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John Langdon-Davies Archives
John Langdon-Davies •ï¿½44 Items / 13 Books, 22 Articles, 8 Reviews
A Short History of Women (1927)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Check List of New Books (4 Reviews)
    1. The Conquest of Our Western Empire by Agnes C. Laut
    2. America and French Culture, 1750-1848 by Howard Mumford Jones
    3. The History of the American Working Class by Anthony Bimba
    4. A Short History of Women by John Langdon-Davies
    The American Mercury, March 1928
  2. [+]
    There Are Two Sexes (4 Reviews)
    A Short History of Women, by John Langdon-Davies
    1. A Short History of Women by John Langdon-Davies
    2. The Woman of the Eighteenth Century by Edmond de Goncourt and Jules de Goncart
    3. The Heritage of Women by Alice Ames Winter
    4. The World's Lure by Alexander von Gleichen-Russwurm
    The Saturday Review, January 14, 1928, p. 516