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Marxism Today Archives
Marxism Today •ï¿½36 Years, 411 Issues, 4,461 Articles, 17,438pp
The Philosophy of Anarchism
Marxism Today, August 1970, p. 250
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1950s = 3 Years, 27 Issues, 189 Articles
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      Issues of 1957 = 3 Issues, 19 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1958 = 12 Issues, 83 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1959 = 12 Issues, 87 Articles
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          Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 833 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1960 = 12 Issues, 78 Articles
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              Issues of 1961 = 12 Issues, 82 Articles
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                  Issues of 1963 = 12 Issues, 86 Articles
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                    Issues of 1964 = 12 Issues, 82 Articles
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                      Issues of 1965 = 12 Issues, 85 Articles
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                          Issues of 1967 = 12 Issues, 77 Articles
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                            Issues of 1968 = 12 Issues, 75 Articles
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                              Issues of 1969 = 12 Issues, 75 Articles
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                              Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 833 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1970 = 12 Issues, 63 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  January 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 1-6
                                  2. Some Aspects of Lenin's Approach to the Question of Nationalism and Internationalism (I) by James Klugmann, pp. 7-18
                                  3. The Ten-Million-Ton Sugar Harvest is a Historical Battle by Fidel Castro, pp. 19-27
                                  4. Marxist Definition from Science by Gordon Gray, pp. 28-31
                                  5. Paris Commune by S.G. Hutchins, pp. 32-34
                                2. [+]
                                  February 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 33-39
                                  2. The Thirty-First Party Congress and the Fight Against the Monopolies by Reuben Falber, pp. 40-49
                                  3. Some Aspects of Lenin's Approach to the Question of Nationalism and Internationalism (II) by James Klugmann, pp. 50-55
                                  4. Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Programme (The Erfurt Programme) by Friedrich Engels, pp. 56-62
                                  5. The Industrial Worker and the Marxist/Christian Dialogue by Stan Cole, pp. 63-66
                                3. [+]
                                  March 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 65-68
                                  2. Some Aspects of Anarchist Philosophy by Mick Costello, pp. 69-75
                                  3. Algeria Seven Years After by Henri Alleg, pp. 76-89
                                  4. A Great Project, pp. 90-94
                                  5. Why Did it Happen? by F. Gee, pp. 95-98
                                4. [+]
                                  April 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 97-99
                                  2. Lenin and Imperialism by Maurice Dobb, pp. 100-103
                                  3. Lenin on the National Liberation Struggle by Jack Woddis, pp. 104-112
                                  4. Lenin on Democracy by Betty Matthews, pp. 113-120
                                  5. Lenin and the Party of a New Type by John Mahon, pp. 121-130
                                5. [+]
                                  May 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 129-130
                                  2. Socialist Democracy by James Klugmann, pp. 131-141
                                  3. Guiding Principles of Hungarian Science Policy by Gyorgy Aczel, pp. 142-152
                                  4. Revolutionary Romanticism by Willie Thompson, pp. 153-159
                                  5. Why Did It Happen? by Maurice Dobb, pp. 160-162
                                6. [+]
                                  June 1970 Issue = 6 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 161-166
                                  2. Class Structure in Britain Today by Alan Hunt, pp. 167-172
                                  3. Lenin and Philosophy by Maurice Cornforth, pp. 173-182
                                  4. Political Commission of C.C. of Portuguese Communist Party, pp. 183-188
                                  5. Why Did It Happen? by Jack Kay, pp. 189-190
                                  6. �---��by Bill Carritt, pp. 191-194
                                7. [+]
                                  July 1970 Issue = 6 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 193-195
                                  2. The Vietnam Revolution by Le Duan, pp. 196-206
                                  3. Lenin and the Aristocracy of Labour by E.J. Hobsbawm, pp. 207-210
                                  4. Capitalist Planning and International Contradictions by Bill Warren, pp. 211-219
                                  5. Why Did It Happen? by Jack Lindsay, pp. 220-221
                                  6. Revolutionary Romanticism by Marshall Harris, pp. 222-226
                                8. [+]
                                  August 1970 Issue = 5 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 225-231
                                  2. Who Rules India? by Conrad Wood, pp. 232-241
