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Richard H. Heindel Archives
Richard H. Heindel •ï¿½20 Items / 2 Books, 18 Reviews
The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914 (1940)
A Study of the United States in World History
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    American History (Review)
    The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914, by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    1. The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914 by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    The American Historical Review, October 1941, p. 165
  2. [+]
    International Law and Relations (Review)
    The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914, by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    1. The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914 by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    American Political Science Review, April 1941, p. 392
  3. [+]
    America and Britain (Review)
    The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914, by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    1. The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914 by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    The Saturday Review, November 9, 1940, p. 16
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (33 Reviews)
    The United States
    1. America's Last Chance by Albert Carr
    2. America Next by Peter Markham
    3. America's Dilemma: Alone or Allied? by Norman Angell
    4. Beyond German Victory by Helen Hill and Herbert Agar
    5. Zero Hour: A Summons to Be Free by Stephen Vincent Benet, Erika Mann, and McGeorge Bundy, ...
    6. A History of American Foreign Policy, 1776-1940 by John Holladay Latane and David W. Wainhouse
    7. Speak Up for Democracy by Edward L. Bernays
    8. American Neutrality: Trial and Failure by Charles G. Fenwick
    9. International Law and American Treatment of Alien Enemy Property by James A. Gathings
    10. America and a New World Order by Graeme K. Howard
    11. The Trojan Horse In America by Martin Dies
    12. Fifth Column in America by Harold Lavine
    13. New Directions in the New World by Adolf A. Berle, Jr.
    14. Wartime Control of Prices by Charles O. Hardy
    15. M-Day: Banking and Finance by A. Philip Woolfson
    16. Foundations of American Population Policy by Frank Lorimer, Ellen Winston, and Louise K. Kiser, ...
    17. The American Impact on Great Britain, 1898-1914 by Richard Heathcote Heindel
    18. The President Makers by Matthew Josephson
    19. Mr. House of Texas by Arthur D. Howden Smith
    20. How Maine Viewed the War, 1914-1917 by Edwin Costrell
    21. Battle Shield of the Republic by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
    22. The Fleet Today by Kendall Banning
    23. Spy and Counterspy by Emanuel Victor Voska and Will Irwin
    24. The Middle Classes in American Politics by Arthur N. Holcombe
    25. The Old Deal and the New by Charles A. Beard and George H.E. Smith
    26. We Planned It That Way by Harold R. Malcolm
    27. Presidential Leadership by E. Pendleton Herring
    28. The President: Office and Powers by Edward S. Corwin
    29. The Pattern of Politics by John T. Salter
    30. Witch Hunt by George Seldes
    31. The News and How to Understand It by Quincy Howe
    32. Uncle Sam's Pacific Islets by David N. Leff
    33. Documents on American Foreign Relations, Vol. II, July 1939-June 1940 by S. Shepard Jones and Denys P. Myers
    Foreign Affairs, April 1941, pp. 679-681