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Mark W. Hopkins Archives
Mark W. Hopkins •ï¿½1 Book
Mass Media in the Soviet Union (1969)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Comparative Government and Politics (Review)
    Mass Media in the Soviet Union, by Mark W. Hopkins
    1. Mass Media in the Soviet Union by Mark W. Hopkins
    American Political Science Review, March 1975, p. 314
  2. Book Reviews
    On the News (2 Reviews)
    Mass Media in a Free Society, by Warren K. Agee
    1. Mass Media in a Free Society by Warren K. Agee
    2. Mass Media in the Soviet Union by Mark W. Hopkins
    The New Republic, November 15, 1969, p. 22
  3. [+]
    Books on the Soviet Union (7 Reviews)
    In Quest of Justice, by Abraham Brumberg
    1. In Quest of Justice by Abraham Brumberg
    2. India and the Soviet Union by Arthur Stein
    3. Mass Media in the Soviet Union by Mark W. Hopkins
    4. Russia's Road From Peace to War by Louis Fischer
    5. The USSR Arms the Third World by Uri Ra'anan
    6. Soviet-American Rivalry in the Middle East by J.C. Hurewitz
    7. Stalin and His Generals by Seweryn Bialer
    Current History, October 1970, pp. 239-246