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Christopher Manes Archives
Christopher Manes •ï¿½1 Book
Green Rage (1990)
Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Humans Last! (Review)
    Green Rage, by Christopher Manes
    1. Green Rage by Christopher Manes
    National Review, September 17, 1990, p. 50
  2. Annual Book Section
    New Gods or Old Idols? (4 Reviews)
    Making Peace with the Planet, by Barry Commoner
    1. Making Peace with the Planet by Barry Commoner
    2. Remaking Society by Murray Bookchin
    3. Gaia by Lawrence E. Joseph
    4. Green Rage by Christopher Manes
    Reason, December 1990, pp. 35-38
  3. [+]
    The Call of the Wild (7 Reviews)
    Making Peace with the Planet, by Barry Commoner
    1. Making Peace with the Planet by Barry Commoner
    2. Least-Cost Energy: Solving the C02 Problem by Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, and Florentine Krause, ...
    3. The End of Nature by Bill McKibben
    4. Green Rage by Christopher Manes
    5. Dead Heat: The Race Against the Greenhouse Effect by Michael Oppenheimer and Robert H. Boyle
    6. Global Warming by Stephen H. Schneider
    7. The Next One Hundred Years by Jonathan Weiner
    The New Republic, April 30, 1990, pp. 30-38
  4. [+]
    Some Like It Hot (7 Reviews)
    Preserving the Global Environment, by Jessica Tuchman Mathews
    1. Preserving the Global Environment by Jessica Tuchman Mathews
    2. It's a Matter of Survival by Anita Gordon and David Suzuki
    3. Ecology, Economics, Ethics by F. Herbert Bormann and Stephen R. Kellert
    4. Ancient Futures by Helena Norberg-Hodge
    5. Eco-Warriors by Rik Scarce
    6. Green Rage by Christopher Manes
    7. Ozone Diplomacy by Richard Elliot Benedick
    The New York Review of Books, March 26, 1992, pp. 31-39