singing by James Simmons
                  17. [+]
                    Setting Murder to Poetry by Stephen Brook, p. 23 - 1 Review
                    1. Deliberate Regression by Robert Harbison
                  18. Selected Autumn and Winter Books, pp. 24-27
                  19. [+]
                    Be a Good Boy by Judy Cooke, p. 28 - 1 Review
                    1. Joshua Then and Now by Mordecai Richler
                  20. [+]
                    Bread of Heaven by Ken Coates, p. 28 - 1 Review
                    1. The Fed by Dai Smith and Hywel Francis
                  21. [+]
                    Eye-Cellation by J.J. White, p. 29 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Egghead Republic by Arno Schmidt, Ernst Krawehl, and Marion Boyars
                    2. Evening Edged in Gold by Arno Schmidt
                  22. [+]
                    Scholtz-Klink by Tim Mason, p. 30 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Hitler by Norman Stone
                    2. Hitler's Mein Kampf in Britain and America by James J. Barnes and Patience P. Barnes
                  23. Eight Poems of Emigration by John Berger, p. 31
                  24. Fools' Paradise by John Spurling, p. 32
                  25. Music by Andrew Clements, p. 33
                  26. Lillian Hellman at the National by Benedict Nightingale, p. 33
                  27. The Greeks by Julian Barnes, p. 34
                  28. [+]
                    Films: Giocoso? by John Coleman, p. 34 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Don Giovanni (1979 Film) by Joseph Losey
                    2. Dressed to Kill (1980 Film) by Brian De Palma
                  29. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 35
                  30. Crossword, pp. 36-40
              4. [+]
                Issues of Oct.-Dec. 1980 = 12 Issues, 367 Articles
                1. [+]
                  October 3, 1980 Issue = 29 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, pp. 2-3
                  3. Britain and Cambodia by Anthony Barnett, p. 4
                  4. Preview of World War III by Duncan Campbell, pp. 5-7
                  5. Labour Party conference by Peter Kellner, p. 8
                  6. Portugal's Watergate by Paul Foot, p. 9
                  7. British boxing by Denis Lehane, pp. 10-11
                  8. The textile crisis by Christopher Hird, Gary Herman, and Ron Taylor, pp. 12-14
                  9. Politics & population in America by Claudia Wright, p. 15
                  10. Workers' control of capital by Tom Schuller, p. 16
                  11. London Diary by Bruce Page, p. 17
                  12. Letters to the editor, p. 18
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 19
                  14. Over the top by Roger Woddis, p. 19
                  15. [+]
                    White Knights of Africa by David Caute, p. 20 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Asking for Trouble by Donald Woods
                    2. A Season in Paradise by Breyten Breytenbach
                    3. And Death White as Words by Breyten Breytenbach
                  16. A Prisoner by Paul Dunbar, p. 21
                  17. [+]
                    No Friends by Christopher Hitchens, p. 21 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Armenia: The Survival of a Nation by Christopher J. Walker
                    2. A People Without a Country by Gerard Chaliand
                    3. Palestine in Perspective by David H. Ott
                  18. [+]
                    Not So Patiently by Anne Karpf, pp. 22-23 - 7 Reviews
                    1. The Political Economy of Health by Lesley Doyal and Imogen Pennell
                    2. Overseas Doctors in the National Health Service by David J. Smith
                    3. Planners, Politics and Health Services by Gregory Parston
                    4. The Ethics of Resource Allocation in Health Care by K.M. Boyd
                    5. NHS: Your Money or Your Life by Lesley Garner
                    6. Class Inequality and Health Care by Vivienne Walters
                    7. Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient by Norman Cousins
                  19. [+]
                    A Taste of Drains by Brian Martin, p. 24 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Human Voices by Penelope Fitzgerald
                    2. A Tree May Fall by Jonah Jones
                    3. A Short Time to Live by Mervyn Jones
                    4. Two Women by Harry Mulisch
                    5. The House on Prague Street by Hanna Demetz
                  20. [+]
                    With Her Tail Up by Judith Hart, p. 25 - 1 Review
                    1. The Castle Diaries, 1964-70 by Barbara Castle
                  21. Sisters under the Skin by Stuart Hood, p. 26
                  22. La Fete de l'Humanite by Paul Binding and David Berry, p. 27
                  23. The Pope's radio play by Bruce Stewart, p. 27
                  24. A new production in Derry by Timothy O'Grady, p. 28
                  25. The Merchant, Colette and Priestley's Conways by Benedict Nightingale, p. 29
                  26. [+]
                    Films: POV by John Coleman, p. 30 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Shining (1980 Film) by Stanley Kubrick
                    2. The Big Red One (1980 Film) by Samuel Fuller
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 30
                  28. Chess and Crossword, pp. 31-36
