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Sarah Noble Ives Archives
Sarah Noble Ives •ï¿½3 Books
Dog Heroes of Many Lands (1922)
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Published Reviews
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    For the Young Reader (25 Reviews)
    The Well in the Wood, by Bert Leston Taylor
    1. The Well in the Wood by Bert Leston Taylor
    2. Through the Cloud Mountain by Florence Scott Bernard
    3. The Children Who Followed the Piper by Padraic Colum
    4. Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg
    5. Solario the Tailor by William Bowen
    6. The Islands of Magic by Elsie Spicer Eells
    7. The Adventures of Maya the Bee by Waldemar Bonsels
    8. The Pussy Cat Princess by Edward Anthony
    9. Bannertail by Ernest Thompson Seton
    10. Red-Robin by Jane Abbott
    11. The Flower of Fortune by Emilie Benson Knipe and Alden Arthur Knipe
    12. The Hill of Adventure by Adair Aldon
    13. Including Mother by Margaret Ashmun
    14. The Tides of Deal by Latta Griswold
    15. Peter Cotterell's Treasure by Rupert Sargent Holland
    16. The Woods Rider by Frank Lillie Pollock
    17. The Black Wolf Pack by Dan Beard
    18. When the West Was Young by Frederick R. Bechdolt
    19. Blackbeard, Buccaneer by Ralph D. Paine
    20. The Boy Jesus and His Companions by Rufus M. Jones
    21. Shakespeare and the Heart of a Child by Gertrude Slaughter
    22. Buried Cities by Jennie Hall
    23. Dog Heroes of Many Lands by Sarah Noble Ives
    24. Rainbow Gold by Sara Teasdale
    25. The Voyages of Dr. Doolittle by Hugh Lofting
    The Nation, December 6, 1922, pp. 618-619