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Edna B. Kenton Archives
Edna B. Kenton •ï¿½81 Items / 8 Books, 52 Articles, 21 Reviews
Simon Kenton: His Life and Period, 1755-1836 (1930)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Tables for Two (4 Reviews)
    Flood, by Robert Neumann
    1. Flood by Robert Neumann
    2. Liquor, Loot and Ladies by Chester T. Crowell
    3. Robert Louis Stevenson: The Frail Warrior by Jean-Marie Carre
    4. Simon Kenton: His Life and Period, 1755-1836 by Edna Kenton
    The New Yorker, April 12, 1930, p. 112
  2. [+]
    The Week's Reading (5 Reviews)
    Simon Kenton: His Life and Period, 1755-1836, by Edna Kenton
    1. Simon Kenton: His Life and Period, 1755-1836 by Edna Kenton
    2. Life and Myself by Giovanni Papini
    3. The Road of the Gods by Isabel Paterson
    4. Exile by Warwick Deeping
    5. Gladiator by Philip Wylie
    The Outlook, March 19, 1930, p. 466