                  29. Cover photograph by Michael Bennett
                2. [+]
                  October 10, 1980 Issue = 29 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, p. 3
                  3. World War III: the military view by Duncan Campbell, p. 4
                  4. Why Denis Healey is still smiling by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  5. TUC split over the Isle of Grain by Patrick Wintour, pp. 6-7
                  6. Inside Sir Ian Gilmour, pp. 8-9
                  7. The Great farming rip-off by Marion Shoard, pp. 10-11
                  8. How UMIST chose its Vice-Chancellor by Rob Rohrer and Rick Rogers, p. 12
                  9. Evicting gypsies the rough way by Judith Cook, p. 13
                  10. The unions and democracy by Frank Chapple, pp. 14-15
                  11. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 16
                  12. Letters to the editor, p. 17
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 18
                  14. Due for demolition by Roger Woddis, p. 18
                  15. [+]
                    The Men's Room by Morris Fraser, p. 19 - 7 Reviews
                    1. Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality by Peter Everard Coleman
                    2. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by John Boswell
                    3. The Homosexual as Hero in Contemporary Fiction by Stephen D. Adams
                    4. Army of Lovers by Rosa von Praunheim
                    5. Homosexuality and Liberation by Mario Mieli
                    6. Which Way Out of the Men's Room? by Gordon Johnston
                    7. States of Desire by Edmund White
                  16. A Concise Definition of Answers by Blake Morrison, p. 20
                  17. Whore of Babylon by Nigel Cross, p. 21
                  18. Bull's Eye by Judy Cooke, p. 22
                  19. [+]
                    City of Visions by Desmond Hogan, p. 23 - 6 Reviews
                    1. After My Fashion by John Cowper Powys
                    2. Our Ancestors by Italo Calvino
                    3. The Old Jest by Jennifer Johnston
                    4. Three Trapped Tigers by G. Cabrera Infante
                    5. The Head Case by Jacky Gillott
                    6. The Throwback by Tom Sharpe
                  20. [+]
                    Familiar Territory by Laurence Lerner, p. 23 - 1 Review
                    1. Ways of Escape by Graham Greene
                  21. Mercer's last play by Benedict Nightingale, p. 24
                  22. Barrie Keeffe's Black Lear by Paul Allen, p. 25
                  23. [+]
                    Films: Monstrous by John Coleman, p. 25 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Elephant Man (1980 Film) by David Lynch
                    2. Every Man for Himself (1980 Film) by Jean-Luc Godard
                    3. Godard by Colin MacCabe
                  24. �---��by Stuart Hood, p. 26
                  25. The master musicians of Jajouka by Mark Kidel, p. 27
                  26. Charitable television by Julian Barnes, p. 28
                  27. Weekend Competition, p. 28
                  28. Chess and Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  29. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                3. [+]
                  October 17, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Notes, p. 3
                  3. Controlling Michael Heseltine by Francis Wheen, p. 4
                  4. The resignation of Mr Callaghan by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  5. Thwarting the Greek Left by Fred Halliday, pp. 6-7
                  6. Australia's election by Richard Hall, pp. 8-9
                  7. The defence of Britain by Lawrence Freedman, pp. 10-11
                  8. The government's corrupt arms sales machine by Duncan Campbell, pp. 12-17
                  9. The great farming rip-off: Part II by Marion Shoard, pp. 18-20
                  10. Northern Diary by Rob Rohrer, p. 21
                  11. Letters to the editor, p. 22
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 23
                  13. Carve-up by Roger Woddis, p. 23
                  14. [+]
                    Men Can Die of Shame by Blake Morrison, p. 24 - 1 Review
                    1. A Part of Speech by Joseph Brodsky
                  15. Time of Cold by Michael Schmidt, p. 25
                  16. [+]
                    Ice and Fire by Christopher Hitchens, p. 26 - 1 Review
                    1. Indira Gandhi by Dom F. Moraes
                  17. [+]
                    Eat the Eggs by James Campbell, p. 26 - 4 Reviews
                    1. In Plain Russian by Vladimir Voinovich
                    2. The Song of the Nightingale by Bruce Arnold
                    3. A Quest of Love by Jacques Hawkes
                    4. The Voices of the Dead by Autran Dourado
                  18. [+]
                    Home Economics by Zoe Fairbairns, p. 27 - 1 Review
                    1. The Politics of Housework by Ellen Malos
                  19. [+]
                    Border Crossings by Ian Carter, pp. 28-29 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Lord and Peasant in Nineteenth Century Britain by Dennis R. Mills
                    2. The State of the Scottish Working Class in 1843 by Ian Levitt and Christopher Smout
                    3. The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class by James D. Young
