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Michael J. Kryzanek Archives
Michael J. Kryzanek •ï¿½6 Items / 3 Reviews, 3 Books
Leaders, Leadership, and U.S. Policy in Latin America (1992)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (3 Reviews)
    On Latin America
    1. Panama: The Whole Story by Kevin Buckley
    2. Peru Under Fire by Cynthia G. Brown
    3. Leaders, Leadership, and U.S. Policy in Latin America by Michael J. Kryzanek
    Current History, March 1993, p. 136
  2. [+]
    Latin America (6 Reviews)
    The Dependency Movement, by Robert A. Packenham
    1. The Dependency Movement by Robert A. Packenham
    2. The Foreign Policy of Peru by Ronald Bruce St John
    3. Leaders, Leadership, and U.S. Policy in Latin America by Michael J. Kryzanek
    4. The Patient Impatience by Tomas Borge
    5. Peru Under Fire by Cynthia G. Brown
    6. The Russians Aren't Coming by Wayne S. Smith
    Orbis, Fall 1992, pp. 640-644