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John Mole Archives
John Mole •ï¿½59 Items / 6 Books, 17 Reviews, 36 Poems
From the House Opposite (1979)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    In Retreat (5 Reviews)
    The Slant Door, by George Szirtes
    1. The Slant Door by George Szirtes
    2. Fiction by Peter Reading
    3. From the House Opposite by John Mole
    4. Blue Wine, and Other Poems by John Hollander
    5. Memorials of the Quick and the Dead by Maureen Duffy
    The New Statesman, August 31, 1979, p. 311
  2. [+]
    Cosmic, Comic, Casual, Careful (8 Reviews)
    The Weddings at Nether Powers and Other New Poems, by Peter Redgrove
    1. The Weddings at Nether Powers and Other New Poems by Peter Redgrove
    2. Arcadia by Christopher Reid
    3. From the House Opposite by John Mole
    4. The Slant Door by George Szirtes
    5. Pasts by Paul Wilkins
    6. Fiction by Peter Reading
    7. Down by a Bicycle by Hubert Moore
    8. Recognitions by Daud Kamal
    Encounter, November 1979, pp. 70-76