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Munsey's Magazine •ï¿½
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Women in Journalism
Anne O'Hagan
Munsey's Magazine
July 1898
, pp. 611-615
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Munsey's Magazine
Clear Values
by Anne O'Hagan
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Elmer H. Davis
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Rosalie Dawson
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George Edward Day
Susanne R. Day
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Louis V. De Foe
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Charles De Kay
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William C. De Witt
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Elizabeth Dean
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Julia F. Deane
A. Decker
Karl Decker
Warwick Deeping
Mabel Craft Deering
Charles Denby
Eldredge Denison
Lindsay Dennison
Newton Dent
Minna C. Denton
Chauncey M. Depew
Karl W. Detzer
L.K. Devendorf
Burke Devenish
Ann Devoore
E.B. Dewing
Hugh Varney Dexter
Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey
Charles W. Dickens
Mary A. Dickerson
J.J. Dickinson
Harris Dickson
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Charles W. Dilke
James B. Dill
A.E. Dingle
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Walter L.W. Distelhorst
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William Frederick Dix
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Ernest Green Dodge
Margaret Dodge
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Cora A. Matson Dolson
Eugene C. Dolson
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James Dorrance
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Malcolm Douglas
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Fairfax D. Downey
Henry Payson Dowst
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Lynn Doyle
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Myra Emmons
Frederic Emory
Mabel Chase England
Howard Erickson
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Clayton H. Ernst
K. Errol
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Laurie York Erskine
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I.F. Ferris
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Frank X. Finnegan
Mulloy Finnegan
W.B. Finney
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Henry Fish
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Irving Fisher
Philip M. Fisher
Stokely S. Fisher
Turbese Lummis Fiske
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Boyd Fleming
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Julius S. Fletcher
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Worthington Chauncey Ford
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Bertha Fordyce
Justus Miles Forman
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Izola Forrester
Merton H. Forrester
Harry L. Foster
Josephine Foster
Maximilian Foster
Reginald L. Foster
W. Bert Foster
Henri Fournier
George L. Fowler
Joseph Fox
Terres Fox
George Foxhall
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Mary. C. Francis
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Richard Franklin
James Gordon Fraser
John Fraser
William Alexander Fraser
Elizabeth Frazer
Samuel Freedman
Frederick Freeman
Marion Delamater Freeman
William Freeman
Allen French
Anne W. French
Oscar J. Friend
Myles Tyler Frisbie
Meigs O. Frost
Newton A. Fuessle
Hubert Bruce Fuller
Robert H. Fuller
Hugh S. Fullerton
Mrs. Jacques Futrelle
Karl Fyte
Gilbert W. Gabriel
Lyman J. Gage
J.H.C. Gainfort
Zona Gale
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Susan Glaspell
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Hollis Godfrey
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Connor Guilfoyle
Spencer C. Gunn
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Gladys Hall
