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Samuel Hoffenstein Archives
Samuel Hoffenstein •ï¿½11 Items / 5 Books, 2 Articles, 4 Poems
Year In, You're Out (1930)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    A Poet Needs a Friend (Review)
    Year In, You're Out, by Samuel Hoffenstein
    1. Year In, You're Out by Samuel Hoffenstein
    The Saturday Review, June 7, 1930, p. 1107
  2. [+]
    Books in Brief (4 Reviews)
    Year In, You're Out, by Samuel Hoffenstein
    1. Year In, You're Out by Samuel Hoffenstein
    2. Gallipoli Memories by Compton Mackenzie
    3. The Women of Cairo by Gerard de Nerval
    4. The Life and Letters of Joseph Pennell by Elizabeth Robins Pennell and Joseph Pennell
    The Nation, July 2, 1930, pp. 23-24
  3. [+]
    Books in Brief (7 Reviews)
    The Long Hunt, by James Boyd
    1. The Long Hunt by James Boyd
    2. Hot Countries by Alec Waugh
    3. Grim Youth by John Held, Jr.
    4. Year In, You're Out by Samuel Hoffenstein
    5. Three Masters: Balzac, Dickens, Dostoievsky by Stefan Zweig
    6. A Gentleman Rebel by John Hyde Preston
    7. The Party Dress by Joseph Hergesheimer
    The Forum, June 1930
  4. [+]
    Recent Books (8 Reviews)
    Upstream, by Ludwig Lewisohn
    1. Upstream by Ludwig Lewisohn
    2. Christopher Columbus: Don Quixote of the Seas by Jacob Wassermann
    3. The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints by Harold Lamb
    4. Lobagola: An African Savage's Own Story by Bata Lobagola and Bata Kindai Amgoza
    5. Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Louise Schutz Boas
    6. Eroica by Samuel Chotzinoff
    7. The Autobiography of Frank Tarbeaux as Told to Donald Henderson Clarke by Donald Henderson Clarke and Frank Tarbeaux
    8. Year In, You're Out by Samuel Hoffenstein
    The New Yorker, March 22, 1930, pp. 93-94
  5. [+]
    Poetry and Current Verse (9 Reviews)
    Droll Parade, by Carlton Talbott
    1. Droll Parade by Carlton Talbott
    2. Bringing Jazz! by Maxwell Bodenheim
    3. Manhattan Made by Charles Recht
    4. Year In, You're Out by Samuel Hoffenstein
    5. Lost Buffalo, and Other Poems by Leonard Bacon
    6. The Roosevelt and the Antinoe by E.J. Pratt
    7. The Wind in the Cedars by Glenn Ward Dresbach
    8. Behind Dark Spaces by Melville Cane
    9. Two on an Old Pathway by Eleanor C. Sheehan Koenig
    The Outlook, April 2, 1930, p. 549