                    4. Scottish Capitalism by Tony Dickson
                  20. The Prudence Farmer Award by Peter Conrad, p. 30
                  21. Pastoral by Christopher Reid, p. 30
                  22. Craig Raine by Laying a Lawn, p. 30
                  23. Man as Objects by John Spurling, p. 31
                  24. Recordings of Stockhausen, Berio and Birtwistle by Andrew Clements, p. 32
                  25. Sir Hugh Greene's battle memoirs by Julian Barnes, p. 32
                  26. Productions of O'Casey, Ibsen and Shakespeare by Benedict Nightingale, p. 33
                  27. Arden's radio Quixote by Charles Lewsen, p. 34
                  28. [+]
                    Films: Thirsty Work by John Coleman, p. 34 - 5 Reviews
                    1. Special Treatment (1980 Film) by Goran Paskaljevic
                    2. A Woman of Paris (1923 Film) by Charles Chaplin
                    3. The Hunter (1980 Film) by Buzz Kulik
                    4. The Blue Lagoon (1980 Film) by Randal Kleiser
                    5. The Long Riders (1980 Film) by Walter Hill
                  29. Die Frau ohne Schatten by Peter Conrad, p. 35
                  30. Weekend Competition Chess and Crossword, pp. 36-40
                4. [+]
                  October 24, 1980 Issue = 37 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Pol Pot vote at the UN by Anthony Barnett, p. 3
                  3. Open letter to Denis Healey by Christopher Price, p. 3
                  4. Jimmy Kelly case goes to European Court by Rob Rohrer, p. 4
                  5. Plan to sell the Ordnance Survey by Christopher Hall, p. 4
                  6. What MPs think of Thatcherism by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  7. The Times by Bruce Page and Peter Kellner, pp. 6-7
                  8. America's bloodthirsty electorate by Claudia Wright, p. 8
                  9. Isle of Grain dispute by Patrick Wintour, pp. 8-9
                  10. The City I: control of pension funds by Richard Minns, pp. 10-11
                  11. The City II: who sold in the dawn raids by Christopher Hird, pp. 12-15
                  12. H-Block by Mary Holland, p. 16
                  13. Thatcher's merchants of death by Duncan Campbell, p. 16
                  14. Assault on Czechoslovakia's Rudolf Battek by Jan Kavan, p. 17
                  15. Britain's new bread by Hannah Wright, p. 17
                  16. Defence of Britain: a plan for a democratic policy by David Fernbach, p. 18
                  17. Midlands Diary by Judith Cook, p. 19
                  18. Letters to the editor, p. 20
                  19. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 21
                  20. The danger of freedom by Roger Woddis, p. 21
                  21. [+]
                    The World and the Word by David Caute, p. 22 - 1 Review
                    1. Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess
                  22. Foreign Affairs by Michael Hofmann, p. 23
                  23. [+]
                    Debray Chez Lui by Pierre Joris, p. 24 - 1 Review
                    1. L'Esperance au Purgatoire by Regis Debray
                  24. [+]
                    You Name It by Judy Cooke, p. 24 - 1 Review
                    1. Fanny by Erica Jong
                  25. Leaving the Burning City by Clive Wilmer, p. 25
                  26. [+]
                    First-rate by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 26 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Girl in a Swing by Richard Adams
                    2. The Birds of the Air by Alice Thomas Ellis
                    3. World's End and Other Stories by Paul Theroux
                  27. [+]
                    Murky Spaces by Paul Thompson, p. 26 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Fat Man in History by Peter Carey
                    2. Samurai by Hisako Matsubara
                    3. In Flight by Jonathan Smith
                  28. [+]
                    The Other US by Charles Glass, p. 27 - 3 Reviews
                    1. A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
                    2. American Dream, Global Nightmare by Sandy Vogelsang
                    3. Counting Our Blessings by Daniel P. Moynihan
                  29. Howard Brenton's Romans by Benedict Nightingale, p. 28
                  30. Translators' rights re-examined by Charles Marowitz, p. 29
                  31. Photographing jazzmen by Charles Fox, p. 29
                  32. [+]
                    Films: Rule .303 by John Coleman, p. 30 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Breaker Morant (1980 Film) by Bruce Beresford
                    2. The Blues Brothers (1980 Film) by John Landis
                  33. Gainsborough by John Spurling, p. 31
                  34. Promoting new music by Andrew Clements, p. 31
                  35. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 32
                  36. Crossword, pp. 33-36
                  37. Cover by Peter Till
                5. [+]
                  October 31, 1980 Issue = 34 Articles
                  1. Mr Atkins & the H Blocks by Mary Holland, p. 2
                  2. Cunard climbdown by Rob Rohrer, p. 2
                  3. Lessons from Le Monde by Jane Jessel, p. 3
                  4. Knockout at Tory conference, p. 3
                  5. Heseltine's phoney figures by Steve Schifferes, p. 3
                  6. Electoral college monoeuvres by Patrick Wintour, p. 4