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Leland Hall
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Wilbur Hall
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George Watson Hallock
Forrest Halsey
Carolyn Halsted
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Helen C. Hambridge
William H. Hamby
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Gertrude Brooke Hamilton
J. Angus Hamilton
Josephine Hamilton
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S. Dexter Hamilton
William R. Hamilton
M. Hancock
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Parke F. Hanley
Brooke Hanlon
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N.D. Hanna
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Isabel F. Hapgood
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Clinton Harcourt
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Cora Hardy
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Elizabeth Harman
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John W. Harrington
Charles K. Harris
Garrard Harris
Kennett Harris
Raymond S. Harris
Robert J. Harris#2
Alan Harrison
Anthony Harrison
Constance Cary Harrison
Franklin P. Harry
Albert Bushnell Hart
Percie W. Hart
Bret Harte
Emmet F. Harte
Jerome Harte
Randolph Hartley
Lee Foster Hartman
Maud Appleton Hartwell
Charles M. Harvey
James Clarence Harvey
Harry J. Haskell
Helen E. Haskell
Mabel Percy Haskell
Henry Stanley Haskins
Mary W. Hastings
Wells Southworth Hastings
Alden Hatch
Fanny Hatton
Frederic Hatton
Edith Marion Haverly
Clarence Hawkes
Elmer E. Hawkes
Wells J. Hawks
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J.B. Hawley
Walter L. Hawley
H.L. Hawthorne
Hildegarde Hawthorne
Julian Hawthorne
James Hay
William H. Hayne
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Will H. Hays
Shepherd T. Hazard
Isaac Taylor Headland
Blanche Trennor Heath
T.S. Hebard
George S. Hellman
Sam Hellman
Carl Helm
Douglas Hemingway
John C. Hemment
William Hemmingway
Archibald Henderson
Daniel M. Henderson
Ruth Evelyn Henderson
William James Henderson
Burton J. Hendrick
Jonathan Henley
Arthur Henry
Charles Fitz Henry
Guy V. Henry
Lee Henry
O. Henry
Elizabeth Newport Hepburn
Hilary A. Herbert
William R. Hereford
Herbert Heron
Beatrice Heron-Maxwell
Horace Howard Herr
Christine Terhune Herrick
Robert Herrick
Dorothea B. Herzog
Edward T. Heyn
George A. Hibbard
Edwin Norman Hickman
William Everett Hicks
Della Higgins
Charles L. Hildreth
A.A. Hill
Amelia Leavitt Hill
Edwin Conger Hill
Katharine Hill
Regina A. Hilliard
Newell Dwight Hillis
William Hurd Hillyer
Rowena L. Hiltman
Allen C. Hinckley
Walker D. Hines
Sidney M. Hirsch
Leonard Keene Hirshberg
Eleanor E. Hitch
Ethel Hobart
Richmond P. Hobson
Gilbert T. Hodges
Arthur Hoeber
Katherine Hoffman
Marguerite Hoffmann
Arnold Hofmann
Ellen Hogue
Annie Ellen Holden
Edward S. Holden
Helen A. Holden
John Holden
E. Holl
James P. Holland
Carl Holliday
Edward S. Holloway
T.E. Holloway
William Holloway
George Holme
Charles Nevers Holmes
Florence L. Holmes
John H. Holmes
Gilberte Holt
Henry Holt
Philip Rand Hood
Herbert Hoover
Gertrude Cornwell Hopkins
Frank Dorrance Hopley
Holloway Horn
Roy de S. Horn
William T. Hornaday
Arthur Hornblow
Graham Horne
William S. Hornor
Ernest W. Hornung
E. Clemens Horst
George Horton
Robert J. Horton
Anna Hosea
Heath Hosken
William Hoster
Emerson Hough
Arthur Weyburn Howard
Clifford Howard
Eric Howard
F. Morton Howard
Oliver O. Howard
Randall R. Howard
Vincent F. Howard
William Lee Howard
Kenneth Howell
William Dean Howells
Janet Ralston Hoyt
Vance Hoyt
Una Hudson
Elizabeth Burgess Hughes
Houghton Hughes
James Perley Hughes
Rupert Hughes
Frederic L. Huidekoper
Alexander Hull
Dorothy Hull
Edward Hungerford
Arthur Hunter
Dulany Hunter
John Hunter
Mary Van Brunt Hunter
H.C. Huntington
Harriet L. Huntington
Edward N. Hurley
L.M. Hussey
Stephen E. Hutchins
Elizabeth Hutchinson