                                  3. Socialism, Democracy and the One-Party System, Part I by Monty Johnstone, pp. 242-249
                                  4. The Philosophy of Anarchism by Pat Sloan, p. 250
                                  5. The Decline and Rise of the Wages System by Alan Spence, pp. 251-258
                                9. [+]
                                  September 1970 Issue = 4 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 257-262
                                  2. Higher Education in Capitalist Society by Phil Goodwin, pp. 263-276
                                  3. Solving the Kurdish Problem, pp. 277-280
                                  4. Socialism, Democracy and the One-Party System, Part II by Monty Johnstone, pp. 281-290
                                10. [+]
                                  October 1970 Issue = 4 Articles
                                  1. 50 Years of the Communist Party by John Gollan, pp. 289-296
                                  2. 50 Years Against Imperialism by Idris Cox, pp. 297-305
                                  3. The General Strike and Class Struggles in the North-East: 1925-28 by George Short, pp. 306-315
                                  4. The Communist Party and the War in Spain by Nan Green, pp. 316-326
                                11. [+]
                                  November 1970 Issue = 6 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 325-326
                                  2. Intelligence, Race, Class and Education by Brian Simon, pp. 327-339
                                  3. Frederick Engels and the English Working Class Movement, 1842-1844 by John Smethurst, Edmund Frow, and Ruth Frow, pp. 340-345
                                  4. Socialist Democracy by Tony Gilbert, p. 346
                                  5. Why Did it Happen? by Jean Feldmar, pp. 347-348
                                  6. Socialism, Democracy and the One Party System, Part II completed by Monty Johnstone, pp. 349-358
                                12. [+]
                                  December 1970 Issue = 7 Articles
                                  1. Editorial Comments, pp. 357-360
                                  2. In Defence of Democracy by Nora Jeffery, pp. 361-368
                                  3. Beethoven and his Time by Frida Knight, pp. 369-374
                                  4. The Communist Party in the Industrial Struggle by Peter Kerrigan, pp. 375-382
                                  5. Socialist Democracy by Maurice Levitas, pp. 383-384
                                  6. �---��by Harry Bradfield, pp. 385-387
                                  7. Why Did it Happen? by Roger West, pp. 388-390
                              2. [+]
                                Issues of 1971 = 12 Issues, 83 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1972 = 12 Issues, 81 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1973 = 12 Issues, 82 Articles
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                                      Issues of 1974 = 12 Issues, 82 Articles
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                                        Issues of 1975 = 12 Issues, 84 Articles
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                                          Issues of 1976 = 12 Issues, 85 Articles
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                                            Issues of 1977 = 12 Issues, 86 Articles
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                                              Issues of 1978 = 12 Issues, 84 Articles
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                                                Issues of 1979 = 12 Issues, 103 Articles
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                                                Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 119 Issues, 2,083 Articles
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                                                  Issues of 1980 = 11 Issues, 100 Articles
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                                                      Issues of 1982 = 12 Issues, 181 Articles
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                                                        Issues of 1983 = 12 Issues, 187 Articles
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                                                          Issues of 1984 = 12 Issues, 206 Articles
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                                                            Issues of 1985 = 12 Issues, 213 Articles
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                                                              Issues of 1986 = 12 Issues, 233 Articles
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                                                                Issues of 1987 = 12 Issues, 306 Articles
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                                                                  Issues of 1988 = 12 Issues, 272 Articles
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                                                                    Issues of 1989 = 12 Issues, 248 Articles
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                                                                    Issues of the 1990s = 3 Years, 25 Issues, 523 Articles
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                                                                      Issues of 1990 = 12 Issues, 235 Articles
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                                                                        Issues of 1991 = 12 Issues, 262 Articles
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                                                                          Issues of 1998 = 1 Issue, 26 Articles