The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Alexander McAdie Archives
Alexander McAdie •ï¿½31 Items / 12 Books, 14 Articles, 4 Reviews
Man and Weather (1926)
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Published Reviews
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    The New Books (6 Reviews)
    1. Man and Weather by Alexander McAdie
    2. The American Year Book, 1925 by Albert Bushnell Hart and William M. Schuyler
    3. Bulb Gardening by A.J. Macself
    4. Soils and Fertilizers by A.J. Macself
    5. Whalers and Whaling by E. Keble Chatterton
    6. Great Circle Sailing by L.M. Berkeley
    The Saturday Review, March 27, 1926, p. 669