                  7. Labour's unsatisfactory choice by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  8. Target Britain: the unknown US bases by Duncan Campbell, pp. 6-9
                  9. Secret deal on US bases in Greece by Claudia Wright, pp. 10-11
                  10. Top ten censored US news stories by Martin Bailey, p. 12
                  11. Mental health and human rights by Francis Wheen, p. 13
                  12. London Diary by Bruce Page, p. 14
                  13. Letters to the editor, p. 15
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 16
                  15. Cowboys by Roger Woddis, p. 16
                  16. [+]
                    Exhausting the Possibilities by Hermione Lee, p. 17 - 1 Review
                    1. The Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner by Joseph Blotner and William Faulkner
                  17. [+]
                    In the Pulpit by John Spurling, p. 18 - 1 Review
                    1. The Success and Failure of Picasso by John Berger
                  18. [+]
                    Point of Change by Peter Fuller, pp. 18-19 - 1 Review
                    1. The Success and Failure of Picasso by John Berger
                  19. May I Sit Down by John Fuller, p. 20
                  20. [+]
                    Star Trek by Helen McNeil, p. 21 - 1 Review
                    1. Show People by Kenneth Tynan
                  21. [+]
                    The Politics of Urban Neglect by Michael Harloe, p. 22 - 7 Reviews
                    1. The Inner City: Employment and Industry by Alan Evans and David Eversley
                    2. The Future of the British Conurbations by Gordon Cameron
                    3. The Good City by David Donnison and Paul Soto
                    4. Poverty, Politics, and Policy by Keith G. Banting
                    5. The Crisis of the Inner City by Martin Loney and Mark Allen
                    6. Neighbourhood Survival by Terry Christensen
                    7. Urban Political Analysis by Patrick Dunleavy
                  22. [+]
                    Leave of Absence by Bill Buford, p. 23 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Tell Me a Riddle by Tillie Olsen
                    2. Yonnondio: From the Thirties by Tillie Olsen
                    3. Silences by Tillie Olsen
                  23. [+]
                    Cyanide Soup by John Coleman, p. 24 - 1 Review
                    1. Black and White by Shiva Naipaul
                  24. [+]
                    Collision Course by Denys Blakeway, p. 25 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Problems of Contemporary Militarism by Asbjorn Eide and Marek Thee
                    2. Politics of Arms Control by Duncan L. Clarke
                    3. Arms and the Men by Basil Collier
                  25. [+]
                    Wrong Party by Brian Martin, p. 26 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Oxbridge Blues, and Other Plays for Television by Frederic Raphael
                    2. Black Tickets by Jayne Anne Phillips
                    3. Prison Bars by Archie Hill
                  26. [+]
                    New Jersey Joe by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 27 - 1 Review
                    1. Loon Lake by E.L. Doctorow
                  27. [+]
                    Princely Pyknic by David Sweetman, p. 28 - 2 Reviews
                    1. A Smile in a Mind's Eye by Lawrence Durrell
                    2. Collected Poems, 1931-1974 by Lawrence Durrell and James A. Brigham
                  28. The Pye Radio Awards by Anne Karpf, p. 29
                  29. Recent rock records by Mark Kidel, p. 29
                  30. The original, four-act Importance of Being Earnest by Benedict Nightingale, p. 30
                  31. [+]
                    Films: Boxed-In by John Coleman, p. 31 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Sir Henry at Rawlinson End (1980 Film) by Steve Roberts
                    2. Wholly Moses! (1980 Film) by Gary Weis
                    3. Forty Guns (1957 Film) by Samuel Fuller
                  32. Weekend Competition, p. 31
                  33. Chess and Crossword, pp. 32-36
                  34. Cover montage by Michael Bennett
                6. [+]
                  November 7, 1980 Issue = 32 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Sit-in at Gardner by Patrick Wintour, p. 3
                  3. UK shipowners and the L200m racist rip-off by Rob Rohrer, p. 4
                  4. Who'll get hurt by the coming U-turn by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  5. Italy's L1m petrol fraud by Tana de Zulueta, pp. 6-7
                  6. Women workers and union power by Anna Coote, p. 8
                  7. Exclusive poll on women and unions by Peter Kellner, pp. 9-13
                  8. Korea's condemned opposition leader by Donald Kirk, pp. 14-15
                  9. Socialist strategy for the EEC by John Palmer, pp. 16-17
                  10. Defence, Switzerland's non-nuclear deterrent by General Frank Seethaler, pp. 18-19
                  11. Report from Eritrea's battlefront by Dan Connell, pp. 20-21
                  12. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 22
                  13. Letters, p. 23
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 24
                  15. Maggielomania by Roger Woddis, p. 24
                  16. [+]
                    White on Black by Colin Bundy, p. 25 - 8 Reviews