Hubbard Hutchinson
Mary Kalor Hutchinson
Woods Hutchinson
Thomas H. Ince
L.W. Ingalls
Redfield Ingalls
William O. Inglis
Augustus E. Ingram
Eleanor M. Ingram
Leland Intersoll
Rose Roberts Ireland
Ann Irish
A.A. Irvine
Grace Irwin
Wallace Irwin
Will Irwin
Juliet Marsh Isham
Grace McElroy Iurs
Leo V. Jacks
A.V. Williams Jackson
Edward P. Jackson
Fred Jackson
Isabelle Jackson
William Jackson
Lionel James
Marie Belden James
E.M. Jameson
Fred T. Jane
Kathryn Jarboe
Myra Williams Jarrell
Ernest Jarrold
Walter Jeffery
Smith Ely Jelliffe
Burke Jenkins
C. Francis Jenkins
John E. Jenks
Tudor Jenks
Jerome K. Jerome
George H. Jessop
Elon Jessup
Katharine Jewell
John Brown Jewett
Cloudesley Johns
C. Stuart Johnson
George M. Johnson
Gladys E. Johnson
J. Wesley Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Julian Johnson
Olive McClintic Johnson
Valeda Johnson
Alexander Johnston
Alexander C. Johnston
Isabel Johnston
Rem. A. Johnston
Viola Johnston
Will H. Johnston
William Allen Johnston
Gordon Johnstone
Ellis O. Jones
James K. Jones
Montgomery Jones
Ralph Mortimer Jones
Richard Saxe Jones
Samuel M. Jones
Stanley Jones
Wesley L. Jones
David Starr Jordan
Elizabeth Garver Jordan
Kate Jordan
Nels Leroy Jorgensen
Harry Pratt Judson
Lulu Judson
Waldemar Kaempffert
Frances Kane
MacKinlay Kantor
Reginald Wright Kauffman
Emma B. Kaufman
Jessie Kaufman
Edge Kavanagh
Dorothy Kay
Joseph Keating
Frances Parkes Keeler
Arthur G. Keene
Clarence Budington Kelland
Horace Seymour Keller
Ethel M. Kelley
King Kelley
Rita Kelley
Allen Kelly
Eleanor Mercein Kelly
Elisha Warfield Kelly
Fred C. Kelly
William Kelly
Harry Kemp
Richard W. Kemp
S.H. Kemper
Clair Kenamore
Julie Closson Kenly
Margaret Kenna
James H. Kennedy
Ida Kenniston
Edna B. Kenton
Camilla Kenyon
James B. Kenyon
John Barrett Kerfoot
Alvah Milton Kerr
Lennox Kerr
Sophie Kerr
William E. Kerry
Vaughan Kester
Arthur Ketchum
Charles Holland Kidder
Joyce Kilmer
Lewis H. Kilpatrick
A.L. Kimball
Alice Windsor Kimball
Arthur Reed Kimball
Charles A. King
Emmett C. King
Mary A. King
Ray McIntyre King
Rufus King
Darwin P. Kingsley
Alfred Kinnear
Adachi Kinnosuke
Henry S. Kirk
Richard Kirk
Cynthia V. Kirkman
William Kirkus
Samuel E. Kiser
Claude Kitchin
Adolph Klauber
Inez Klumph
Margaret L. Knapp
Harry A. Kniffen
Leavitt Ashley Knight
Will Knight
Bertha D. Knobe
Edward Knoblauch
Don Knowlton
Kent Knowlton
Gustav Kobbe
M.L.B. Korsmeyer
Harold Kramer
Fritz Krog
Mary H. Krout
Frederic Arnold Kummer
E.I. La Beaume
Eustace Raoul La Ferronays
Helen Rose Lachmann
Rowena A. Ladd
Louise Lake
Clarinda P. Lamar
William J. Lampton
Rodolfo Lanciani
Franklin K. Lane
Robert Lansing
Charles W. Larned
Ida Moulton Larson
George E. Latham
Victor Lauriston
Agnes C. Laut
Frederick Houk Law
Jean M. Lawrence
Joseph Ivers Lawrence
William S. Lawrence
Donald McLeod Lay
Anna Leach
Annie Crim Leavenworth
Albert Lee
Harry Lee
James Melvin Lee
Thomas I. Lee
N. Florence Leech
Edwin Lefevre
William R. Leigh
Isabel Leighton
Murray Leinster
Anthony Leland
Don Mark Lemon
Mary F. Leonard
Orville H. Leonard
Mary Lerner
Noel Leslie
Henry Leverage
Nathan M. Levy
Alfred Henry Lewis
Alice Ewing Lewis
Frank W. Lewis
Henry Harrison Lewis
John Jay Lewis
Randolph C. Lewis
Reuben A. Lewis
Samuel J. Lewis
C.C. Leybee
John K. Leys
Elias Lieberman
George E. Light
Charles M. Lincoln
George G. Lincoln
Joseph C. Lincoln
Clarence M. Lindsay
John S. Lindsay
Mary Lindsay
Mayne Lindsay
Edwin Carlile Litsey
George T. Little
Luther B. Little
Charles E. Littlefield
Walter Littlefield
Armstrong Livingston
William Farrand Livingston
John Lloyd
Clarence A. Locan
A.T. Locke
Richard Lockridge
Scammon Lockwood
Henry Cabot Lodge
Cecilia Loftus
Hugh Logan
Elisabeth W.P. Lomax
Elizabeth Lonergan
E. Waldo Long
Lily A. Long
Charles Battell Loomis
Emilie B. Loring
Pierre Louys
John B. Love
Robert Loveman
Reinette Lovewell
Mildred Low
Carl Schurz Lowden
Arthur Lowe
Corinne Lowe
D.O.S. Lowell
Marie Belloc Lowndes
