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Tom B. Jones Archives
Tom B. Jones •ï¿½26 Items / 5 Books, 21 Reviews
An Introduction to Hispanic American History (1939)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    New Books: A Reader's List (7 Reviews)
    The Open Sky, by L.A.G. Strong
    1. The Open Sky by L.A.G. Strong
    2. Federal Aid for Relief by Edward Ainsworth Williams
    3. The Bishop Jots It Down by Francis Clement Kelley
    4. The Foundations of Democracy by Thomas V. Smith and Robert A. Taft
    5. An Introduction to Hispanic American History by Tom Bard Jones
    6. A History of Brazil by Joao Pandia Calogeras and Percy Alvin Martin
    7. The New Deal in Old Rome by Henry Joseph Haskell
    The New Republic, July 19, 1939, p. 316