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The Economic Development of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea (1965)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    East Asia and the Pacific (9 Reviews)
    Britain and India: Requiem for Empire, by Maurice Zinkin and Taya Zinkin
    1. Britain and India: Requiem for Empire by Maurice Zinkin and Taya Zinkin
    2. Changing Japanese Attitudes Toward Modernization by Marius B. Jansen
    3. China Assignment by Karl Lott Rankin
    4. The China-India Border by Alastair Lamb
    5. The Communist Revolution in Asia by Robert A. Scalapino
    6. East Asia: Tradition and Transformation by John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer, and Albert M. Craig, ...
    7. The Economic Development of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea
    8. Japan: Past and Present by Edwin O. Reischauer
    9. Japanese People and Politics by Chitoshi Yanaga
    Orbis, Fall 1965, pp. 807-808