Edward A. Lowry
Robert P. Lowry
B. Beatrice Lubitz
James Luby
Grace Luce
Henry W. Lucy
Eugene P. Lyle
Ella Frances Lynch
Francis Lynde
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Louise Kennedy Mabie
Victor MacClure
Gordon MacCreagh
Hunter MacCulloch
Edwina Levin MacDonald
Frank Cecil Macdonald
Marie B. MacDonald
N. MacDonald
Patrick MacGill
Alice MacGowan
Donald MacGregor
William B. MacHarg
Fred J. MacIsaac
Donald I. MacKay
Lawrence MacLawrence
Della Campbell MacLeod
William MacMahon
Seumas MacManus
Jane MacNeal
Newton MacTavish
H.R. Macaulay
Carolyn Macdonald
Richard Mace
Peter Clark Macfarlane
Alan Mack
Thomas F. Mack
Malcolm Mackenzie
Clarissa Mackie
Ian Maclaren
Ewan Macpherson
Gertrude Macpherson
Marie Madison
William Mailly
Frank Maitland
Florence C. Mallon
Louise Malloy
Belle K. Maniates
Joseph H. Manley
Guy Manners
Burns Mantle
Victor Mapes
Elizabeth Marc
Ivan March
Leo Margulies
Charles Edwin Markham
Henry J. Markland
Crittenden Marriott
Bernard G. Marshall
Edison Marshall
Edward Marshall
Jeannie A. Marshall
Joseph Freeman Marsten
George Madden Martin
H.V. Martin
Lannie Haynes Martin
Mabel Martin
Montagu Martin
Wyndham Martyn
Winthrop L. Marvin
Edward Wilbur Mason
Elmer Brown Mason
Grace Sartwell Mason
S. Besley Mason
William E. Mason
Edgar Lee Masters
Helen Geneva Masters
Kate Masterson
Stephen T. Mather
Hodge Mathes
Louise Albee Mathews
Anna Mathewson
Herman Howard Matteson
Edith V. Brander Matthews
Richard Matthews
A.H. Mattox
Cyril Maude
Harry Saint Maur
Arthur B. Maurice
Harry P. Mawson
Hiram S. Maxim
Earl Chapin May
Stella Burke May
Wanda May
Edwin Justus Mayer
Hy. Mayer
Richard Field Maynard
Deronda Mayo
Louise Allan Mayo
Mary Lyons Mayo
William C. Mayo
Brock Mays
Francis McAllister
W.L. McAlpin
Peter McArthur
Robert McBlair
Mary R. McBurney
Walter F. McCaleb
John Ernest McCann
Charles Macklin McCarteney
Littell McClung
Phillips McClure
W. Frank McClure
J.W. McConaughy
Medill McCormick
Elizabeth McCracken
Marion McCrea
Martha McCulloch-Williams
Lena Jane McCurdy
George Barr McCutcheon
John H. McDaniel
John B. McDonald
Laetitia McDonald
Robert McDonald
Isabel McDougall
Arthur McEwen
Arthur E. McFarlane
Leslie McFarlane
Ernest McGaffey
Donald McGibeny
Owen E. McGillicuddy
James Kevin McGuinness
May McHenry
Celeste McJilton
Edward L. McKenna
Andrew Comstock McKenzie
Frederick A. McKenzie
Thomas J. McMahon
Harvey S. McMaster
Bernard J. McNamara
Sue McNamara
Herbert L. McNary
Mildred I. McNeal-Sweeney
Aletha Pearl McPherson
William L. McPherson
Clough McQuinn
Warren McVeigh
Katherine L. Mead
Mary M. Mears
Lyon Mearson
S.P. Meek
Lynn Roby Meekins
Charles H. Meiers
Clarence Meily
William Brown Meloney
Charles Henry Meltzer
George W. Melville
Lawrence Mendenhall
Edwin Thomas Meredith
Marguerite Merington
Lee Meriwether
Walter S. Meriwether
Anna A. Merriam
Faye N. Merriman
Anne Merwin
Bannister Merwin
Samuel Merwin
Elizabeth Tyree Metcalfe
James S. Metcalfe
Violet M. Methley
Anna Blake Mezquida
Karin Michaelis
Charles Michelson
Miriam Michelson
Carroll K. Michener
George Middleton
J.E. Middleton
Philip Verrill Mighels
Nellie F. Milburn
Bailey Millard
Eli Moffatt Millen
Elizabeth York Miller
Frances Howe Miller
George R. Miller
Helen Topping Miller
Hugh Miller
Hugh S. Miller
James Martin Miller
Joseph Dana Miller
Laura Burton Miller
M. Gertrude Miller
Mary Ashe Miller
O. Miller
Powell Millington
Enos A. Mills
Rose Edith Mills
Flavel Scott Mines
Giacomo Minkowsky
Edith R. Mirrielees
Charlotte Mish
Anne Coe Mitchell
Guy Elliott Mitchell
J. Walter Mitchell
Edmund Moberly
Samuel E. Moffett
H.D. Money
Elizabeth May Montague
J. Barrett Montague
Margaret Prescott Montague
C.S. Montanye
I.M. Montgomery
L.M. Montgomery
Ralph E. Mooney
Frederick F. Moore
Olga Moore
Samuel Taylor Moore
Theodore Moore
Willis Luther Moore
Hopkins Moorhouse
Eileen Moretta
Appleton Morgan
Grace Jones Morgan
Herbert E. Morgan
Sophie E. Morgan
Christopher Morley
