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William Manchester Archives
William Manchester •ï¿½31 Items / 17 Books, 14 Articles
American Caesar (1978)
Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    American MacArthur (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    Chronicles, March 1979, p. 12
  2. [+]
    Political Booknotes (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The Washington Monthly, October 1978, p. 59
  3. Books
    Good Old-Fashioned Titan (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The Saturday Review, October 14, 1978, pp. 60-61
  4. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1979, p. 348
  5. [+]
    Digging out Doug (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The New York Review of Books, October 12, 1978, pp. 14-17
  6. [+]
    Old Soldier (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The New Statesman, April 6, 1979, p. 486
  7. Books Considered
    Films: Later On (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The New Republic, September 30, 1978, pp. 27-30
  8. [+]
    Let Me Entertain You (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    National Review, January 5, 1979, p. 36
  9. [+]
    Mac the Flack (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    The Nation, November 11, 1978, pp. 498-499
  10. [+]
    Generalissimo (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    Modern Age, Summer 1979, pp. 305-307
  11. Books
    Brilliance, Defiance, Ambition (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    Commonweal, April 27, 1979, p. 246
  12. [+]
    Shogun and Strategist (Review)
    American Caesar, by William Manchester
    1. American Caesar by William Manchester
    Commentary, January 1979, pp. 78-82
  13. Annual Political Book Issue
    The Old Pro and the Comeback Kid (3 Reviews)
    World War II produced a generation of historians willing to get out of the library. A ...
    1. Hiroshima by John Hersey
    2. American Caesar by William Manchester
    3. In Search of History by Theodore H. White
    The Washington Monthly, March 1979, pp. 32-35
  14. [+]
    Books in Brief (7 Reviews)
    In Patagonia, by Bruce Chatwin
    1. In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin
    2. American Caesar by William Manchester
    3. Messengers of Day by Anthony Powell
    4. Leon Trotsky by Irving Howe
    5. Ladies' Man by Richard Price
    6. In the Village of the Man by Loyd Little
    7. The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1978, pp. 95-98
  15. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. The Irony of Vietnam by Leslie H. Gelb and Richard K. Betts
    2. Many Reasons Why by Michael Charlton and Anthony Moncrieff
    3. The Brink by David Detzer
    4. The American Presidency by Richard M. Pious
    5. Detente or Debacle by Fred Warner Neal
    6. To Set the Record Straight by John J. Sirica
    7. Travels With Henry by Richard Valeriani
    8. The Powers That Be by David Halberstam
    9. Adventures of a Bystander by Peter F. Drucker
    10. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945 by Robert Dallek
    11. American Caesar by William Manchester
    12. About Face by John J. Tierney, Jr.
    13. The U.S. Crusade in China, 1938-1945 by Michael Schaller
    14. China Scapegoat by Gary May
    15. The Politics of War by Walter Karp
    16. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris
    Foreign Affairs, Summer 1979, pp. 1175-1177