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Francis P. Hoeber Archives
Francis P. Hoeber •ï¿½6 Items / 2 Books, 3 Articles, 1 Review
Arms, Men, and Military Budgets (1976)
Issues for Fiscal Year 1978
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Right Books (2 Reviews)
    Arms, Men, and Military Budgets, by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norm...
    1. Arms, Men, and Military Budgets by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norman Polmar, ...
    2. World Power Assessment 1977 by Ray S. Cline
    National Review, August 20, 1976, p. 911
  2. [+]
    Military and Arms Control (3 Reviews)
    Arms, Men, and Military Budgets, by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norm...
    1. Arms, Men, and Military Budgets by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norman Polmar, ...
    2. The Dynamics of the Nuclear Balance by Albert Legault and George Lindsey
    3. The Joint Chiefs of Staff by Lawrence J. Korb
    Orbis, Summer 1976, p. 544
  3. Book Reviews
    The New Meaning of Soviet Military Power (3 Reviews)
    A New Strategy for the West, by Daniel O. Graham
    1. A New Strategy for the West by Daniel O. Graham
    2. Defending America by James R. Schlesinger and Robert Conquest
    3. Arms, Men, and Military Budgets by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norman Polmar, ...
    Policy Review, Summer 1977, pp. 129-134
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    General: Military, Technological, and Scientific
    1. The Role of Strategic Defense in Soviet Strategy by Michael J. Deane
    2. Arms, Men, and Military Budgets by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norman Polmar, ...
    3. Doubletalk by Gerard Smith
    4. The Soviet Union and SALT by Samuel B. Payne, Jr.
    5. Rischio Atomico ed Equilibri Mondiali by Sergio A. Rossi
    6. U.S.-Soviet Military Balance by John M. Collins
    7. The Present Danger by Norman Podhoretz
    8. Evolving Strategic Realities by Franklin D. Margiotta
    9. The Genesis of New Weapons by Franklin A. Long and Judith Reppy
    10. The Defense Industry by Jacques S. Gansler
    11. Weapons by Russell Warren Howe
    12. Top Secret Ultra by Peter Calvocoressi
    13. Ultra in the West by Ralph F. Bennett
    14. The Military in America by Peter M. Karsten
    15. Destruction of Nuclear Energy Facilities in War by Bennett Ramberg
    16. Internationalization to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons
    Foreign Affairs, Winter 1980, pp. 428-430
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (19 Reviews)
    General: Military, Technological, and Scientific
    1. The Armed Forces of the Soviet State by A.A. Grechko
    2. Nuclear Weapons and World Politics by David C. Gompert, Michael Mandelbaum, and Richard L. Garwin, ...
    3. The Last Six Months by S.M. Shtemenko
    4. Soviet Armed Forces Review Annual: Volume I, 1977 by David R. Jones
    5. The Russian Navy: Myth and Reality by Eric Morris
    6. The Jennifer Project by Clyde W. Burleson
    7. Arms, Men, and Military Budgets by Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr., and Norman Polmar, ...
    8. American Defense Policy by John E. Endicott and Roy W. Stafford, Jr.
    9. Women and the Military by Martin Binkin and Shirley J. Bach
    10. President Eisenhower and Strategy Management by Douglas Kinnard
    11. The War Managers by Douglas Kinnard
    12. Group Captives by Henry Faulk
    13. Stalag, U.S.A. by Judith M. Gansberg
    14. Preparing for the Next War by Michael S. Sherry
    15. The Life and Death of the Afrika Korps by Ronald Lewin
    16. Terrorism by Walter Laqueur
    17. The Unfinished Agenda by Gerald O. Barney
    18. The Energy Crisis and the Environment by Donald R. Kelley
    19. Climatic Change and World Affairs by Crispin Tickell
    Foreign Affairs, January 1978, pp. 444-446