John A. Moroso
Clara Morris
Fritz Morris
S. Spencer Morris
Caroline Wood Morrison
George Morrow
Honore Morrow
William C. Morrow
F.P. Morse
Johnson Morton
Nelson Glazier Morton
John S. Mosby
Montrose J. Moses
John C. Mosher
Grace E. Mott
Robert H. Moulton
Robert Mountsier
William Byron Mowery
Olive Beatrice Muir
Charles Mumford
Ethel Watts Mumford
John Kimberly Mumford
Richard Kendall Munkittrick
William Faitoute Munn
Meeda Munro
John W. Munson
Thomas J. Murray
Elizabeth Myers
Gerald Mygatt
W.R. Nager
Gebhard Napier
George Jean Nathan
Maude H. Neal
Henry Beach Needham
Genevieve Neergaard
John G. Neihardt
Edith Neil
Francis Neilson
Kathleen Gray Nelson
Wilbur D. Nesbit
Condes Neve
E. Percy Neville
Clarence Herbert New
Maude Newbegin
Fannie E. Newberry
E.E. Newbert
Josiah T. Newcomb
M. Woodruff Newell
Oliver P. Newman
Douglas Newton
Parker Newton
Richard Newton
W. Douglas Newton
Virginia Nicholls
Lillian Nicholson
George Nicol
Frederick Niven
Eugene White Nixon
Mary F. Nixon
Kathryn Noble
Helen Noe
George W. Norris
Kathleen Norris
Griswald North
Carrie C. Nottingham
Alexander D. Noyes
Margaret E. O'Brien
Robert Lincoln O'Brien
Bessie O'Byrne
T.P. O'Connor
Hal O'Flaherty
John Myers O'Hara
Anne Elizabeth O'Hare
Harvey J. O'Higgins
John Callan O'Laughlin
Frank Ward O'Malley
Lydia M.D. O'Neil
Frederick A. Ober
Joseph H. Odell
George W. Ogden
Jennie Harris Oliver
Owen Oliver
Stanley Olmsted
Alfred J. Olsen
Julia F. Opp
E. Phillips Oppenheim
Emma A. Opper
William D. Orcutt
Emmuska Baroness Orczy
Robert Ord
Edith Orr
Frances Elizabeth Osborn
Duffield Osborne
Maitland LeRoy Osborne
Robert Scott Osborne
William Hamilton Osborne
Lloyd Osbourne
John M. Oskison
Leighton Graves Osmun
Mabel Anderson Otis
Florence Eve Owen
George Owen
Harry Bryan Owsley
John Oxenham
John Barton Oxford
William Hugo Pabke
Frank L. Packard
Winthrop Packard
Catalina Paez
Gertrude Pahlow
Albert Bigelow Paine
George H. Paine
Henry Gallup Paine
John H. Paine
Ralph D. Paine
A. Mitchell Palmer
Edwin Palmer
Erik Schjoeth Palmer
Francis M. Palmer
Frederick Palmer
Jean Pardee-Clark
Robert E. Park
Elizabeth West Parker
Gilbert Parker
Harold Parker
Percy Livingston Parker
Charles H. Parkhurst
Anne Parrish
Mable Holmes Parsons
Anne Partlan
Pauline D. Partridge
J.F. Pascoe
R.W. Pascoe
Paul Pastnor
Ada Patterson
Elizabeth Patterson
Walter E. Patterson
Grant Paulding
Philip Rodney Paulding
Maud Pauncefote
Frank O. Payne
Harold Payne
Laura Alton Payne
Ernest Paynter
William Farquhar Payson
Arthur Wallace Peach
Chester Peake
Elmore Elliott Peake
C. Arthur Pearson
H.C. Pearson
Elia W. Peattie
Louise Redfield Peattie
Samuel Minturn Peck
Clare Peeler
Jeanie Peet
Herbert H.D. Peirce
William Dudley Pelley
T. Edgar Pemberton
Hugh Pendexter
Fannie Medbury Pendleton
Henry K. Pendleton
Louis Beauregard Pendleton
T.D. Pendleton
Frederic C. Penfield
Arthur Penn#2
Edward H. Peple
Frank C. Perkins
Kenneth Perkins
Ernest Perochon
Katharine Perry
Albert E. Peters
Maud H. Peterson
Reuben Peterson
Florence M. Pettee
Marlen Pew
Buffington Phillips
David Graham Phillips
H.I. Phillips
Henry Wallace Phillips
M.J. Phillips
Roland Ashford Phillips
Eden Phillpotts
Theodosia Pickering
Florida Pier
Frank Richardson Pierce
Ernest DeLancey Pierson
C.R. Piety
Manley H. Pike
A.R. Pinci
Hazen S. Pingree
Robert E. Pinkerton
William Pipe
Norman H. Pitman
A. deFord Pitney
Agnes Plumb
Beatrice Hubbell Plummer
Roger S. Pocock
Elisabeth Ellicott Poe
Percival Pollard
Channing Pollock
Frank Lillie Pollock
Lewette B. Pollock
Marstyn Pollock-Pogue
Albert A. Pope
Milan Popovic
Eleanor H. Porter
Sydney Porter
William Harley Porter
Laura Spencer Portor
Augustus Post
Henry C. Potter
Reginald Pound
Dawn Powell
E. Alexander Powell
H. Arthur Powell
Richard Stillman Powell
Arba Eugene Powers
Marsh K. Powers
Beulah Poynter
Florence Evelyn Pratt
Grace Tyler Pratt
Jessie Augusta Pratt
Janet Prentiss
Elizabeth D. Preston
William T.R. Preston
Frank Julian Price
