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Charles E. Lindblom Archives
Charles E. Lindblom •ï¿½20 Items / 9 Books, 4 Articles, 7 Reviews
Politics and Markets (1977)
The World's Political Economic Systems
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Published Reviews
  1. Book Reviews
    Politics and Markets (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    The American Spectator, November 1978, pp. 28-30
  2. [+]
    Must Democracy Be Capitalist? (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    The New York Review of Books, July 20, 1978, pp. 40-41
  3. [+]
    Fashion (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    The New Republic, December 17, 1977, pp. 32-33
  4. [+]
    What's Good for General Motors (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    The Nation, September 2, 1978, p. 187
  5. Reviews
    Beyond Marx and Mao (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    Modern Age, Winter 1979, pp. 85-86
  6. [+]
    Two Economic Models (Review)
    Analysis, Critique, and Prescription
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    Dissent, Spring 1979, pp. 247-249
  7. Books in Review
    Pluralism Reconsidered (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    Commentary, August 1978, pp. 68-69
  8. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Politics and Markets, by Charles E. Lindblom
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    Political Science Quarterly, Fall 1978, pp. 507-508
  9. [+]
    Briefly Noted (4 Reviews)
    1. Dasher by James T. Wooten
    2. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    3. Black Odyssey by Nathan Irvin Huggins
    4. Lermontov: Tragedy in the Caucasus by Laurence Kelly
    The New Yorker, March 20, 1978, pp. 150-154
  10. [+]
    Economics (9 Reviews)
    The Galbraith Reader, by John Kenneth Galbraith
    1. The Galbraith Reader by John Kenneth Galbraith
    2. The Passions and the Interests by Albert O. Hirschman
    3. The Public Use of Private Interest by Charles L. Schultze
    4. The Future of the World Economy by Wassily W. Leontief, Anne P. Carter, and Peter Petri, ...
    5. The Vast Majority by Michael Harrington
    6. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    7. Cannibals and Kings by Marvin Harris
    8. The Brotherhood of Oil by Robert Engler
    9. The Economic Growth Debate by Edward J. Mishan
    The New Republic, November 26, 1977, pp. 32-33
  11. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Politics and Markets by Charles E. Lindblom
    2. Organizing the World's Money by Benjamin J. Cohen
    3. Floating Exchange Rates and National Economic Policy by Stanley W. Black
    4. Inflation, Exchange Rates, and the World Economy by Warner M. Corden
    5. Stagflation: An International Problem by Randall Hinshaw
    6. The New International Monetary System by Robert A. Mundell and Jacques J. Polak
    7. Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy by Albert Fishlow, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro, and Richard R. Fagen, ...
    8. The International Payments Crisis and the Development of East-West Trade by Henri Bourguinat and Stanislaw Raczkowski
    9. Employment, Trade, and Development by Gerald M. Meier
    10. Image and Reality in Economic Development by Lloyd G. Reynolds
    11. Income Distribution and Growth in Less Developed Countries by Charles R. Frank, Jr. and Richard C. Webb
    12. Equity, Income, and Policy by Irving Louis Horowitz
    13. Income Distribution Policy in Developing Countries by Irma Adelman and Sherman Robinson
    14. Food Policy by Peter G. Brown and Henry Shue
    15. Issues and Prospects for the New International Economic Order by William G. Tyler
    16. Another Development by Marc Nerfin
    Foreign Affairs, April 1978, pp. 670-671