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Oliver J. Lodge Archives
Oliver J. Lodge •ï¿½62 Items / 38 Books, 20 Articles, 1 Review
Life and Matter (1905)
A Criticism of Professor Haeckel's "Riddle of the Universe"
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Recent Books of Science (17 Reviews)
    Radio-Activity, by Ernest Rutherford
    1. Radio-Activity by Ernest Rutherford
    2. The New Knowledge by Robert Kennedy Duncan
    3. The Dynamics of Living Matter by Jacques Loeb
    4. Plant Response as a Means of Physiological Investigation by Jagadis Chunder Bose
    5. The Nature and Origin of Living Matter by H. Charlton Bastian
    6. The Origin of Life by John Butler Burke
    7. Life and Matter by Oliver Lodge
    8. Physiological Economy in Nutrition by Russell H. Chittenden
    9. Humaniculture by Hubert Higgins
    10. Nature and Health by Edward Curtis
    11. Strength and Diet by Rollo Russell
    12. Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty by Frederick Adams Woods
    13. New Creations in Plant Life by W.S. Harwood
    14. Plant-Breeding by L.H. Bailey
    15. The Subconscious by Joseph Jastrow
    16. Enigmas of Psychical Research by James H. Hyslop
    17. The Dissociation of a Personality by Morton Prince
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1906, pp. 418-426
  2. [+]
    Comment on Current Books (29 Reviews)
    The Autobiography of Samuel Smiles, by Thomas Mackay and Samuel Smiles
    1. The Autobiography of Samuel Smiles by Thomas Mackay and Samuel Smiles
    2. Calendar of Gallant Living for 1906 by Leda J. Thompson
    3. Charles O'Malley: The Irish Dragoon by Charles Lever
    4. The Choice of Books by Charles F. Richardson
    5. Christian Worker's Holy Bible by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
    6. The Disciples of Christ by Errett Gates
    7. The Divining Rod by Francis Newton Thorpe
    8. Essays on Some Theological Questions of the Day by Henry Barclay Swete
    9. Finite and Infinite by Thomas Curran Ryan
    10. God's Image in Man by James Orr
    11. Great Pedagogical Essays: Plato to Spencer by F.V.N. Painter
    12. The Growth of Christian Faith by George Ferries
    13. A History of Egypt by James Henry Breasted
    14. In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies by James Outram
    15. James Martineau, Theologian and Teacher by J. Estlin Carpenter
    16. The Journal of Latrobe by Benjamin Henry Latrobe
    17. A Levantine Log-Book by Jerome Alfred Hart
    18. Life and Matter by Oliver Lodge
    19. Old-Fashioned Flowers and Other Out-Of-Door Essays by Maurice Maeterlinck
    20. On the Borders of Pigmy Land by Ruth B. Hurditch Fisher
    21. The Origin and Influence of the Thoroughbred Horse by William Ridgeway
    22. The Poet, Miss Kate and I by Margaret P. Montague
    23. Recollections by William O'Brien
    24. A Short History of Italy by Henry Dwight Sedgwick
    25. The Song of Ages, and Other Sermons by Reginald J. Campbell
    26. Stories by William Carleton
    27. Two Bird-Lovers in Mexico by William Beebe
    28. The War in the Far East, 1904-1905 by Percy Fisher
    29. With Shelley in Italy by Anna Benneson McMahan
    The Outlook, December 16, 1905, pp. 938-942