The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
George King Archives
George King, Director •ï¿½17 Items / 5 Books, 11 Films, 1 Review
Herodotus (1929)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Money and Credit (Review)
    Herodotus, by George King and Herodotus
    1. Herodotus by George King and Herodotus
    The Saturday Review, February 15, 1930, p. 735
  2. [+]
    The Harvest of Children's Books (28 Reviews)
    Hitty: Her First Hundred Years, by Rachel Field
    1. Hitty: Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field
    2. Italian Fairy Tales by Luigi Capuana
    3. Herodotus by George King and Herodotus
    4. Three and the Moon by Jacques Dorey
    5. Galahads and Pussy-Cats by Wilhelm Speyer
    6. Mr. Hermit Crab by Mimpsy Rhys
    7. The Tree Named John by John B. Sale
    8. Little Black Stories for Little White Children by Blaise Cendrars
    9. Sophie: The Story of a Bad Little Girl by Sophie Segur
    10. A Child's Geography of the World by V.M. Hillyer
    11. The Adventures of Tommy by H.G. Wells
    12. The White Puppy Book by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin
    13. Stories from the Rootabaga Country by Carl Sandburg
    14. The Burgess Seashore Book for Children by Thornton W. Burgess
    15. The Tangle Coated Horse by Ella Young
    16. The Black Buccaneer by Stephen W. Meader
    17. Blue Ribbon Stories, 1929 by Mabel L. Robinson
    18. The Book of Airplanes by J.W. Iseman and Sloan Taylor
    19. This Happened to Me by Helen Ferris
    20. Carmela Commands by Walter S. Ball
    21. The Lays of Ancient Rome by Thomas Babington MacAulay
    22. Courageous Companions by Charles J. Finger
    23. The Pirate of the Gulf by Rupert Sargent Holland
    24. Lincoln's Boy Spy by Louis A. Newcome
    25. American Folk and Fairy Tales by Rachel Field
    26. The Children's Country by Kay Burdekin
    27. Wild Men of the Wild West by Edwin L. Sabin
    28. Karoo, the Kangaroo by Kurt Wiese
    The Nation, November 20, 1929, pp. 598-602