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Roger E. Kanet Archives
Roger E. Kanet •ï¿½39 Items / 7 Articles, 12 Books, 20 Reviews
The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations (1974)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    International Politics, Law and Organization (Review)
    The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations, by Roger E. Kanet
    1. The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations by Roger E. Kanet
    American Political Science Review, March 1976, pp. 280-281
  2. [+]
    The USSR and the Third World (Review)
    The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations, by Roger E. Kanet
    1. The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations by Roger E. Kanet
    Orbis, Spring 1975, pp. 272-274
  3. [+]
    The Communist Powers and the Third World (5 Reviews)
    Russia and Black Africa Before World War II, by Edward Thomas Wilson
    1. Russia and Black Africa Before World War II by Edward Thomas Wilson
    2. The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations by Roger E. Kanet
    3. The Soviet Model and Underdeveloped Countries by Charles K. Wilber
    4. China's Policy in Africa, 1958-71 by Alaba Ogunsanwo
    5. Soviet and Chinese Influence in the Third World by Alvin Z. Rubinstein
    Problems of Communism, November 1976, pp. 84-88
  4. [+]
    Book Reviews (11 Reviews)
    On the Soviet Union
    1. The Soviet Union and the Arab East Under Khrushchev by Oles M. Smolansky
    2. Soviet Military Strategy by V.D. Sokolovsky and Harriet Fast Scott
    3. The Soviet Union in Asia by Geoffrey Jukes
    4. Soviet Naval Developments: Capability and Context by Michael MccGwire
    5. The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations by Roger E. Kanet
    6. The Soviet Union and the Middle East by Ivo J. Lederer and Wayne S. Vucinich
    7. Church, State, and Opposition in the USSR by Gerhard Simon
    8. St. Petersburg and Moscow by Barbara Jelavich
    9. Strategy for the West by Richard B. Foster, Andre Beaufre, and Wynfred Joshua, ...
    10. The Russian Dilemma by Robert G. Wesson
    11. Communist Penetration of the Third World by Edward Taborsky
    Current History, October 1974, pp. 177-184