The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Max F. Millikan Archives
Max F. Millikan •ï¿½8 Items / 6 Books, 2 Articles
No Easy Harvest (1967)
The Dilemma of Agriculture in Underdeveloped Countries
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Published Reviews
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    Recent Books on International Relations (10 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Trade Preferences for Less-Developed Countries by Sidney Weintraub
    2. Development Projects Observed by Albert O. Hirschman
    3. Fiscal and Monetary Problems in Developing States by David Kirvine
    4. No Easy Harvest by Max F. Millikan and David Hapgood
    5. Studies in Trade Liberalization by Bela A. Balassa
    6. The Common Aid Effort by Milton J. Esman and Daniel S. Cheever
    7. The Framework of Economic Activity by Anthony Harrison
    8. Location of Industry and International Competitiveness by Seev Hirsch
    9. Interregional and International Trade by Bertil G. Ohlin
    10. Campaigns Against Hunger by E.C. Stakman and Paul C. Angelsdorf
    Foreign Affairs, April 1968, p. 602