The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Nell I. Minor Archives
Nell I. Minor •ï¿½1 Book
Through the Church School Door (1929)
Expressional Activity--Including Handwork
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Published Reviews
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    The New Books (12 Reviews)
    Destroying Victor, by Carleton Beals
    1. Destroying Victor by Carleton Beals
    2. Pollyanna's Western Adventure by Harriet Lummis Smith
    3. Trouser of Taffeta by Margaret Wilson
    4. Adventures of Blackshirt by Bruce Graeme
    5. British India, 1497-1858 by H.H. Dodwell
    6. The Nationalist Program for China by Chao-Chu Wu
    7. The Real Picture Book
    8. Today's A-B-C- Book by Elizabeth King
    9. The Wonderful World of Science by Inez N. McFee
    10. Roseen by Anne T. Casserley
    11. Love Comes Riding by Helen Ferris
    12. Through the Church School Door by Nell I. Minor and Emily F. Bryant
    The Saturday Review, January 11, 1930, p. 640