                    1. The Psychology of Apartheid by Peter Lambley
                    2. Anatomy of Apartheid by H. Lindsay Smith
                    3. Suffer the Future by Robert I. Rotberg
                    4. The Apartheid War Machine
                    5. Maids and Madams by Jacklyn Cock
                    6. Children Under Apartheid
                    7. Justice in South Africa by John Jackson
                    8. Organize or Starve! by Ken Luckhardt
                  17. [+]
                    Four-Hour Week by James Campbell, p. 26 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
                    2. The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor
                    3. Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor
                  18. Once Upon a Time by Ron Butlin, p. 27
                  19. [+]
                    Most Powerful Man by Hugh Brogan, pp. 27-28 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Pulse of Politics by James David Barber
                    2. All Things to All Men by Godfrey Hodgson
                  20. [+]
                    Slave Coast by Brian Martin, p. 29 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Viceroy of Ouidah by Bruce Chatwin
                    2. The Bride of Lowther Fell by Margaret Forster
                  21. [+]
                    Cold Feet in Moscow by Nicholas Shrimpton, p. 30 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Winter Garden by Beryl Bainbridge
                    2. Ancestral Vices by Tom Sharpe
                    3. Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee
                    4. The Past by Neil Jordan
                  22. [+]
                    Age of Consent by Maurice Yaffe, p. 31 - 1 Review
                    1. Paedophilia: The Radical Case by Tom O'Carroll
                  23. Dream of Waking by Paul Dunbar, p. 31
                  24. Potter, Pasolini & Poujade by Stuart Hood, p. 32
                  25. Not for Laying Down by Julian Barnes, p. 33
                  26. Birtwistle at the BBC College Concerts by Andrew Clements, p. 33
                  27. Lucia at Covent Garden and Arabella at the Coliseum by Peter Conrad, p. 34
                  28. Vanbrugh and Miller at the National by Benedict Nightingale, p. 34
                  29. [+]
                    Films: Dreadlocked by John Coleman, p. 35 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Babylon (1980 Film) by Franco Rosso
                    2. Peppermint Soda (1977 Film) by Diane Kurys
                    3. He Knows You're Alone (1980 Film) by Armand Mastroianni
                    4. The Fog (1980 Film) by John Carpenter
                  30. Weekend Competition, p. 36
                  31. Chess and Crossword, pp. 37-40
                  32. Cover photographs by Laurie Sparham and Mark Rusher
                7. [+]
                  November 14, 1980 Issue = 27 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. How the Tories betrayed the firefighters by Rob Rohrer, p. 3
                  3. Grimsby's own leadership election by Alex Gerlis, p. 4
                  4. The case for an electoral college by Michael Meacher, p. 4
                  5. Michael Foot and the porcupine by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  6. British Rail makes the going easy for spent nuclear waste by Judith Cook, pp. 6-7
                  7. Whitehall's long indifference to the Rampton scandal by James Cutler, p. 8
                  8. SUPA BUPA makes a killing by Christopher Hird, p. 9
                  9. Poland and the dangers of Scandinavian socialism by Professor Mario Nuti, p. 10
                  10. The risks facing Walesa by Paul Cooper, p. 10
                  11. Reagan and the Octopus by Godfrey Hodgson, pp. 11-13
                  12. Scottish Diary by Rob Edwards, p. 14
                  13. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  14. Best Foot Forward by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  15. No more firemen by David Caute, p. 16
                  16. Patriarchal attitudes: the 'classics' by Marion Glastonbury, pp. 17-19
                  17. Latency Period by Rosemary Stones, p. 20
                  18. [+]
                    Virile Saviours by John Bayley, p. 21 - 1 Review
                    1. Arctic Summer, and Other Fiction by E.M. Forster
                  19. [+]
                    Glow & Haze by Andrew Motion, p. 22 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Preoccupations by Seamus Heaney
                    2. Selected Poems, 1965-1975 by Seamus Heaney
                  20. [+]
                    Empty Rhetoric by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 23-24 - 1 Review
                    1. Debts of Honour by Michael Foot
                  21. Party Piece by Benedict Nightingale, p. 25
                  22. Art Attack by Julian Barnes, p. 25
                  23. Pissaro: his paintings and his political views by John Spurling, p. 26
                  24. [+]
                    Films: Travesties by John Coleman, p. 27 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Alternative Miss World (1980 Film) by Richard Gayor
                    2. The Island (1980 Film) by Michael Ritchie
                    3. Raise the Titanic (1980 Film) by Jerry Jameson
                  25. A reply to Charles Marowitz by John Willett, p. 27
                  26. Weekend competition and crossword, pp. 28-32
                  27. Cover by Jo Nesbitt
                8. [+]
