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Labour Conference
Patrick Wintour
The New Statesman
October 6, 1978
, p. 428
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by Patrick Wintour
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The New Statesman
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Julian Barnes
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Adrianne Blue
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Harold Evans
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Martin Fagg
Zoe Fairbairns
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Colin Falck
Richard Falk
Jonathan Falla
Max Farrar
Michael Farrell
Tom Fawthrop
Vicki Feaver
William Feaver
Elaine Feinstein
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Stephen Fender
Monica Ferman
David Fernbach
John Fernie
Elsa Ferri
Frank Field
Graham Field
John Field
Nick Fielding
Eva Figes
Ben Fine
Alex Finer
Louis Finger
Edward Finn
Robert A. Fisk
Joseph Fitchett
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Winston Fletcher
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Luca Fontana
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M.R.D. Foot
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Peter Forbes
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Glyn Ford
Tom Forester
Keith Forrester
John Forsyth
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Aidan Foster-Carter
Nigel Fountain
Garry Fowler
John Fowles
Celina Fox
Robin Lane Fox
Janet Frame
William Frankel
Morris Fraser
John Frazer
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Philip French
Rivka Fried
Susannah Fried
Betty Friedan
Simon Frith
Northrop Frye
John Fuller
Peter Fuller
Roy Fuller
Robin Fulton
Paul Fussell
T.R. Fyvel
Ivor Gaber
Yiannis Gabriel
John Kenneth Galbraith
George Stafford Gale
Eduardo H. Galeano
Tom Gallagher
Jean Pierre Gallois
Mark Galloway
Amy Gamerman
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Llew Gardner
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David Garnett
John Garrett
Margaret Gaskin
Conor Gearty
Amos Peter Gelb
Martha Gellhorn
Ernest Gellner
John Gennard
Bruce George
Adele Geras
Alex Gerlis
Nicci Gerrard
Kathleen Gibberd
Graham Gibbs
Robert Giddings
Tony Gifford
Peter Gil
Harriett Gilbert
Michael Gilbert
W. Stephen Gilbert
J.L. Gili
Douglas Gill
Elgy Gillespie
Oliver Gillie
Margory Gillies
Peter Gillman
Margaret Gilmore
David Gilmour
Rene Gimpel
Mark Girouard
Brian Glanville
Charles Glass
Norman Glass
Marion Glastonbury
Victoria Glendinning
Howard Glennerster
Misha Glenny
Andrew Glyn
Michael Glyn
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L.R. Gofton
David Goldberg
D.B. Goldey
David Goldey
Michael Goldfarb
Arnold Goldman
Mike Goldwater
James Goodman
Jo-Ann Goodwin
Tim Gopsill
Nadine Gordimer
Colin Gordon
Ian Gordon
Paul Gordon
Peter Gordon
Tony Gore
Geoffrey Gorer
Larry Gostin
Bryan Gould
Donald Gould
Sharon Goulds
Grey Gowrie
Andrew Graham
Cosmo Graham
David Graham
Charles Grant
James Grant
Moyra Grant
Bill Grantham
Charlotte Gray
Nigel Gray
Bernard Greaves
Royston Green
Edward Greenfield
Colin Greenland
Bill Greenwell
Anthony Greenwood
Colin Greenwood
Germaine Greer
John Gretton
John Griffith
John Griffiths
John Grigg
Geoffrey Grigson
Miron Grindea
