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James F. Hinkle Archives
James F. Hinkle •ï¿½1 Book
Early Days of a Cowboy on the Pecos (1937)
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Published Reviews
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    Western Book Roundup (9 Reviews)
    Bob More, Man and Bird Man, by J. Frank Dobie
    1. Bob More, Man and Bird Man by J. Frank Dobie
    2. Bell Ranch Recollections and Memories by Martha Downer Ellis
    3. Early Days of a Cowboy on the Pecos by James F. Hinkle
    4. Cattle Kings of the Staked Plains by George A. Wallis
    5. Remnants of the Old West by Harriett Farnsworth
    6. A Directory of New Mexico Desperados by Peter Hertzog
    7. Ghost Towns and How to Get to Them by Betty Woods
    8. Backward Through a Bottle by Kay Devner
    9. Five Years a Dragoon ('49 to '54) by Percival G. Lowe
    True West, February 1966, pp. 60-66