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Robert Jastrow Archives
Robert Jastrow •ï¿½23 Items / 9 Books, 14 Articles
God and the Astronomers (1978)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Over the Highest Rock (Review)
    God and the Astronomers, by Robert Jastrow
    1. God and the Astronomers by Robert Jastrow
    National Review, July 6, 1979, p. 865
  2. [+]
    Culture Parasites (and Others Who Still Try to Ask Questions) (2 Reviews)
    Person/Planet, by Theodore Roszak
    1. Person/Planet by Theodore Roszak
    2. God and the Astronomers by Robert Jastrow
    Chronicles, July 1979, pp. 11-13
  3. [+]
    Dark Horses (3 Reviews)
    God and the Astronomers, by Robert Jastrow
    1. God and the Astronomers by Robert Jastrow
    2. The Separation Illusion by John W. Whitehead
    3. Harvard Hates America by John LeBoutillier
    National Review, November 24, 1978, p. 1495
  4. [+]
    Books: Beyond the Blue Horizon (4 Reviews)
    Spaceships of the Mind, by Nigel Calder
    1. Spaceships of the Mind by Nigel Calder
    2. Messages from the Stars by Ian Ridpath
    3. God and the Astronomers by Robert Jastrow
    4. The Stories of John Cheever by John Cheever
    New York Magazine, November 27, 1978, pp. 112-115