The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Gabriel Meyer Archives
Gabriel Meyer •ï¿½1 Book
In the Shade of the Terebinth (1994)
Tales of a Night Journey
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Briefly Noted (11 Reviews)
    Tocqueville's Civil Religion, by Sanford Kessler
    1. Tocqueville's Civil Religion by Sanford Kessler
    2. God's Salesman by Carol V.R. George
    3. "Come, Blackrobe" by John J. Killoren
    4. Tensions of Order and Freedom by Bela Menczer
    5. Professing the Faith by Douglas John Hall
    6. Jewish Meditations on the Meaning of Death by Chaim Z. Rozwaski
    7. The Presbyterians by Randall Balmer and John R. Fitzmier
    8. In the Shade of the Terebinth by Gabriel Meyer
    9. Accounting for Fundamentalisms by Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby
    10. When Life and Choice Collide by David Mall
    11. The Ritual Year: Christmas, Winter, and Other Seasons by Arnold Kenseth
    First Things, November 1994, pp. 61-62