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Sanford M. Jacoby Archives
Sanford M. Jacoby •ï¿½3 Items / 2 Books, 1 Review
The Workers of Nations (1995)
Industrial Relations in a Global Economy
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    International Relations (Review)
    The Workers of Nations, by Sanford M. Jacoby
    1. The Workers of Nations by Sanford M. Jacoby
    American Political Science Review, June 1996, p. 467
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (4 Reviews)
    Economic, Social, and Environmental
    1. Opening America's Market by Alfred E. Eckes, Jr.
    2. After the Gold Rush by Stewart Lansley
    3. International Labour Standards and Economic Interdependence by Werner Sengenberger and Duncan Campbell
    4. The Workers of Nations by Sanford M. Jacoby
    Foreign Affairs, September 1995, pp. 163-164