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Maurice Hewlett Archives
Maurice Hewlett •ï¿½96 Items / 50 Books, 39 Articles, 4 Poems
Artemision: Idylls and Songs (1908)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Esperanto Congress at Barcelona (Review)
    Artemision: Idylls and Songs, by Maurice Hewlett
    1. Artemision: Idylls and Songs by Maurice Hewlett
    The North American Review, November 1909, p. 704
  2. [+]
    Some Springtime Verse (12 Reviews)
    Artemision: Idylls and Songs, by Maurice Hewlett
    1. Artemision: Idylls and Songs by Maurice Hewlett
    2. Artemis to Actaeon, and More by Edith Wharton
    3. Nirvana Days by Cale Young Rice
    4. Carmina by Thomas Augustine Daly
    5. Salvage by Owen Seaman
    6. Star-Glow and Song by Charles Buxton Going
    7. The Blue and the Gray, and Other Verses by Francis M. Finch
    8. When Lincoln Died and Other Poems by Edward William Thomson
    9. Our Benny by Mary E. Waller
    10. The Port o' Dreams, and Other Poems by Edith Pratt Dickins
    11. Songs from The Garden of Kama by Laurence Hope
    12. A Wine of Wizardry, and Other Poems by George Sterling
    The Bookman, June 1909, pp. 365-371
  3. Book Reviews
    Recent Verse (13 Reviews)
    Star-Glow and Song, by Charles Buxton Going
    1. Star-Glow and Song by Charles Buxton Going
    2. The House of Falling Leaves, and Other Poems by William Stanley Braithwaite
    3. Nirvana Days by Cale Young Rice
    4. A Wine of Wizardry, and Other Poems by George Sterling
    5. Day Dreams of Greece by Charles Wharton Stork
    6. Artemision: Idylls and Songs by Maurice Hewlett
    7. Artemis to Actaeon, and More by Edith Wharton
    8. When Lincoln Died and Other Poems by Edward William Thomson
    9. Songs from Sky Meadows by Charles H. Crandall
    10. Irish Poems of Alfred Perceval Graves by Alfred Perceval Graves
    11. The Joy o' Life, and Other Poems by Theodosia Garrison
    12. Each in His Own Tongue by William Herbert Carruth
    13. The Poems of Richard Watson Gilder by Richard Watson Gilder
    The Nation, July 15, 1909, pp. 54-55