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David Leyton-Brown Archives
David Leyton-Brown •ï¿½1 Book
The Utility of International Economic Sanctions (1987)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    International Economics (7 Reviews)
    Economic Policy in an Interdependent World, by Richard N. Cooper
    1. Economic Policy in an Interdependent World by Richard N. Cooper
    2. Economic Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region by Bruce J. Dickson and Harry Harding
    3. The Financial Revolution by Adrian D. Hamilton
    4. Politics, Foreign Trade, and Economic Development by Claudio Vedovato
    5. Theory and Reality in Development by Sanjaya Lall and Frances Stewart
    6. Theory of Population and Economic Growth by Julian Lincoln Simon
    7. The Utility of International Economic Sanctions by David Leyton-Brown
    Orbis, Summer 1987, pp. 250-252
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Toward World Prosperity by Irving S. Friedman
    2. Ideology and National Competitiveness by George C. Lodge and Ezra F. Vogel
    3. The Global Struggle for More by Bernard D. Nossiter
    4. Balancing the National Interest
    5. Multinationals from the Second World by Carl H. McMillan
    6. Beyond National Borders by Kenichi Ohmae
    7. U.S. Trade Policies in a Changing World Economy by Robert M. Stern
    8. Multinational Corporations, Environment, and the Third World by Charles S. Pearson
    9. Multinationals, Technology and Industrialization by Katherin Marton
    10. Trading Technology by Thomas L. Ilgen and T.J. Pempel
    11. The Utility of International Economic Sanctions by David Leyton-Brown
    Foreign Affairs, Summer 1987, pp. 1101-1103