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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert Katz Archives
Robert Katz •ï¿½7 Items / 6 Books, 1 Article
The Fall of the House of Savoy (1971)
A Study in the Relevance of the Commonplace or the Vulgarity of History
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Fall of the House of Savoy, by Robert Katz
    1. The Fall of the House of Savoy by Robert Katz
    The American Historical Review, April 1976, p. 415
  2. [+]
    Short Reviews: Books (12 Reviews)
    Willy Remembers, by Irvin Faust
    1. Willy Remembers by Irvin Faust
    2. Parthian Words by Storm Jameson
    3. The Fall of the House of Savoy by Robert Katz
    4. Absolute Zero by Ernest Tidyman
    5. Hallucinations by Reinaldo Arenas
    6. Dante's Infernal Guide to Your School by Franklin Behrens
    7. The Ra Expeditions by Thor Heyerdahl
    8. Gateways and Caravans by Freya Stark and Fulvio Roiter
    9. Pegasus Descending by James Camp, X.J. Kennedy, and Keith Waldrop
    10. The American Indian Almanac by John Upton Terrell
    11. Louvre Dialogues by Pierre Schneider
    12. Winchell by Bob Thomas
    The Atlantic Monthly, September 1971, pp. 116-120