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Israel H. Levinthal Archives
Israel H. Levinthal •ï¿½3 Books
Judaism: An Analysis and an Interpretation (1935)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Check List of New Books (4 Reviews)
    1. Values and Reality by Leo R. Ward
    2. The Art of Happiness by John Cowper Powys
    3. Judaism: An Analysis and an Interpretation by Israel H. Levinthal
    4. An Almanac for Moderns by Donald Culross Peattie
    The American Mercury, June 1935, p. 246
  2. [+]
    Modern Israel (7 Reviews)
    Anti-Semitism: A World Survey, by Ingram Hughes
    1. Anti-Semitism: A World Survey by Ingram Hughes
    2. The Truth About "The Protocols of Zion" by Herman Bernstein
    3. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Benjamin W. Segel
    4. Judaism: An Analysis and an Interpretation by Israel H. Levinthal
    5. We Jews by George E. Sokolsky
    6. The Jew and the World Ferment by Basil J. Mathews
    7. Jews in Palestine by Abraham Revusky
    The New Republic, July 31, 1935, p. 340