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John La Farge Archives
John La Farge •ï¿½84 Items / 17 Books, 49 Articles, 16 Reviews
Considerations on Painting (1895)
Lectures Given in the Year 1893 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Watts's Don Quixote (Review)
    Considerations on Painting, by John La Farge
    1. Considerations on Painting by John La Farge
    The Nation, December 5, 1895, p. 415
  2. [+]
    Painting Sculpture and Architecture (7 Reviews)
    Considerations on Painting, by John La Farge
    1. Considerations on Painting by John La Farge
    2. Imagination in Landscape Painting by Philip Gilbert Hamerton
    3. Antonio Allegri da Correggio by Corrado Ricci
    4. The Writings on Art of Anna Jameson by Estelle Hurll and Anna B. Jameson
    5. Old Dutch and Flemish Masters by Timothy Cole
    6. Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture by Adolf Furtwangler
    7. A Cyclopaedia of Works of Architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant by William P.P. Longfellow
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1896, pp. 554-568
  3. Books
    Books On Art (8 Reviews)
    Eighteenth-Century Color-Prints, by Julia Frankau
    1. Eighteenth-Century Color-Prints by Julia Frankau
    2. Anthony Van Dyke by Lionel Cust
    3. Modern Pen Drawings: European and American by Charles Holme
    4. The Origins of Art by Yrjo Hirn
    5. Considerations on Painting by John La Farge
    6. Giorgione by Herbert Cook
    7. Four Great Venetians by Frank Preston Stearns
    8. Murillo by Estelle M. Hurll
    The Nation, February 7, 1901, p. 115
  4. [+]
    Books of the Week (16 Reviews)
    Ad Astra, by Charles Whitworth Wynne
    1. Ad Astra by Charles Whitworth Wynne
    2. Carmina Subseciva: Songs from Near and Far by O.A. Hills
    3. Considerations on Painting by John La Farge
    4. Constructive Studies in the Life of Christ by Ernest De Witt Burton and Shailer Mathews
    5. Gwynett of Thornhaugh by Frederick W.A. Hayes
    6. The Historical Development of Modern Europe by Charles M. Andrews
    7. Knowledge, Belief, and Certitude by Frederick Storrs Turner
    8. The Last Years of the Nineteenth Century by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer
    9. The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading by William George Benham
    10. Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects by Giorgio Vasari
    11. Murillo by Estelle M. Hurll
    12. The North Americans of Yesterday by Frederick Dellenbaugh
    13. Old Friends at Cambridge and Elsewhere by John Willis Clark
    14. Random Fancies by James B. Townsend
    15. The Story of Assisi by Lina Duff Gordon
    16. A Treasury of Irish Poetry in the English Tongue by Stopford A. Brooke and T.W. Rolleston
    The Outlook, February 2, 1901, pp. 321-323