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Maud Howe Archives
Maud Howe •ï¿½12 Items / 7 Books, 5 Articles
Laura Bridgman (1903)
Dr. Howe's Famous Pupil and What He Taught Her
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Laura Bridgman (Review)
    Laura Bridgman, by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    1. Laura Bridgman by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    The Bookman (U.K.), April 1904, p. 23
  2. [+]
    Helen Keller's Predecessor (Review)
    Laura Bridgman, by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    1. Laura Bridgman by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    The Literary Digest, November 14, 1903, p. 673
  3. [+]
    Recent Fiction (Review)
    Laura Bridgman, by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    1. Laura Bridgman by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    The Nation, November 12, 1903, p. 392
  4. Books and Authors
    The Growth of a Soul (Review)
    Laura Bridgman, by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    1. Laura Bridgman by Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall
    The Outlook, December 12, 1903, pp. 900-902