James Russell Price
Warwick James Price
Jane Pride
J.E.O. Pridmore
N.L. Pritchard
Henry G. Prout
Agnes Louise Provost
Marion Pruyn
Pauline Pryor
Ernest C. Pulbrook
Nina Wilcox Putnam
Freeman Putney
Edwin A. Quick
L.B. Quimby
Thomas C. Quinn
Leslie W. Quirk
Du Vernet Rabell
Lulah Ragsdale
William MacLeod Raine
Lillian Fryer Rainey
Guy Lincoln Ralston
Edwin Carty Ranck
Carroll Watson Rankin
E.J. Rath
Cornelia K. Rathbone
Herman Rave
Lawrence Reamer
Elsie Reasoner
Isabel Redcliffe
William Cox Redfield
Myrtle Reed
Thomas Brackett Reed
J. Ramsey Reese
Arthur B. Reeve
James K. Reeve
Babington Reid
Charles Sloan Reid
Grace Stuart Reid
Ferdinand Reyher
John Murray Reynolds
Minnie J. Reynolds
Louise Robinson Rhodes
Wakeleigh Rhodes
Louise Guest Rice
Charles Edward Rich
H. Thompson Rich
Raymond Richards
Anna Steese Richardson
Genesee Richardson
Roy B. Richardson
Grace S. Richmond
Conrad Richter
Erman J. Ridgway
Arthur S. Riggs
Florence Moloso Riis
Mary Roberts Rinehart
John Ritchie
Roy Ritchie
Alice Rix
Donna E. Roan
Helen Roat
Leonard H. Robbins
Tod Robbins
Charles G.D. Roberts
Elliott Roberts
Ethel Dane Roberts
Ina Brevoort Roberts
Isabel J. Roberts
Octavia Roberts
William Carman Roberts
Morgan Robertson
Stewart Robertson
Thompson Robertson
Elizabeth Robins
Nelson Robins
B.A. Robinson
B. Fletcher Robinson
Celia Myrover Robinson
Ednah Robinson
Jane Boyd Robinson
Robert B. Robinson
Frederick Robson
Howard P. Rockey
William Remington Rodgers
Vingie E. Roe
Emili Roess
Alma A. Rogers
Charles Gordon Rogers
E. Mandeville Rogers
J. Elstner Rogers
Joseph Sebastian Rogers
Thomas H. Rogers
Sax Rohmer
Harry Romaine
Henry Edward Rood
Katharine Metcalf Roof
Theodore Roosevelt
Walstein Root
Daniel C. Roper
Alice C. Rose
F.A. Rosman
Clinton Ross
Alfred Rossiter
Ernest C. Rost
Adelaide L. Rouse
Victor Rousseau
Richard W. Rowan
Elizabeth Griswold Rowe
Durbin W. Rowland
Helen Rowland
Henry C. Rowland
John J. Rowlands
Emily Taplin Royle
Manning J. Rubin
Clara Ruge
Bell Rumford
Damon Runyon
Jean Rushmore
Charles Edward Russell
John W. Russell
Robert Howard Russell
W. Clark Russell
James S. Ryan
Kathryn White Ryan
M.R. Ryan
Marion Ryan
William Patrick Ryan
Florence Ryerson
Raphael Sabatini
Edwin L. Sabin
George W. Sackett
Edgar Saltus
William Samuel
Alvan F. Sanborn
Charles Wesley Sanders
James Gardner Sanderson
Mabel Warren Sanford
Allen Sangree
Charles C. Sargent
G. Gordon Sattler
C. MacLean Savage
A. Henry Savage-Landor
Frank Savile
Ruth Sawyer
Chester L. Saxby
James Willis Sayre
Winthrop E. Scarritt
John Scarry
Ethel Talbot Scheffauer
Herman Scheffauer
Jackson V. Scholz
J.L. Schoolcraft
Edwin D. Schoonmaker
Marie B. Schrader
Tony Schultz
Theodore Schwarz
Frederick Schwed
Clement W. Scott
Duncan Campbell Scott
Hugh Stowell Scott
Leroy Scott
M.M. Scott
Mary Semple Scott
Samuel Scoville
Mary Scudder
Emma Playter Seabury
Annie E.P. Searing
Baldwin Sears
John R. Sears
Zelda Sears
Molly Elliot Seawell
M.G. Seckendorff
T.J.J. See
Louis Seibold
Garrett P. Serviss
O'Neil Sevier
Robert Shackleton
Don Cameron Shafer
Mary Shannon
Robert Terry Shannon
Walter E. Shannon
Willoughby Sharp
Adele Marie Shaw
Elliott F. Shaw
Frank H. Shaw
Percy Shaw
George C. Shedd
Howard Shedd
Perley Poore Sheehan
E.B. Sheldon
Lurana Sheldon
Theodore Sheldon
S. Sheldrake
Richard Barker Shelton
Odell Shepard
Walter T. Shephenson
William Gunn Shepherd
W.Y. Sheppard
Frank Dempster Sherman
Frederic Fairchild Sherman
John Carleton Sherman
Edna Sherry
Robert E. Sherwood
John K. Shields
Herbert Shipman
Fabius Shipp
Tom Shiras
Nicholas Shishkoff
Viola Brothers Shore
Harry Irving Shumway
Celia E. Shute
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Charles D. Sigsbee
Eleanor Booth Simmons
Oliver Simmons
G.J.M. Simons
George Montfort Simonson
Robert Simpson
John Lang Sinclair
Walter A. Sinclair
Robert G. Skerrett
Frank W. Skinner
Cyril A. Smack
Ethel Sigsbee Small
George W. Smalley
Frank Preston Smart
Howard Dwight Smiley
