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Vincent H. Malmstrom Archives
Vincent H. Malmstrom •ï¿½3 Books
Geography of Europe (1971)
A Regional Analysis
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Western Europe and Atlantic Community (8 Reviews)
    Disaster at Bari, by Glenn B. Infield
    1. Disaster at Bari by Glenn B. Infield
    2. Europe Since Hitler by Walter Laqueur
    3. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy, 1898-1914 by Zara S. Steiner
    4. Geography of Europe by Vincent H. Malmstrom
    5. Germany by Ernest K. Bramsted
    6. Germany In Our Time by Alfred Grosser
    7. History of the Italian People by Giuliano Procacci
    8. Old World, New Horizons by Edward Heath
    Orbis, Winter 1972, pp. 1239-1240