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Robert Z. Lawrence Archives
Robert Z. Lawrence •ï¿½102 Items / 12 Books, 85 Articles, 5 Reviews
Can America Compete? (1984)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Losing the Economic Race (2 Reviews)
    Can America Compete?, by Robert Z. Lawrence
    1. Can America Compete? by Robert Z. Lawrence
    2. The DRI Report on US Manufacturing Industries by Otto Eckstein, Christopher Caton, and Roger Brinner, ...
    The New York Review of Books, September 27, 1984, pp. 29-31
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (17 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Can America Compete? by Robert Z. Lawrence
    2. Competitive Edge by Daniel I. Okimoto, Takui Sugano, and Franklin B. Weinstein, ...
    3. The American Disease by George C. Lodge
    4. Rebuilding America by Gar Alperovitz and Jeff Faux
    5. Unemployment and Growth in the Western Economies by Andrew J. Pierre
    6. The Management of the World Economy by Evan Luard
    7. Cities and the Wealth of Nations by Jane Jacobs
    8. Closing the Gold Window by Joanne Gowa
    9. Banking on Poverty by Jill Torrie
    10. Power, Passions, and Purpose by Jagdish N. Bhagwati and John G. Ruggie
    11. The Year 2000 by Raymond Williams
    12. Critique and Anti-Critique by Andre Gunder Frank
    13. The Resourceful Earth by Julian L. Simon and Herman Kahn
    14. The Emerging Marine Economy of the Pacific by Chennat Gopalakrishnan
    15. New Horizons in East-West Economic and Business Relations by Marvin R. Jackson and James D. Woodson, Jr.
    16. Managing Trade Relations in the 1980s by Seymour J. Rubin and Thomas R. Graham
    17. Trade and Structural Change by Leslie Stein
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1984, pp. 189-191