Bertha H. Smith
Carlyle Smith
Charles McDonald Smith
Charles S. Smith
Clinton S. Smith
Dorothy Louise Smith
Edgar Maurice Smith
Edith Livingston Smith
Edith Willett Smith
Frederick Miller Smith
Garret Smith
George Jay Smith
George Otis Smith
Harriet L. Smith
Harry Bache Smith
Henry Augustine Smith
James Harvey Smith
James Lawrence Smith
John Talbot Smith
Judson Smith
Katherine Louise Smith
Lewis Worthington Smith
M. Crosby Smith
Marion Couthouy Smith
Minna C. Smith
Munroe Smith
Oscar J. Smith
Rollin E. Smith
S. Decatur Smith
Stevenson Smith
Walter Jenney Smith
Willard K. Smith
Reed Smoot
Clifford Smyth
Robert W. Sneddon
Edmund Snell
David R. Solomon
Guy Somerville
John Harvey Sorrells
Edward H. Sothern
Winifred Sothern
Adriana Spadoni
Edwin E. Sparks
Frank H. Spearman
John R. Spears
Raymond S. Spears
Ida Speed
Marcia Duncan Speirs
Edwina Spencer
Judith Spencer
A. Maxon Sprague
Rose Mueller Sprague
Samuel Spring
Fleta Campbell Springer
Louis A. Springer
F. St. Mars
Edward M. Stack
Henry de Vere Stacpoole
Kathryn Staley
May Stanley
Coralie Stanton
Elizabeth Stark
Flora Annie Steel
Alice G. Steele
Willis Steell
Sallie Pate Steen
Evaleen Stein
Louis J. Stellman
Elizabeth Gertrude Stem
Sennett Stephens
George Sterling
Henry L. Sterrett
Sheppard Stevens
Thomas Wood Stevens
Walter B. Stevens
Burton E. Stevenson
Charles W. Stevenson
E. Robert Stevenson
Louis Lacy Stevenson
Leonard C. Stewart
Robert Stewart
Sybil Stewart
Gordon Stiles
Kent B. Stiles
Charles B. Stilson
Ralph Stock
Henry Jerome Stockard
Willett Stockard
Mary Stockbridge
Frank R. Stockton
William L. Stoddard
Alfred Stoddart
Frederick Stoker
Horace W. Stokes
Albert William Stone
Francis Z. Stone
Roy Stone
Fortune L. Storr
Marguerite Lusk Storrs
Charles L. Story
Douglas Story
Roscoe Gilmore Stott
Kay Cleaver Strahan
Frank N. Stratton
S.W. Stratton
George E. Streeter
Thomas S. Stribling
Arthur J. Stringer
Isobel Osbourne Strong
Louise J. Strong
Florence E. Stryker
Alastair Stuart
Eleanor Stuart
Judson D. Stuart
H.S. Stuckey
Russell Sturgis
Granthorpe Sudley
Alan Sullivan
Florida P. Sumerwell
Harold Susman
Stephen Sutcliffe
Harvey Sutherland
George Custer Sutton
Corinne Rockwell Swain
Edward Swann
John B. Swann
Frank Sweet
Oney Fred Sweet
Allan Swinton
Harold Brown Swope
Harriet Whitney Symonds
Arthur Symons
Francis H. Tabor
Clara Maxwell Taft
William Nelson Taft
George Rainsford Talboys
David H. Talmadge
Algernon Tassin
Frank W. Taussig
James A. Tawney
C. Bryson Taylor
Frederic Taylor
Katharine Haviland Taylor
May Hayden Taylor
Warren Taylor
Albert Payson Terhune
Lue Ellen Teters
Victor Thaddeus
Edith Thain
Janet Thayer
Lee Thayer
Louis E. Thayer
Edward M. Thierry
Chauncey Thomas
Fannie E. Thomas
Katherine E. Thomas
Luke Thomas
Patton Thomas
Susan Hearle Thomas
William H. Thomas
C.S. Thompson
Hugh Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Keene Thompson
Mabel M. Thompson
Ruth P. Thompson
Sake D. Thompson
Vance Thompson
Charles Goff Thomson
Ralph M. Thomson
J. Frederic Thorne
John M. Thurston
A. Jerrold Tietje
Freeman Tilden
Theodore Tiller
Frederick Tisdale
R.H. Tithington
Harold A. Titus
Maximilian Toch
H. Stanley Todd
Paul G. Tomlinson
Elizabeth K. Tompkins
Gilbert Tompkins
Helen Tompkins
Svetozar Tonjoroff
John Peter Toohey
Elizabeth Odgers Toombs
Anne Topham
John A. Torrington
Horace Towner
Edward W. Townsend
Grover Townshend
Maude Leonard Towson
Crawford H. Toy
Louis Tracy
Marguerite Tracy
Virginia Tracy
Eugene Traughber
Mariom Trelawney
Charles E. Trevathan
George Trevor
John Trowbridge
Rose Trumbull
J. Edward Tufft
Gene Tunney
Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Henry S. Turner
Florence G. Tuttle
Julia H. Twells
John Aubrey Tyson
Elise Morris Underhill
Ruth M. Underhill
Samuel Untermeyer
Allan Updegraff
Corinne Updegraff
David Urch
Mabel Herbert Urner
A. Walter Utting
Thomas H. Uzzell
Daisy Vail
Helen R.L. Valentine
J.V. Van Arsdale
Evelyn Van Buren
Virginia Terhune Van de Water