                  November 21, 1980 Issue = 26 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Liberals hit black pupils in Liverpool by Rob Rohrer, p. 2
                  3. Tampon disease arrives in Britain by Elaine Davenport, p. 3
                  4. TUC backs positive action by Anna Coote, p. 3
                  5. Punch-up at the Tory Party conference by Donald Bruce, p. 4
                  6. The rose-tinted spectacles of Thatcher's economics hero by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  7. Secret documents of Anglo-American foreign policy, pp. 6-7
                  8. Parliament of Fools by Monica Ferman, pp. 8-11
                  9. Political interference in Israeli Television by Rivka Fried, p. 12
                  10. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 13
                  11. Letters to the editor, p. 14
                  12. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  13. Childish voices by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  14. To the salt mines? by Rosemary Stones, pp. 16-18
                  15. Picture Post by Henry Tube, p. 19
                  16. [+]
                    Reinventing Love by Pierre Joris, pp. 20-21 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Later by Robert Creeley
                    2. Against the Silences by Paul Blackburn
                    3. Grape Notes, Apple Music by Jeff Nuttall
                    4. Carminalenia by Christopher Middleton
                  17. [+]
                    Times Future by Peter Kellner, p. 22 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Stop Press by Eric Jacobs
                    2. Goodbye, Gutenberg by Anthony Smith
                  18. [+]
                    Black Mass by Judy Cooke, pp. 22-23 - 6 Reviews
                    1. Faust by Robert Nye
                    2. Alice Fell by Emma Tennant
                    3. Scenes from a Receding Past by Aidan Higgins
                    4. Indirect Method, and Other Stories by Francis Henry King
                    5. The Other Side by Stanley Middleton
                    6. Mr. American by George MacDonald Fraser
                  19. Films: A Hundred Flowers by John Coleman, p. 24
                  20. Golding on writing and Lord Mountbatten on himself by Julian Barnes, p. 25
                  21. Michael Andrews at the Hayward by John Spurling, p. 26
                  22. Versions of Tosca by Peter Conrad, p. 26
                  23. The Caretaker re-produced by Benedict Nightingale, p. 27
                  24. Weekend competition and chess, p. 28
                  25. Crossword, pp. 29-32
                  26. Cover by Peter Till
                9. [+]
                  November 28, 1980 Issue = 30 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. Ripper hunt changes tack by Rob Rohrer, p. 3
                  3. Lord Wilberforce and the writ of habeas corpus by Francis Wheen, p. 4
                  4. The speech Sir Geoffrey should have made by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  5. Woman workers---victims of apartheid by Anna Coote and Peter Kellner, pp. 6-7
                  6. Science and the defence of Britain by John Beckman, p. 8
                  7. Child benefit goes monthly by Ruth Lister, pp. 8-9
                  8. The death of the British car industry by Patrick Wintour, pp. 10-12
                  9. Celtic Rangers and God by Denis Lehane, p. 13
                  10. Gang of Four: a dissenting view by David Fernbach, pp. 14-15
                  11. Sue your local education authority now by Rick Rogers, p. 16
                  12. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 17
                  13. Letters to the editor, p. 18
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 19
                  15. Thanksgiving by Roger Woddis, p. 19
                  16. [+]
                    What People do not Want to Hear by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 20-21 - 1 Review
                    1. George Orwell by Bernard Crick
                  17. [+]
                    Carrying All Before Her by John Arden, pp. 22-23 - 2 Reviews
                    1. The Kemble Era by Linda Kelly
                    2. Sex and Sensibility by Jean H. Hagstrum
                  18. [+]
                    Making Up by Alan Hollinghurst, p. 24 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Packages by Richard G. Stern
                    2. The Interceptor Pilot by Kenneth Gangemi
                    3. Sula by Toni Morrison
                  19. [+]
                    Old Testament by Ian Black, p. 25 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Communism in the Arab East, 1918-28 by Suliman Bashear
                    2. The Palestine Communist Party 1919-1948 by Musa Budeiri
                  20. [+]
                    A Moral Problem? by Oswyn Murray, pp. 26-27 - 1 Review
                    1. Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology by M.I. Finley
                  21. The devil & the deep blue sea by Paton Walsh, pp. 28-29
                  22. Teen Tales by Gillian Wilce, p. 30
                  23. Recent classical record releases by Andrew Clements, p. 31
                  24. The London Contemporary Dance Theatre by Stephanie Jordan, p. 32
                  25. The Irish Play and Space Ache by Benedict Nightingale, p. 32
                  26. Black Ball Game by Paul Allen, p. 33
                  27. Dallas, Credo, Money, and Premiere by Julian Barnes, p. 33
