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Matiel E.T. Mogannam Archives
Matiel E.T. Mogannam •ï¿½1 Book
The Arab Woman and the Palestine Problem (1936)
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Published Reviews
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    Some Recent Books on International Relations by (7 Reviews)
    The Near East
    1. The Making of Modern Turkey by Harry Luke
    2. Electric Power in Syria and Palestine by Basim A. Faris
    3. Thy Neighbor by Henry L.M. Melchett
    4. Jews and Arabs in Palestine by Enzo Sereni and R.E. Ashery
    5. Palestine Picture by Douglas V. Duff
    6. The Arab Woman and the Palestine Problem by Matiel E.T. Mogannam
    7. The British Betrayal of the Assyrians by Yusuf Malik
    Foreign Affairs, July 1937, p. 769