The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Norris Houghton Archives
Norris Houghton •ï¿½23 Items / 7 Books, 8 Articles, 8 Reviews
Moscow Rehearsals (1936)
An Account of Methods of Production in the Soviet Theatre
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    New Books on Soviet Problems (2 Reviews)
    I Was a Soviet Worker, by Andrew Smith #2 and Maria Smith
    1. I Was a Soviet Worker by Andrew Smith #2 and Maria Smith
    2. Moscow Rehearsals by Norris Houghton
    Commonweal, June 12, 1936, p. 194
  2. [+]
    Real Theatre (2 Reviews)
    Moscow Rehearsals, by Norris Houghton
    1. Moscow Rehearsals by Norris Houghton
    2. The Soviet Theatre by P.A. Markov
    The New Republic, July 8, 1936, p. 274
  3. Book Reviews
    The New Russian Theatre (4 Reviews)
    The Theater in a Changing Europe, by Thomas H. Dickinson
    1. The Theater in a Changing Europe by Thomas H. Dickinson
    2. Moscow Rehearsals by Norris Houghton
    3. Footnotes on the Theatre by R.D. Charques
    4. Theatre in Action by Geoffrey Whitworth
    The Labour Monthly, July 1939, pp. 445-446
  4. [+]
    The New Books (7 Reviews)
    Gil de Siloe and His School, by Harold E. Wethey
    1. Gil de Siloe and His School by Harold E. Wethey
    2. The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    3. Return to Coolami by Eleanor Dark
    4. Invincible Surmise by Granville Paul Smith
    5. Moscow Rehearsals by Norris Houghton
    6. Men Who Run America by Arthur D. Howden Smith
    7. Punch's Progress by Forman George Brown
    The Saturday Review, June 20, 1936, pp. 19-20