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M.B. Hooker Archives
M.B. Hooker •ï¿½1 Book
Legal Pluralism (1975)
An Introduction to Colonial and Neocolonial Laws
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Published Reviews
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    Recent Books on International Relations (14 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Future of the International Court of Justice by Leo Gross
    2. The Procedure of the U.N. Security Council by Sydney D. Bailey
    3. The Vietnam War and International Law by Richard A. Falk
    4. The Constitution and the Conduct of Foreign Policy by Francis O. Wilcox and Richard A. Frank
    5. Guerres, Revolutions, Croix-Rouge by Jacques Freymond
    6. Contemporary Research in International Relations by Dina A. Zinnes
    7. Emerging Forms of Transnational Community by Bernard Mennis and Karl P. Sauvant
    8. The Web of World Politics by Richard W. Mansbach, Yale H. Ferguson, and Donald E. Lampert, ...
    9. Interdependence by Gerhard Mally
    10. Quantitative International Politics by Francis W. Hoole and Dina A. Zinnes
    11. Legal Pluralism by M.B. Hooker
    12. The Politics of Cultural Pluralism by Crawford Young
    13. No Easy Choice by Samuel P. Huntington and Joan M. Nelson
    14. The Erosion of a Relationship by Michael Lipton and John Firn
    Foreign Affairs, October 1976, pp. 214-215