The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert Marx Archives
Robert Marx •ï¿½8 Items / 2 Articles, 1 Review, 3 Books, 2 Films
Following Columbus: The Voyage of the Nina II (1964)
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Published Reviews
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    Children's Book Week Supplement (20 Reviews)
    Older Group (10 or 12-14)
    1. The First Book Edition of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy
    2. Martin Luther King: The Peaceful Warrior by Ed Clayton
    3. Following Columbus: The Voyage of the Nina II by Robert F. Marx
    4. Black Hearts in Battersea by Joan Aiken
    5. Jenny Kimura by Betty Cavanna
    6. The New Noah by Gerald Durrell
    7. The Namesake: The Story of King Alfred by C. Walter Hodges
    8. Caesar by Irwin Isenberg
    9. A Love, or a Season by Mary Stolz
    10. Tituba of Salem Village by Ann Petry
    11. The Long Escape by Irving Werstein
    12. Poems of William Blake by Amelia H. Munson and William Blake
    13. Poems of John Keats by Stanley Kunitz and John Keats
    14. Poems of Robert Browning by Rosemary Sprague and Robert Browning
    15. Poems of Walt Whitman by Lawrence C. Powell and Walt Whitman
    16. The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill
    17. Planning Our Town by Martha E. Munzer
    18. American Houses: Colonial, Classic, and Contemporary by Edwin Hoag
    19. Buried Cities by Jennie Hall
    20. Roofs of Gold by Padraic Colum
    The Saturday Review, November 7, 1964, pp. 54-60