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Maria Leach Archives
Maria Leach •ï¿½5 Books
The Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend (1950)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Atlantic Bookshelf (7 Reviews)
    Reader's Choice
    1. Policy for the West by Barbara Ward
    2. Tito and Goliath by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    3. Caught by Henry Green
    4. Concluding by Henry Green
    5. Troubled Sleep by Jean-Paul Sartre
    6. The Columbia Encyclopedia: Second Edition by William Bridgwater and Elizabeth J. Sherwood
    7. The Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend by Maria Leach and Jerome Fried
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1951, pp. 86-89
  2. [+]
    Briefer Comment (13 Reviews)
    Of General Interest
    1. A World History of Our Own Times, Vol. I by Quincy Howe
    2. The Ohio by R.E. Banta
    3. The Potomac by Frederick Gutheim
    4. Our Sovereign State by Robert S. Allen
    5. Out of the Crocodile's Mouth by William Nelson
    6. The People Don't Know by George Seldes
    7. A Treasury of Great Reporting by Louis L. Snyder and Richard B. Morris
    8. A Treasury of Southern Folklore by B.A. Botkin
    9. Thesaurus of Book Digests by Hiram Haydn and Edmund Fuller
    10. The Heritage of America by Henry Steele Commager and Allan Nevins
    11. The Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend by Maria Leach and Jerome Fried
    12. Killers of the Dream by Lillian Smith
    13. The Ironing Board by Christopher Morley
    The Forum, January 1950, pp. 21-22