Veronica Groocock
Paul Groves
Iain Guest
Phil Gunson
John Gurney
Richard N. Haass
Geraldine Hackett
Mark Hadden
Janet Hadley
Julia Hagedorn
Peter Hain
Paul Hainsworth
Madge Hales
Catherine Hall
Christopher Hall
David Hall
John Clive Hall
Phillip Hall
Richard Hall
Ruth Hall
Stuart M. Hall
William Hall
Paul Hallam
Fred Halliday
Adrian Ham
David Allan Hamer
Mick Hamer
Norman Hampson
Janie Hampton
Joseph Hanlon
Vincent Hanna
Gillian E. Hanscombe
Ole Hansen
Colin Harbury
Frank Hardie
Angela Harding
Victoria Hare
Ronald Harker
Valerie Harland
Peter Harley
Michael Harloe
Harriet Harman
Madeleine Harmsworth
Clifford Harper
Arlen Harris
John Harris
Oliver Harris
Olivia Harris
Brian Harrison
John Harrison
Philip Harrison
Tony Harrison
Mary Harron
Frank Harrow
David Harsent
Judith Hart
Ivan Hartel
Linda Hartnell
Audrey Harvey
Colin Haslam
John C. Hatch
John Hatfield
Roy Hattersley
David Haworth
Denys Hay
Peter Hayes
Ronald Hayman
Sheila Hayman
Alethea Hayter
Bessie Head
Simon Head
John Healey
Tony Heath
Eric S. Heffer
Michael Heffernan
Heinrich Heine
Joseph Heller
George Henderson
Lauren Milne Henderson
David Hendry
Alison Hennegan
Alistair Hennessy
Peter Hennessy
Bruce Hepburn
Rayner Heppenstall
Denis Herbstein
Gary Herman
Badalia Herodsfoot
Liz Heron
Claire Herschfeld
Alastair Hetherington
Robert Hewison
Patricia Hewitt
Jane Hewland
Richard Hewlings
Stefan Heym
Nina Hibbin
Jim Higgins
Sean Hignett
Christopher Hill
Will Hill
Bevis Hillier
Peter Hillmore
David Hine
Dilip Hiro
Paul Q. Hirst
David Hitchens
Quintin Hoare
Eric J. Hobsbawm
Matthew J.C. Hodgart
Tony Hodges
Jonathan Hodgkin
Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Godfrey Hodgson
Kate Hoey
David E. Hoffman
Michael Hofmann
Des Hogan
Desmond Hogan
Richard Hoggart
David Holbrook
Stuart Holland
Alan Hollinghurst
Mark Hollingsworth
Ian Holm
Michael Holman
Ann Holmes
David Holmes#2
Michael Holroyd
Jeremy Holt
John Honderich
Ted Honderich
Stuart C. Hood
Arthur Hopcraft
Francis Hope
Michael Hope
Philip Hope-Wallace
Harry L. Hopkins
Jim Hopkins
Tim Hopkins
Tom Hopkinson
John Horder
Jennie Horne
Geoffrey Hosking
Barney Hoskyns
Graham Goulden Hough
Katy Hounsell-Robert
Penelope Houston
Anthony Howard
Arthur Howard
Elizabeth Jane Howard
Stuart Howard
Peter Howe
Liz Howell
Alun Howkins
Liam Hudson
Jo Hugh-Jones
Jonathan Hugh-Jones
David Hughes
Glyn Hughes
John Hughes
John F. Hughes
Ted Hughes
Barry Hugill
Christopher Huhne
Malcolm Hulke
Derek Humphry
Albert Hunt
Eveline Hunter
Alan Hurst
Christopher T. Husbands
David Hutt
Francis Huxley
Anthony Hyman
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Henry Iles
Barrie Iliffe
Malcolm Imrie
Martin Ince
Fred Inglis
Grace Ingoldby
Michael Instone
Edmund S. Ions
Anwar Iqbal
Jeremy Isaacs
Christopher Isherwood
Jared Jabbar
Philippe Jaccottet
Cath Jackson
Helen Hunt Jackson
Henry Jackson
Sean Wyse Jackson
Michael Jacobs
Nicholas Jacobs
Dan Jacobson
Helen Jacobus
Martin Jacques
Zahir Jamal
Clive James
Jane Jarley
Clare Jarrett
Tim Jarvis
Andrew Jaspan
Tim Jeal
Phil Jeffries
Alan Jenkins
David Jenkins
Jolyon Jenkins
Lucy Jenkins
Peter Jenkins
W.J.F. Jenner
Andrew Jennings
Jane Jessel
Stephen Jessel
Margarita Jimenez
Diane Johnson
Douglas W.J. Johnson
Mick Johnson
Richard W. Johnson
William Johnson
David Johnston