                  28. [+]
                    Films: Teachers' Pet by John Coleman, p. 34 - 1 Review
                    1. The Falls (1980 Film) by Peter Greenaway
                  29. Weekend Competition, p. 34
                  30. Chess and Crossword, pp. 35-40
                10. [+]
                  December 5, 1980 Issue = 33 Articles
                  1. Punishing civil servants who speak out by Patrick Wintour, p. 4
                  2. Free speech victory in Australia, p. 4
                  3. Thatcher's guru comes unstuck by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  4. Dockyards damage your health by Rob Edwards, p. 6
                  5. Exporting public spending cuts by Christopher Hitchens, pp. 6-7
                  6. Cover Story, p. 8
                  7. Law 'n' order when the bomb drops by Duncan Campbell, p. 9
                  8. The limits of Russian power in Afghanistan by Fred Halliday, p. 10
                  9. Exclusive interview with Polish union leaders by Judy Dempsey, pp. 11-12
                  10. Holland's anti-nuclear soldiers by Martin Cleaver, p. 13
                  11. How the mandarins stay on top by Michael Meacher, pp. 14-15
                  12. Letters to the editor, p. 16
                  13. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 17
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 18
                  15. Nurse Moolish by Roger Woddis, p. 18
                  16. [+]
                    From Grunwick to Gulag by Ted Honderich, p. 19 - 4 Reviews
                    1. On Justice by J.R. Lucas
                    2. Illusions of Equality by David E. Cooper
                    3. Equality by Keith Joseph and Jonathan Sumption
                    4. The Recovery of Freedom by Paul Johnson
                  17. [+]
                    Satellites by David Benedictus, pp. 20-21 - 1 Review
                    1. Broadcasting in a Free Society by David James George Hennessy Lord Windlesham
                  18. [+]
                    Hating Directives by Andrew Motion, pp. 22-23 - 5 Reviews
                    1. The Illusionists by John Fuller
                    2. Victorian Voices by Anthony Thwaite
                    3. A Night in the Gazebo by Alan Brownjohn
                    4. Englishman's Road by Jeremy Hooker
                    5. Shifting Frontiers by Peter Jay
                  19. [+]
                    Wars of Position & Manoeuvre by Martin Shaw, p. 24 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Gramsci and the State by Christine Buci-Glucksmann
                    2. Gramsci's Politics by Anne Showstack Sassoon
                    3. Marxism and Democracy by Alan Hunt
                  20. [+]
                    North of South by Paul Binding, p. 25 - 1 Review
                    1. Morgan's Passing by Anne Tyler
                  21. [+]
                    Sound & Fury by Desmond Hogan, p. 26 - 1 Review
                    1. The Collected Stories of Sean O'Faolain by Sean O'Faolain
                  22. [+]
                    Death-Rider by John Arden, p. 27 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Deep Song and Other Prose by Federico Garcia Lorca
                    2. Lorca: Living in the Theatre by Gwynne Edwards
                  23. What were we arguing about? by Robert Leeson, pp. 28-29
                  24. [+]
                    Early is Best by John Lucas, p. 30 - 1 Review
                    1. Collected Short Stories by Kingsley Amis
                  25. Love on the Rocks by Michael Hofmann, p. 30
                  26. Right Angle to the Universe by John Spurling, p. 31
                  27. Films: Magnificent Obsession by John Coleman, p. 32
                  28. People Show by Benedict Nightingale, p. 32
                  29. Mackenzie, Mike Leigh & the Ripper by Julian Barnes, p. 33
                  30. Ry Cooder & Bob Seger by Mark Kidel, p. 34
                  31. Life with Christine by Troy Kennedy Martin, p. 35
                  32. Weekend Competition, p. 35
                  33. Chess & Crossword, pp. 36-40
                11. [+]
                  December 12, 1980 Issue = 26 Articles
                  1. Leader, p. 2
                  2. BR's transport of nuclear waste by Duncan Campbell, p. 3
                  3. Liverpool health authority's unnecessary cuts by Rob Rohrer and Jane Leighton, p. 3
                  4. Lead hazards multiply by Rick Rogers, p. 4
                  5. Bill Rodgers and Michael Foot by Peter Kellner, p. 5
                  6. With the rebels in Afghanistan by Gerard Chaliand, p. 6
                  7. Mrs Thatcher and Mr Haughey meet by Mary Holland, p. 7
                  8. Controversial use of Mental Health Act at Moss Side by Liz Howell, p. 7
                  9. Secret plan for dictatorship in Hong Kong by Duncan Campbell, pp. 8-9
                  10. New technology and the Post Office unions by Patrick Wintour, pp. 10-11
                  11. What makes a Murderer by C.H. Rolph, p. 12
                  12. London Diary by Tariq Ali, p. 13
                  13. Letters to the editor, p. 14
                  14. First Person by Arthur Marshall, p. 15
                  15. Open and shut by Roger Woddis, p. 15
                  16. [+]
                    The Two Voices by Andrew Motion, p. 16 - 1 Review
                    1. Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart by Robert Bernard Martin
                  17. [+]