Clinton Van Horne
Mildred Van Inwegen
Charles E. Van Loan
Francis W. Van Praag
Frances A. Van Santford
George Van Schaick
Lucille Baldwin Van Slyke
Beatrice A. Vandegrift
John W. Vandercook
Harry Varley
Crawford Vaughan
Patrick Vaux
Peter Vaux
Charles Veatch
Bayard Veiller
Kate Jordan Vermilye
Josephine Victor
Joseph Vila
Jules Verne Des Voignes
Hrolf von Dewitz
Bettina von Hutten
Mary Heaton Vorse
Charles Carey Waddell
Blanche Elizabeth Wade
Mary Hazelton Wade
Will H. Waitt
Arthur Wakeley
Arthur R. Wakely
Sidney Waldo
George B. Waldron
Elliot Walker
Fred A. Walker
Isobel Strother Walker
R.N. Wall
Edgar Wallace
Henry Collins Walsh
Robert Oliver Walters
Emma Lee Walton
Perry Walton
Frederick Walworth
Wilbur Wamsley
Frank Atwater Ward
Ogden Ward
Winifred Ward
Ervin Wardman
Ethelbert D. Warfield
Guy Warfield
John Gordon Waring
Cy Warman
Anne Warner
Arthur H. Warner
Charles Dudley Warner
Constance Warren
Maude Radford Warren
Reed Warren
Adella Washer
Nixon Waterman
Richard Howells Watkins
Forbes Watson
Gertrude E. Watson
H.B. Marriott Watson
Thomas E. Watson
Augustus Watters
Henry Watterson
Wallace Delois Wattles
Claude S. Watts
Louis Weadock
Alice Lindsey Webb
Lenora Mattingly Weber
Conrad Weguelin
Florence Roney Weir
Frank Weitenkampf
Florence Dorsey Welch
Louise Wellington
Carolyn Wells
Robert Gilbert Welsh
Winifred Lee Wendell
Frederick W. Wendt
Margaret Wentworth
Allen G. West
Arthur West
G. Gordon West
George P. West
J.E. West
John S.T. West
Marian West
Paul West
T.F.T. West
Welthyn Western
Lolita Anna Westman
Frances Weston
Lilla B.N. Weston
Ethelwyn Wetherald
Grover A. Whalen
Edith Wheeler
Martha Wheeler
Wilbur Wales Wheeler
Kenneth Whipple
Herman Whitaker
Charlotte Whitcomb
Ared White
Edward Lucas White
Eugene R. White
Frank Marshall White
Fred M. White
Henry White
Kenneth White
Michael G. White
Percy White
Walter D. White
William Patterson White
Leora Whitehouse
William Wallace Whitelock
Carolyn Whiting
Lilian Whiting
Brand Whitlock
Will T. Whitlock
Jack Whitman
Hattie Whitney
Helen Hay Whitney
Harvey Wickham
Emma H. Wight
C. de W. Wilcox
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Edwin Wildman
G.L. Wilkinson
Charles D. Willard
Eugene S. Willard
Walter F. Willcox
Gilson Willets
Day Allen Willey
Ben Ames Williams
Charles Albert Williams
Charles Michael Williams
Frank M. Williams
Harry J. Williams
Henry Kirk Williams
J. Churchill Williams
McCormick Williams
Michael Williams
Miles Sheldon Williams
Neva L. Williams
Robert Raymond Williams
S.L. Williams
S. McNaughton Williams
Samuel M. Williams
Theodore C. Williams
Alice Muriel Williamson
Charles Norris Williamson
Sheldon Wills
A.B. Wilse
Cameron Nelles Wilson
Charles Morrow Wilson
Herbert Wrigley Wilson
John Fleming Wilson
McLandburgh Wilson
Robert Forrest Wilson
Rufus Rockwell Wilson
William Bauchop Wilson
William L. Wilson
William R.A. Wilson
Wood L. Wilson
Nancy Wilson-Woodrow
John Wilstach
Paul Wilstach
Genevieve B. Wimsatt
J. Frederick Windolph
Frederick H. Wines
Horatio Winslow
M. Ellis Winter
William Winter
Alma L. Wirth
Hrolf Wisby
Aaron Wise
Robert Withington
Laura Withrow
Florence Wobber
Raynal Wobern
P.G. Wodehouse
Dixie Wolcott
William Almon Wolff
Clement Wood
Eleanor Duncan Wood
Eugene Wood
Rosa Aubrey Wood
Sabine W. Wood
Walter J. Woodall
Nancy Mann Waddell Woodrow
Robert A. Woods
Samuel Woods
Alma Woodward
Edward Woodward
George Austin Woodward
Marcus Woodward
Robert Wickliffe Woolley
Dean C. Worcester
Wilbertine Worden
Gwendolyn Ranger Wormser
Louise Worthington
George F. Worts
Carroll D. Wright
Farnsworth Wright
Helen Ellsworth Wright
Richardson L. Wright
S. Russell Wright
Sewell Peaslee Wright
Marguerite Meade Wurzburg
Frederick Wycollar
Walter Wyman
Horace Wyndham
Laurence Yates
Anzia Yezierska
Everett Young
John Russell Young
Rida Johnson Young
S.B.M. Young
Lee Woodward Zeigler
Hamline Zimmerman
Alice Ziska
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