James Joll
Diana Whitley Jones
Doug Jones
Glyn Jones
Jack Jones
John Jones
John L. Jones
Lynne Jones
Neil Jordan
Pierre Joris
Helen Joseph
Stephen Joseph
John B. Judis
Mary Kaldor
Cora Kaplan
Remi Kapo
Stanley Karnow
K.S. Karol
Anne Karpf
Werner Kastor
Gerald Kaufman
Walter Kaufman
Jan Kavan
Patrick Kavanagh
Roz Kaveney
Valerie Kaye
Jonathan Keates
Frank Keating
Robert Kee
John Keegan
David Keen
Kate Kellaway
Peter Kelly
Stephen Kelly
James Kelman
Peter Kennard
Anthony J.P. Kenny
Mary Kenny
Oleg Kerensky
George Kerevan
Frank Kermode
Paul Kerr
Richard Kershaw
Wiseman Khuzwayo
Boris Kidel
Ben Kiernan
Joanna Kilmartin
Bernard Kilroy
Robert Kilroy-Silk
Nick Kimberley
Mervyn King
Michael King
Hilary Kingsley
Neil G. Kinnock
Richard Kinsey
Donald Kirk
Peter Kirker
James Kirkup
Mike Kirkwood
Paddy Kitchen
Gavin Kitching
Hanny Klein
Philip Kleinman
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Stephen Knight
Phillip Knightley
L.C. Knights
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Arthur Koestler
David Kogan
Marek Kohn
Biba Kopf
Eric Korn
Stephen E. Koss
Andrzej Krauze
Bruno Kreisky
Jerry Kuehl
Leon Kuhn
Michael Kustow
Aileen La Tourette
R.D. Laing
Carol Lake
Geoff Lamb
David Lan
David Lancaster
Hilary Land
Charles Landry
Julia Langdon
Paul Langford
Sri Lanka
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Brian Lapping
Philip Larkin
Christopher Lasch
James Lasdun
John Latham
Peter Laurie
Laying A. Lawn
Nigella Lawson
Sarah Lawson
Adam LeBor
James Le Fanu
Charlie Leadbeater
Michael Leapman
David Learmount
Hermione Lee
Kenneth Leech
Robert Leeson
Jeremy Leggett
Denis Lehane
Maria Lehmann
David Leigh
Jane Leighton
Laurence Lerner
Orlando Letelier
John Levett
Peter Levi
Ruth Levitt
Mervyn Levy
Dot Lewis
Jeremy Lewis
Michael Lewis#3
Naomi Lewis
Nigel Lewis
Norman Lewis
Peter Lewis
Roger Lewis
Steve Lewis
Charles Lewsen
Roger Liddle
Lawrence Lifschultz
Laura Lilli
Ian Linden
Maurice Lindsay
Martin Linton
Ruth Lister
Henry Livings
Ken Livingstone
Rodney Livingstone
John Lloyd
Hugh Lloyd-Jones
Loretta Loach
D.S. Locke
David Lodge
David Lomax
Elizabeth Longford
Frank Pakenham Longford
Michael Longley
John A. Loraine
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Edward Lowbury
David Lowe
Marion Lowe
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Suzanne Lowry
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John Lucas
Edward Lucie-Smith
Steven Lukes
Andrew Lumsden
Jack Lundin
Gavin Lyall
Andrew Lycett
Alex Lyon
F.S.L. Lyons
Adrian Lyttelton
Innis MacBeath
George MacBeth
Colin MacCabe
Norman MacCaig
Gus MacDonald
Jim MacFarlane
Donald I. MacKay
Norman Ian MacKenzie
Scott MacLeod
Sheila MacLeod
Donald G. MacRae
Denis MacShane
Donald Macintyre
John Mackendrick
Lindsay Mackie
Alasdair Maclean
Fitzroy Maclean
Branka Magas
Wes Magee
Emiliano Magon
Sara Maitland
Adewale Maja-Pearce
Nick Maland
Abdullah Malik
Tim Malyon
David Mandel
John Mander
Michael Mann
Olivia Manning
Peter Mansfield
John Mapplebeck
Manning Marable
Yvette Marin
Dennis Marks
Shula Marks
Stephen Marks
Christopher Marley
Charles Marowitz
Christine Marple
David Marquand
Adam Mars-Jones
Peter Marshall
Brendan Martin
Brian Martin
David Martin
Paul Martin
Troy Kennedy Martin
Zareer Masani
Nigel Maslin
David Mason
Michael Mason