                    The Three Estates by Peter Gordon, pp. 16-17 - 1 Review
                    1. Origins and Destinations by A.H. Halsey, A.F. Heath, and J.M. Ridge
                  18. [+]
                    Rites of Passage by Archie Brown, p. 18 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Power and the Party by Keith Middlemas
                    2. The Changing Face of Western Communism by David Childs
                    3. Comrades and Christians by David I. Kertzer
                  19. Driving Infidelity by David Sweetman, p. 18
                  20. A Tale of Two Bookshops by Paul Binding, p. 19
                  21. Films: The Right to Know What? by Stuart Hood, p. 20
                  22. Recent jazz records by Charles Fox, p. 21
                  23. Kee's Ireland and Wood's railway journey by Julian Barnes, p. 22
                  24. Class on stage in Not Quite Jerusalem by Benedict Nightingale, p. 22
                  25. Weekend Competition, p. 23
                  26. Chess and Crossword, pp. 24-28
                12. [+]
                  December 19, 1980 Issue = 34 Articles
                  1. The myth of Hong Kong's merchant adventurers by James Bartholomew, p. 2
                  2. The end of council housing by Steve Schifferes, p. 3
                  3. Christmas party in the mole-hole by Duncan Campbell, pp. 4-5
                  4. Who's who in the Afghan resistance by Gerard Chaliand, pp. 6-7
                  5. How much mothers will lose by Jean Coussins, pp. 8-9
                  6. How they killed The Times by Innis MacBeath, pp. 10-11
                  7. The ripper: rape and the moviemakers by Sally Vincent, pp. 12-14
                  8. The Sun's sex lessons by Francis Wheen, p. 15
                  9. London Diary by Christopher Hitchens, p. 16
                  10. Letters to the editor, p. 17
                  11. Christmas crackers by Arthur Marshall, p. 18
                  12. The creative mind: scientists, the bomb and the future by Bruce Page, pp. 19-29
                  13. Alice in Thatcherland by John Minnion and Roger Woddis, pp. 30-31
                  14. The chimpanzee who came to dinner by Hannah Wright, pp. 32-33
                  15. Photo-montagists by Ken Worpole, pp. 34-35
                  16. Jazz---the music of dissent by Ken Worpole, p. 36
                  17. 'Look at this Persian Miniature' by Mark Abley, p. 37
                  18. Depression by Wendy Cope, p. 37
                  19. Night-Life by Ron Butlin, p. 37
                  20. The Primer by Peter Redgrove, p. 37
                  21. The Colonel's Christmas Quiz, pp. 38-39
                  22. Political Theatre 1: On the road by Colin Mortimer, p. 40
                  23. [+]
                    Weapons of Happiness by Benedict Nightingale, pp. 41-44 - 3 Reviews
                    1. Stages in the Revolution by Catherine Itzin
                    2. Dreams and Deconstructions by Sandy Craig
                    3. Strike While the Iron Is Hot by Michelene Wandor
                  24. [+]
                    Black Hope by James Campbell, p. 45 - 3 Reviews
                    1. The Emigrants by George Lamming
                    2. Season of Adventure by George Lamming
                    3. Voyovic and Other Stories by Niall Quinn
                  25. [+]
                    Sunlight & Chaos by James Lasdun, pp. 45-47 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Black Sunlight by Dambudzo Marechera
                    2. Flowers and Shadows by Ben Okri
                  26. Brush up your Christmas by Julian Barnes, p. 48
                  27. Love & Greed by Stephanie Jordan, pp. 48-49
                  28. [+]
                    Films: Mister Bates by John Coleman, pp. 50-51 - 7 Reviews
                    1. Stardust Memories (1980 Film) by Woody Allen
                    2. Flash Gordon (1980 Film) by Mike Hodges
                    3. The Dogs of War (1981 Film) by John Irvin
                    4. Any Which Way You Can (1980 Film) by Buddy Van Horn
                    5. Hawk the Slayer (1980 Film) by Terry Marcel
                    6. The Chain Reaction (1980 Film) by Ian Barry
                    7. The Wildcats of St. Trinian's (1980 Film) by Frank Launder
                  29. Tippett's King Priam by Andrew Clements, p. 52
                  30. John Lennon by Mark Kidel, p. 52
                  31. Weekend Competition and Chess, p. 53
                  32. Christmas Crossword, p. 54
                  33. Andrew to Quiz; Salamanca Crossword, pp. 55-60
                  34. Cover photo by Chris Davies
            2. [+]
              Issues of 1981 = 26 Issues
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1982 = 25 Issues
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1983 = 51 Issues
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1984 = 52 Issues, 35 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1985 = 51 Issues, 1,887 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1986 = 51 Issues, 1,405 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1987 = 36 Issues
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1988 = 36 Issues, 52 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1989 = 12 Issues
                            2. [+]
                              Issues of the 1990s = 2 Years, 41 Issues, 19 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1990 = 24 Issues, 19 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1993 = 17 Issues