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Ruth Link-Salinger Archives
Ruth Link-Salinger •ï¿½2 Items / 1 Book, 1 Article
A House Full of Mice (1970)
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Published Reviews
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    Fall Books for Young People (12 Reviews)
    For the Middle Group
    1. The First Child by Rosemary Wells
    2. A House Full of Mice by Ruth Link
    3. My Animals and Me by Nan Hayden Agle
    4. Mindy's Mysterious Miniature by Jane Louise Curry
    5. Trucks by Herbert S. Zim
    6. A Book of Magical Beasts by Ruth Manning-Sanders
    7. Ride the Ice Down! by Terry Shannon and Charles Payzant
    8. Boris by Jaap ter Haar
    9. Leo the Lioness by Constance C. Greene
    10. The Landmark History of the American People by Daniel J. Boorstin
    11. Call Me Bandicoot by William Pene Du Bois
    12. George by E.L. Konigsburg
    The Saturday Review, November 14, 1970, pp. 35-37