Philip Mason
Robert Mason
Tim Mason
Michael Massing
Ian Mather
Paul May
Gerda Mayer
Christopher Mayhew
Anthony McAdam
Eamonn McArdle
Brian McAvera
Nell McCafferty
Eamonn McCann
Rachel McCarron
Robert McCloughin
Anne McDermid
Quentin McDermott
Alexander McDonald
Denis McDonald
Oonagh McDonald
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Ian McEwan
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Medbh McGuckian
Jim McGuigan
Tom McGurk
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John McIlroy
Jamie McKendrick
Noel McLachlan
David S. McLellan
Alison McLeod
Jeremy McMullen
Helen McNeil
Andy McSmith
John McVicar
Carey McWilliams
Michael Meacher
Gary Mead
Christopher Meade
Michael Meadowcroft
Charles Medawar
Zhores A. Medvedev
Julian Meldrum
W.H. Mellers
George Melly
Linda Melvern
Robert Melville
Jack Mendelsohn
John Mendelsohn
Edward Mendelson
David Mercer
Mandy Merck
Istvan Meszaros
Michael Mewshaw
James Michael
Mary Midgley
Ian Mikardo
Paul Miles
Tony Miles
Oscar E. Millard
Jane Miller
Mike Miller
Robert Milliken
John Mills
Valerie Miner
Andrew Minnion
Richard Minns
Jonathan Mirsky
Edward J. Mishan
Austin Mitchell
David Mitchell
Elma Mitchell
Julian Mitchell
Juliet Mitchell
Amanda Mitchison
Naomi Mitchison
Rosalind Mitchison
Timothy Mo
Anthony Mockler
Paula Modersohn-Becker
John Mole
Ed Moloney
Jennifer Monahan
C.J. Monckton
John Montague
David Montrose
Bel Mooney
Eric Moonman
Michael Moorcock
Ray Moore
Keith Morfett
John Morgan
Kenneth Morgan
Mary Morgan
Carole Morin
Frances Morrell
Jackie Morris
Rupert Morris
Blake Morrison
Colin Mortimer
Edward Mortimer
Jim Mortimer
John Clifford Mortimer
Penelope Mortimer
Zubaida Motala
Andrew Motion
Julian Mounter
Kitty Mrosovsky
Malcolm Muggeridge
Paul Muldoon
Francis Mulhern
Chris Mullin
Derek Munn
Terry Munyard
Dev Murarka
Iris Murdoch
Richard Murphy
Nicholas Murray
Oswyn Murray
Paul Murray
Roger Murray
Valerie Grosvenor Myer
Ralph Nader
Bohdan P. Nahaylo
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Tom Nairn
Dipak Nandy
Felicity Napier
K. Natwar-Singh
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H.O. Nazareth
Robert R. Neild
Jo Nesbitt
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Victoria Neumark
Paula Neuss
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Kim Newman
William Newton-Smith
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John Nicholson
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David Nissan
Bill Niven
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Peter Norman
David Norris
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Richard North
Simon North
Bayan Northcott
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Mario Nuti
S. Nyamfukudza
Terence O'Brien
Bronwen O'Connor
Paddy O'Connor
Timothy O'Grady
Terry O'Halloran
Donny O'Rourke
Sue O'Sullivan
Robert Oakeshott
Tunde Obadina
Achille Occhetto
Harald Offerdal
Ben Okri
Roland Oliver
Roger Omond
Stan Openshaw
Roger Opie
Susie Orbach
Paul Ormerod
Roger Ormond
William Outhwaite
David Owen
Kate Owen
Kwesi Owusu
Bernard Padden
Eric Paice
John Wadsworth Paine
Suzy Paine
Grace Paley
Elfi Pallas
Bruce Palling
Olof Palme
Christopher Palmer
John Palmer
Richard K. Pankhurst
Rozsika Parker
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