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William March Archives
William March •ï¿½21 Items / 10 Books, 11 Articles
Company K (1933)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    War as Collective Experience (Review)
    Company K, by William March
    1. Company K by William March
    The Nation, March 1, 1933, p. 238
  2. [+]
    A Hundred Doughboys (Review)
    Company K, by William March
    1. Company K by William March
    The New Republic, March 1, 1933, p. 81
  3. [+]
    As It Was (Review)
    Company K, by William March
    1. Company K by William March
    The Saturday Review, January 28, 1933, p. 399
  4. [+]
    Pick of the Paperbacks (10 Reviews)
    The Hedgehog and the Fox, by Isaiah Berlin
    1. The Hedgehog and the Fox by Isaiah Berlin
    2. Hadrian's Memoirs by Marguerite Yourcenar
    3. Freedom and the Tragic Life by V.I. Ivanov
    4. The Anchor Review, Number Two by Melvin J. Lasky and Vladimir Nabokov
    5. Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxley
    6. Barren Ground by Ellen Glasgow
    7. The Harbor by Ernest Poole
    8. Company K by William March
    9. Four Plays by George Bernard Shaw by Bernard Shaw
    10. Great English Short Stories by Christopher Isherwood
    The Saturday Review, May 25, 1957, p. 19
  5. [+]
    Books in Brief (12 Reviews)
    The Years of the Locust, by Gilbert Seldes
    1. The Years of the Locust by Gilbert Seldes
    2. Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis
    3. The History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky
    4. The Last Adam by James Gould Cozzens
    5. The Modern Theme by Jose Ortega y Gasset
    6. The Bulpington of Blup by H.G. Wells
    7. God's Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell
    8. The Rise of the City, 1878-1898 by Arthur Meier Schlesinger
    9. Company K by William March
    10. Sardinian Sideshow by Amelie Posse-Brazdova
    11. Bengal Mutiny by George Dangerfield
    12. Never Enough by Leane Zugsmith
    The Forum, March 1933