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Weldon Kees Archives
Weldon Kees •ï¿½46 Items / 5 Books, 14 Articles, 14 Reviews, 13 Poems
The Last Man (1943)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Briefly Noted (3 Reviews)
    1. Coronal by Paul Claudel
    2. Wonderings by John Masefield
    3. The Last Man by Weldon Kees
    The New Yorker, January 15, 1944, p. 72
  2. [+]
    Some Recent Verse (5 Reviews)
    Map of My Country, by John Holmes
    1. Map of My Country by John Holmes
    2. The Fourth Decade, and Other Poems by Norman Rosten
    3. Cloth of the Tempest by Kenneth Patchen
    4. Poems, 1923-1943 by James J. Daly
    5. The Last Man by Weldon Kees
    The New Republic, December 20, 1943, p. 890
  3. [+]
    Check List (7 Reviews)
    1. The Last Man by Weldon Kees
    2. No Boundary by Lenore G. Marshall
    3. Remember Pearl Harbor by Amy Freeman Lee
    4. Skyways by Rosa Coates Richards
    5. The Sealed Well by Grant C. Knight
    6. Let There be Light by Dorothy Hobson
    7. Light and Shadow by Anitra Joyce Glueck
    The American Mercury, February 1944, pp. 255-258