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S.C. Nethersole Archives
S.C. Nethersole •ï¿½1 Book
Wilsam (1913)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Current Fiction (5 Reviews)
    Wilsam, by S.C. Nethersole
    1. Wilsam by S.C. Nethersole
    2. Unexpected Affinities by Susan Taber
    3. The Nest by Anne Douglas Sedgwick
    4. The Heart of the Hills by John Fox, Jr.
    5. Sally Castleton, Southerner by Crittenden Marriott
    The Nation, May 29, 1913, p. 547
  2. [+]
    Inconclusiveness and Some Recent Novels (6 Reviews)
    Virginia, by Ellen Glasgow
    1. Virginia by Ellen Glasgow
    2. The Son of His Mother by Clara Viebig
    3. Wilsam by S.C. Nethersole
    4. Michael by Elizabeth Bonham de la Pasture
    5. Hagar Revelly by Daniel Carson Goodman
    6. The Catfish by Charles Marriott
    The Bookman, July 1913, pp. 535-540
  3. [+]
    Among the New Novels (15 Reviews)
    The Red Button, by Will Irwin
    1. The Red Button by Will Irwin
    2. The Ambition of Mark Truitt by Henry Russell Miller
    3. Wilsam by S.C. Nethersole
    4. The Mighty Friend by Pierre L'Ermite
    5. The Golightlys, Father and Son by Laurence North
    6. Hindle Wakes by Stanley Houghton
    7. The Windham Papers by William Windham
    8. Collected Poems by Austin Dobson
    9. A Cyclopedia of Education by Paul Monroe
    10. The New Industrial Day by William C. Redfield
    11. My Past by Marie L.E. Larisch
    12. The Fundamental Christian Faith by Charles Augustus Briggs
    13. Social Idealism and the Changing Theology by Gerald Birney Smith
    14. Youth and Life by Randolph S. Bourne
    15. The Old Farmhouse by the Odd Farm-Wife
    The Outlook, May 31, 1913, pp. 261-263